Documdharma is a wonderful site. I have tremendous respect for what folks here are doing and the atmosphere here, IMHO, is much more positive and supportive than many others.
This is the place for me to inform friends that I’ll be taking a brief/long/permanent leave from diary/essay writing. Anyone who’s tried to quit understands that this sort of exercise is as much a letter to myself as anyone reading. Those of you who essay write will understand it’s time-consuming and hard-work. I suppose that’s why someone suggested a site that could ‘write my essay for me’, but to be quite honest I just need the time out.
Why? Lot’s of reasons. Folks I like and respect are doing well here and in ‘meat world’. I’m generally optimistic about the future.
That said, I feel generally out of touch with much of what passes for progress. I’m unimpressed with much of what’s happening politically. I find I have next to nothing in common with the most voluble and highly recommended diaries.
I don’t do drugs, drink or smoke. I pray regularly and don’t mind paying taxes. Our family functions fairly well and we’re generally grateful for the good things in our lives. I’ve had the same job for a long time.
I’ve enjoyed my two active years in the blog world very much. The memories that stand out are of your fine work rather than my own. I’ll keep my own tiny operation going and will surely continue to read folks here, and maybe even recommend the odd comment here and there, just to say hi.
I’d like to thank all the good folks I’ve met along the way. I wish I could say more to many who’ve already moved on without a formal good-bye. I’ve learned from you all in some way or another.
I’ll continue to write, but on different topics and in a different media. I won’t bore you with the arcane details.
All the best to one and all and forgive me please if I don’t post a comment jar or respond. I don’t frankly know what I could say to anyone here other than thank you and good luck.
See ya!
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we will suck you back in again!
But if it is in your heart to quit, I wish you luck! I don’t think I could at this point!
if the urge to come back hits.
Good luck in all your endeavors. I wish you and yours safe travels in this journey of life.
Hope you’ll come back and visit from time to time!
Thank you for writing this passage. If it means anything, you’re not alone in this. Best of success with with your continued writing in your new media.
I kid, I kid. Good luck; it’s been illuminating (though I know you may not believe me) sparring with you from time to time, and nice when we’ve agreed.. Blogging is a hard addiction to beat, as I’m sure you know, and whether it’s for a while or forever I do wish you well at what you do instead.
Seriously, though: a little drinking and drugs wouldn’t hurt you too much.
I have enjoyed your spit and vinegar.