It’s not like I spend a lot of time watching TV to begin with, but during the WGA strike, I completely stopped watching two of my favorites: the Colbert Report and The Daily Show. For the first time in a long time, I vegged and watched last night’s (2/13/08) Colbert Report.
These two interviews with SuperDelegates Gov. Eliot Spitzer (D-NY) and Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) were very funny. It seems rare to find politicians with a sense of humor.
I imagine Spitzer is going to be president someday. He really has the charisma and the brains. As a New Yorker he is enthusiastically in support of Clinton.
Norton is a good sport. Her Better Know a District interview was classic She puts up with Colbert’s teasing and dishes back any chance she gets. Norton is backing Obama, although she put it that the SuperD’s will go along and vote for whichever candidate wins the most state contests.
Pony Party is open thread. Do not under any circumstances press the Rec button.
sorry, couldn’t help myself…
i don’t take orders well!
Wish this country had about 10,000 more of him.