The Crucifixion Of David Shuster

First things first. when David Shuster asked, “…doesn’t it seem like Chelsea’s sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way?” he couldn’t have been more wrong. It was inappropriate, demeaning, and unprofessional. In the wake of those remarks, he has apologized on air twice, expressed his regrets personally to the Clintons, and been suspended from broadcasting for an undetermined period of time.

That said, there needs to be some measure of perspective inserted into this affair. The term “pimp,” like many other rhetorical incivilities, has been been recast by contemporary social applications. Nobody thinks that MTV’s “Pimp My Ride” is pejorative in context. Pimping has assumed a colloquial definition of either enhancing or promoting the subject. That’s not to say that the traditional meaning is moot, and that is why Shuster is deserving of criticism.


Clinton’s response is wholly out of proportion. To threaten to cancel debates on MSNBC because of these comments raises an obvious question: Why did she happily agree to debates with Fox, despite the fact that they have said far worse for much longer about her and pretty much everyone in her party? If the Clinton campaign was truly concerned about not patronizing networks that disparage them, she would have canceled both network’s debates. Her selective outrage reeks of political chicanery, rather than maternal protectiveness.

For me this is not about the Shuster comment which is universally reviled. It is about the Clinton response that is inconsistent and not applied equally to her detractors at Fox whom she has embraced. And while Shuster deserves and has accepted the consequences of his verbal blunder, Fox stubbornly stands by every slur they’ve ever uttered.

While inartfully executed, Shuster’s point was not far off the mark. Politicians have been been likened to whores on more than a few occasions in the last thousand or so years. They engage in campaigns that are drenched with money from those seeking favors. They sell their votes and influence for cash, endorsements, appointments, and attention. And they are certainly not above exploiting their families.

Tucker Carlson RatingsFinally, no one should ignore the supreme irony of Shuster being suspended for offensive remarks he made while filling in for Tucker Carlson. Carlson is well known for making offensive remarks repeatedly, never apologizing, and yet he has never faced suspension. This is a particularly egregious oversight in light of the fact that his show has no business being on the air in the first place. It is a perennial ratings loser to his competition and is the worst performing program on the network. Yet his offenses have yielded nothing, but Shuster, a reporter with a long history of journalistic integrity and achievement is suspended.

This isn’t the first time Shuster was compelled to issue an apology. On the prior occasion, however, his bosses at MSNBC forced him to apologize for a mistake that, as it turned out, he didn’t make.

The right-wing media is already pouncing on this to hammer MSNBC as disreputable. But they should take note that at least this network has taken the responsible steps to repair any damage from the affront. When was the last time that Fox behaved responsibly? It’s too bad that this affair might suck the air out of the many worthy and eminently more consequential discussions that the media has to address. Hopefully it won’t drag on too much longer.


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  1. Cancel both debates or SHUT UP!

    Note to Obama supporters: This would apply just as much if it were him.

  2. … I’m not surprised.  The presidential campaigns have been overhyped to the point where the most minute aspect is always blown out of proportion, conveniently resulting in everyone ignoring the issues, one of which is we have criminals in our government who are committing crimes as I write this comment.

    It’s all such a narrow view and it is frustrating to have to deal with these kinds of faux scandals all round — especially those of us who want to deal with the issues and not the parphernalia of campaigns.

    I have to admit a bias here … I have not respected the lamestream (h/t lasthorseman) media for many years, with few exceptions, so I haven’t been following these stories.

  3. A mother has her daughter accused of pimpin’ out and it’s an overreaction to defend her.

    Fuck that.

    Hillary should kick him in the balls the next time she sees him.

    At least MSNBC took the right measures.  I don’t think Shuster should be fired, but suspended?  Yeah.  And I think he should be forced to apologige to Chelsea in person.

  4. Call me “old fashioned” but pimp still brings up this idea of sexual prostitution.

    I have come to view this bantering back and forth as significant as a daytime soap opera.  Interests have to be analyzed in the “what is best for corporate” light and most definitely not in an idealogical light as ideology in this country is well beyond retrieval.

    The market for confirmation is far greater than the market for information.  The elite who run the world are screaming at comatose proles.  You can’t handle the truth!

  5. Imagine that Shuster was speaking about one of Obama’s daughters instead.  How do you think folks would react to that?  Probably with even more outrage and less making excuses for is my guess.  Imagine any presidential candiate responding to one of their kids being smeared and I’m going to guess that in today’s spin world, they’d all be playing hardball about it.

    Hillary is right to attack back. That’s what momma bears do. She’s a fighter and doesn’t take any shit and I admire that. And she’s right to go on Fox and Obama needs to go on there too now. They need to start trying to capture some of teh disaffected Republican vote.  And I know some old style aging conservative Dems that watch Fox and they might give Hillary or Obama a listen.  Earlier in the campaign I think they were right to stay off of Fox.  but as this is getting national, strategically they need to try and peal off whatever conservative/Republican votes they can.  It’s time to go back on Fox.

    • documel on February 9, 2008 at 03:51

    If Chelsea was a man, the phone calls would have been expected and thought of as sign of a good son.  I wasn’t offended by the “pimp” reference–it’s the criticism of Chelsea working for her mother that I found debasing.

    Many men have a hard time accepting women doing “man’s work.”  That is a reason that I don’t think Hillary would be a disaster. Just about every other major country has had a non male as a leader–I have a daughter–hear her daddy roar!

  6. …and have been saying so openly and publicly and privately to anyone who will listen, writing diaries on the great orange beast.  i was banned from that site for berating and troll-rating her internet director. i think she is the absolute worst excuse for a presidential candidate that i have seen in my lifetime…  she will only get my vote for president by ripping it from my cold, dead hands…

    so, when i agree with the clinton people on something, it is quite novel–in fact, i can think of no one time when i have, until today.

    i watched schuster and it was in NO WAY a verbal slip; he was dying to say it, and if you look at the video you can see he could hardly wait for his guest to shut up long enough for him to say it.

    further, i am sick and tired of hearing that the term ‘pimping’ is now somehow softened by mtv and the detailing of cars.  BULLSHIT!!!  he used the term as any scoundrel uses when referring to a young woman and the man who controls her.

    i am as far from the ‘right-wing media’, the ‘msm’ and the ‘clinton family’ as dick cheney is from jesus fucking christ, and i think that suspension for schuster is not enough, and he has seen the end of his career as a journalist.

    this was his imus moment; perhaps he can come back in another medium, or at a worse channel.  but, he does not belong at msnbc.  period!

    • Turkana on February 9, 2008 at 04:13

    digby nails it:

    this was about more than shuster. msnbc’s behavior towards clinton has been despicable.

    • Robyn on February 9, 2008 at 04:42

    …as opposed to pimping (with no “out”) an object.  Quite a bit of difference.

  7. things said about all the candidates that I think are out of bounds.  The Clintons were right to make a fuss.  But this is only one instance of truly hurtful and outrageous things that have been said by the likes of Ann Coulter, Beck, Limbaugh and many on Fox News.  We need to keep making a ruckus when anything is said that coarsens the discussion.  And NOT watch them or listen to them.

  8. …completely different…

    Pimp My Ride to the Other Side!

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    • Temmoku on February 9, 2008 at 15:52

    that they think they can say anything. So one gets suspended…what about the other faux-nies? There are whole flocks of them giving their opinions, making up facts, twisting facts, spewing hatred, and generally being very unbalanced who get slaps on the wrist and go back to their gilded podiums to spew again and there is no boycott, no outcry! In fact, the publicity makes them more popular (in their own minds) and they become filled with “righteous” indignation! They are poseurs…all of them from Tweety and Russert to Limbaugh and O’Reilly!

  9. …just told me she fully understood–and agreed with–what Shuster said/meant.  And she added that his suspension was complete overreaction.

    If a woman her age gets it–gets that Shuster used “pimping” in the contemporary meaning of “using another for self-enrichment”–then this seems to be much ado about nothing.  Or perhaps “politcal corrrectness” in overdrive.

    “Billary” has/have trotted out their daughter throughout the campaign as window-dressing.  But she never speaks to reporters.  She even turned down a little kid-reporter when he asked her a question, telling him she doesn’t speak to the press, but also noting that he was “cute.”

    Then they put a lottery on the HRC Web site where folks were invited to give money for a chance to be seated next to Chelsea at an upcoming event.

    Pimping?  Indeed!

  10. I hope I don`t see any diary pimping here on this site.

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