the world, as it should be… according to me

I swore that when I had kids, I would NEVER give as an explanation because. My mother was famous for it. Me: Why??? Mom: Because. If she really wanted to make the point (and a power play), she’d say because I said so. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Well, I never had kids. But I did end up with a few step kids. At first, any interventions on my part were always accompanied by explanation. I was a quick study though. I realized they didn’t care WHY. They’d ask and ask and whine and complain and ask WHY again a thousand times. But they never really wanted to know why. They were only interested in what they wanted and finding a way to actualize it. They used my explanations as an opportunity to stage never-ending debates, refuting all of my very sensible and very adult-correct thinking.

Mothers. They do know what they’re doing. It just takes years to figure it out. There’s not much after the old because I say so.  

I joined the establishment on this one. I can tell you. However, I did elaborate on the technique, just a bit. I’d say “because” and explain that I couldn’t explain. Adults are compelled to stop kids from doing things. There isn’t any rational reason WHY. It really is “just because.”

That seemed to confuse them enough to change the focus and the topic. Fast, pull out the playing cards or suggest a walk through the woods. Distraction. And a funny kind of honesty. Worked most of the time.

I pull this lesson into practice after surveying the upheaval of the last seven years. And I realize people who don’t agree with each other, in the fundamentals, don’t often hear or care to hear how one rationalizes their beliefs. They don’t care about WHY.  And “because” ends up being: because you’re an asshole, that’s why.

The crazy thing is that most of us seem to agree on concept. Like killing is bad. Abusing people and animals is bad. Not helping those who can not help themselves is wrong. You know, the 10 commandments et al. God…

PhotobucketBut while the words sound the same, there is a black hole of difference apparently. For example, some (not all) people who describe themselves as pro life would vote for pro life candidates, regardless of the candidate’s support of the death penalty and/or war with Iraq. To me, that’s wrong thinking. To them, I’m wrong in my pro choice stance AND I’m wrong in opposing the death penalty.

How do you argue with people like that? Clearly, I’m right. Further, I see this as my intellect vs their DNA.

For me, it has become about our ability to reason past a survival response that doesn’t work in the world we’ve created. It is another epic battle in a seething universe. A structural change. Thought-evolution as a response to instincts gone awry. Tribal conventions scaling up to global dimensions.

This is how I make sense of things that I find otherwise hard to explain. I mean really. George W. Bush and everything that name conjures: the power-driven, the sycophants, the torturers, the theocrats, oil companies, the chemical industry (including big pharma), republicans, homeland security… No matter how you slice and dice it, most, if not all, of the constructs of these people/groups have dire consequences. Climate-altering. Politically-altering. Influence and affluence-altering. Species-ending.

So I ask myself, why? These people have access to the same information as I do. We share the power of observation: lighting and tornadoes in February. Rising sea levels. Drought. Over 1 million people dead in five years and inciting another 100 years war.

I mean why would anybody with all that power and access to knowledge/data/information skimp on safety precautions at chemical plants and nuclear power plants? Why would industries poison the Great Lakes?

WHY? Because. Because they can. Because they don’t believe they will ever endure the consequences of what they have wrought. They’re all like 21-year-olds who smoke cigarettes, drink/drive, or do any of the multitude of stupid death-defying things kids do because kids don’t believe in consequences. Or death.

WHY? I don’t know fucking why. Because. That’s why.

What is clear: Being right doesn’t move mountains. The truth is situational. And nothing appears to be absolute… except maybe for nothingness.

We need to find a different way into people’s heads.

One other thing I’m thinking:  it is people like us who have probably caused the brutes and bullies to kill untold numbers of people. All to keep us quiet and everybody else afraid to even begin thinking in terms of what is really in their best interest.

Because that is what this is all about. One’s best interest and how different groups of people interpret that very thing. This has never really been about right and wrong in the institutional/moral sense. But right and wrong in the survival sense. Survival produces its own ethic, its own morality.

The way I think. The way I am. My sensibilities inform how survival looks to me. And I say it is this:

Acting in one’s own interest is also acting on behalf of the sustainability of all earthlings and the ecosystems they need to survive.

The side-choosing begins. The fight shifts, as it should, from right and wrong to forcing one vision (or version h/t buhdy) over another. Those who want to control the board (the old evolutionary model) and all its resources versus those of us who are the new ones… the consensus-builders and resource sharers.

Simple, isn’t it? Why? Because…


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    • pfiore8 on February 18, 2008 at 22:48


    We all feel it coming…

    in the rustling of leaves

    and heaviness of winds, bundled like punching fists…

    as this heaving planet exhales

    it’s in air, all around us

    s.o.m.e.t.h.i.n.g….. is coming

    it’s a confrontation

    a conflagration

    it’s a chaos we don’t understand

    as the universe convulses

    in another seismic shift

    we crouch down, sitting on haunches

    small hairs stand on end

    caught in the glare of exploding sunlight

    screaming to understand

    what creatures will be born then


    will it




    second chance

    • pfiore8 on February 18, 2008 at 23:04

    controlling resources made sense imo. survival depended not on charity, but on having the territory needed to sustain your own tribe.

    and life. never safe. gazelle::: meet lion.

    so we have decided for a different evolutionary track… and we develop empathy and insert compassion as priorities in rearing our young.

    but this too, seems to be a survival mechanism when faced with 6.6 billion neighbors.

  1. …is an argument I use often in discussions with friends…screw the whole thing it’s about survival, and if we keep holding on to the same outmoded crap, we won’t.  Of course, this breaks down when discussing things with the truly expedient and intelligent — they’re rare though — in that despotism and mass murder can also serve survival, and the mass murderer may be very nice indeed to their children.  At some point it’s gotta be (and I’ve made the same argument you’re making, and am not addressing your essay directly) survive for what?  Why? Not because pourquoi is a smokescreen, but because we need a why that makes sense, a compelling story that not only avoids doom but reaches for something more…

    I would have rec’d faster but I always read pf8 essays carefully to make sure there are no rocket launchers or anything toward the end :))

  2. Often the one who was right does not even get credit for being so, and/or it happens so long after the fact that nobody can remember and so people who were spot on wrong before but have become convinced of the opposite, can also make themselves believe they actually held the now morally correct position.

    • Valtin on February 19, 2008 at 00:59

    As a father, and as one who strains to be right, and often is… why? Well, because…

  3. too simple an understanding of the structure of existence…..

    not from the point of vue of the connections and relations of things…..

    we parse the world into thing/not-thing…….

    and we miss the complement non-thing….

    we do not understand non……

    the solution is always in non……

    never in not…….  

  4. and nip this ‘fight’ over ‘resources’ for our ‘survival’ crap in the bud…

    any fight that is going on now…for ‘resources’…is in support of a lifestyle, not our survival.

    if one tenth of the $$$ spent on that fight had been spent instead on alternative energy sources/research, everyone but the oilmen would be breathing a huge sigh of relief…ahhhh…so now you see??  the insinuation that we need to fight, now, for ‘survival’ is laughable…ridiculous…

    and decrease in petroleum use ‘ripples’ to cleaner air…water…healthier plant and animal life…which ripples to healthier food and healtier people…

    dont buy into the ‘survival’ meme.  its part of the ‘make the most, win the most, own the most, BE the most’ consumer culture…shopping for freedom…that sets up the ‘us vs. them’ mindset that causes usually peaceful people to feel ok about invading a country and killing, torturing, and displacing its citizens.  

    …and, above all, its designed to make you too scared to yell louder…..

  5. lizard brain. The people like Bush, and his followers and a lot of people function on a base level. They live in what must be a nightmare place. I am sometimes appalled at seemingly normal people even ones I love who think that this is the way of the world. Perhaps our technology has raced ahead of our social or any kind of evolution.

    I never understood how he German people empowered and allowed a man as evil as Hitler to amass such power. The rationale behind thinking that evil is good varies but it is a thin veneer on the lizard brain. Fear I can understand but the indifference to consequences and the lack of reverence for life, any form of life is hard to come to grips with. To attach Gods name on it makes it worse.      

    • Edger on February 20, 2008 at 14:22

    …but I get the feeling it has everything to do with everything here.

    What do you guys think?

    Self-importance is our greatest enemy. Think about it: what weakens us is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of our fellow men. Our self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives offended by someone. Without self-importance we are invulnerable.

    Impeccability is nothing else but the proper use of energy. To understand this, you have to save enough energy yourself. Warriors take strategic inventories. They list everything they do. Then they decide which of those things can be changed in order to strengthen their energy. The strategic inventory covers only behavioral patterns that are not essential to our survival and well-being. Self-importance figures as the activity that consumes the greatest amount of energy. Actions of rechanneling that energy lead to impeccability.

    Nothing can temper the spirit of a warrior as much as the challenge of dealing with impossible people in positions of power. Only under those conditions can warriors acquire the sobriety and serenity to withstand.

    Forbearance is to wait patiently – no rush, no anxiety – a simple, joyful holding back of what is due.

    The degree of awareness of every individual sentient being depends on the degree to which it is capable of letting the emanations in Great carry it.

    The third attention* is attained when the glow of the consciousness turns into the Fire from within: a glow that kindles not one band at a time, but all emanations inside man’s cocoon.

    Seers who deliberately attain total consciousness are a sight to behold. That is the moment when they burn from within: The Fire from within consumes them. And in full consciousness they fuse themselves to the emanations in Great, and glide into Eternity.

    Warriors prepare themselves to be aware, and full consciousness comes to them only when there is no more self-importance left in them. Only when they are nothing do they become everything.

    The glow of the consciousness increases and intensity as the emanations inside the cocoon are aligned with the emanations in Great.

    That which is called the key to everything is the firsthand knowledge that the Earth is a sentient being and as such can give warriors a tremendous boost; it is an impulse that comes from the Consciousness of the Earth itself at the instant in which the emanations inside warriors’ cocoons are aligned with the appropriate emanations inside the Earth’s cocoon. Since both the Earth and man are sentient beings, their emanations coincide, or rather, the Earth has all the emanations present in man and all the emanations that are present in all sentient beings, organic and inorganic for that matter.

    When the assemblage point moves beyond a crucial limit, the results are always the same for every man. The techniques to make it move may be as different as they can be, but the results are always the same: the assemblage point assembles other worlds, aided by the boost from the Earth. The speed of that boost will dissolve everything about you. Under its impact we become nothing. Speed and the sense of individual existence don’t go together.

    Genaro was five or six feet away from me. Suddenly his shape became diffuse and in one instant he was gone like a puff of air. “Genaro is separated from us at this moment by the force of perception,” don Juan said quietly. “When the assemblage point assembles a world, that world is total. The Consciousness of the Earth can give us a boost to align other… bands of emanations, and the force of that new alignment makes the world vanish. This world disappears like a puff of air when a new total alignment makes us perceive another total world.”

    … Warriors live with death at their side, and from the knowledge that death is with them they draw the courage to face anything.

    The position of the assemblage point dictates how we behave and how we feel.

    When seers shift their assemblage points, they are not confronted with an illusion, they are confronted with another world; that new world is as real as the one we are watching now.

    In the process of preparation, a warrior shifts the assemblage point to as many places as possible.

    The only force that can temporarily cancel out alignment is intention. You will have to cancel the alignment that keeps you perceiving the world of daily affairs. By intending a new position for your assemblage point and by intending to keep it fixed their long enough, you will assemble another world and escape this one.

    The solution is not simply to choose an alternate world in which to die, but to choose total consciousness, total freedom.

    — The Teachings of Don Juan Matus

      • pfiore8 on February 19, 2008 at 06:11

      how one thing relates to another…

      i learned this watching my nephew climb a tree and i kept shouting to him::: you have to know where your feet are in relationship to the branches

      and suddenly, it all became clear…

    • Edger on February 20, 2008 at 14:54

    1. climate change isnt imminent….its happening…

      i dont know much about the other oceans, but i know that the desalinization of the n.atlantic is already affecting the gulf stream and therefore the weather.

      i just dont personally see the value in using the ‘them’ model of fear/survival to ‘get into people’s heads’.  im not scared…

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