writing in the raw: self reliance. rewritten.



The big, new-century term. I hate it.

Almost as much as i hate that last century throwback, political correctness.

Two ideas that both disable and imprison people. IMO.

Ideas like these are what make us like our pet dogs: in a perpetual state of puppy hood… needing to be fed, cared for, and looked after throughout our lives.

It’s time to toughen up. And it all starts with the way we think:::::: about ourselves.  

EMpowerment… the act of pouring power into… a person. That’s exactly how we use that word. Its meaning is literally fortified via use of the prefix em, which means to make into, to put into, to get into. Empower women, blacks, gays, children…

Now. From where i sit (in those classic cheap seats),  empowerment promotes the notion that we can only find power from outside the self… and, by extension, need to seek another or a group to infuse us with power… to allow us to BEcome powerful.

I say wait one bloody minute. NO. if we want to be free, then we need to position a concept that speaks to finding ways to unleash or unlock the power with which we are all born.

How My Father Imbued Me with a Sense of My Own Power

When I was in third grade, this kid punched me in the stomach and sent me home crying. My father told me what to do. Find a stick, he said. Hide in the bushes and when the bully comes, run out and whack him in the stomach. I know there will be those of you horrified by this. But I think you ought to reconsider. Cause I whacked that bully in the stomach and I felt like I had options. I didn’t have to take it. The kid’s father called mine that very night. Ha. My father said, hey I didn’t call you when your son hit my daughter… let the kids work out.

In high school, I came in about two hours after my curfew. My father was waiting for me. I walked in and he asked me if I had a good time. I said it was okay. He said, you’re an asshole. You’re going to get grounded for just okay? If you had a great time and told me it was worth getting grounded, at least I could respect your decision. Boink.

And there was the time my father gave me the sex talk: Don’t ever let anybody fuck you, he said. If you want to fuck them, fine. But don’t ever let anybody fuck you. So. You can see. I have no choice…

Don’t Empower Me… When I Can Just Knee the Jerk

Let’s take sexual harassment. My advice? Teach your daughters how a quick knee to the groin is always an option. Imagine. You have the power it takes to disarm an asshole. Novel idea, isn’t it? I mean change the fucking game. When somebody tries to victimize you at work, for example, put your hand out, tell them to hold that thought and you’ll be right back… get some trusted co workers and all of you walk up to the bastard and ask that they please… continue. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that person will cut a wide swath to avoid you.

You know what I find howlingly funny? We can now arrest  people for thought crimes. Really. It’s come to that. But the son-of-a-bitch who terrorizes his wife… with records upon mounds of xrays of broken bones and police calls… there’s nothing the police can do until the abuser strikes. And what can the victim do? How have we arrived at this scenario??? The abused woman has little understanding of her own power and probably has few options… the reason women cite for staying in these relationships.

What we need to learn and unleash in ourselves is the ability to connect with our power to make decisions. To figure things out. To come up with alternative scenarios. To imagine… grasp… believe that we could start college and get a degree at 30 or 40 or 50 years old. Or leave the company and start a florist shop or software company. That’s power.  And good god… infect our children with the idea of their own power and self sufficiency.

Eleanor Roosevelt said, No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. And no one can turn you into a victim without your consent either.

We Don’t Need Surrogates to Solve our Problems

Back to that puppy state to which i referred up top. I think there’s an element of feeling threatened and exposed… how do we hold onto the infrastructure of our lives so we don’t starve or freeze to death? How can we take care of ourselves without electric lights, oil burners, or gas stoves? How many of us know how to make a fire? Do we know which plants are edible from those that could make us sick? Could we make a shelter? Or make a splint to tie up an injured leg?

Whether it’s a bully or uncertain survival, without options in our tool kits, we feel helpless and hopeless.

So maybe it’s time to stop relying on government, our jobs, school, god to take care of us in our personal lives. That’s not to say that government shouldn’t regulate workplace safety or provide single payer health care. That means that maybe we need to be more self-sufficient, both in being able to feed ourselves if necessary and to neutralize those who would take advantage of us.

Don’t Tell Me NOT to Say Fuck…  or Why I Want to Kill Political Correctness


I’d rather people be politically incorrect and hear their version of the truth. I don’t want words banned that betray the symptoms of our social diseases… racial/sexist/ethnic/religious/age bias and discrimination.

Yes… we stand up to people who use slurs and ugly words, yet images of Newark NJ evade our line of sight. Our sympathy segregates Americans and I say let’s stop the profiling. It isn’t about African American children in Newark. It’s about American children thinking that living to 21 is fucking old. It’s about American children who go to school hungry, who are scared to hand in homework for fear of reprisals, who have parents in fucking jail (and most for drug use… oh my god help us).

You better hear a word like NIGGER. Don’t silence it. HEAR THAT WORD. Don’t forget it. Let it take you someplace… like Newark. Face what it means about us… all of us and look the fuck around and see how silencing a word has not cured the disease. How maybe not hearing the word has helped the images to fade. How in good god’s name do we bring consciousness to the darkness??? Certainly NOT by silencing the way people express their thoughts.

I chafe when I hear kids described as “learning disabled.” Most kids are NOT learning disabled. Nothing wrong with their brains. It’s just that kids learn in lots of different ways. When they don’t conform to the flavor of the month being peddled by another pedagogic pedant, it’s the kids who are disabled. Or better yet, let’s shove some RitalinTM down their throats. Because kids are better seen and NOT heard.

We can’t say blind anymore. Or deaf. Why are we fighting over these words? And secretaries are now administrative assistants. The definition of secretary? A highly trusted individual. The definition of admin? One who performs functions blah blah blah. Kill me, but I like secretary better.

Somehow do we think if we change or banish words, the world will change?

I am myself. I stand for myself. I don’t give away my power to anybody else to speak for me. I speak for myself.

PhotobucketSo instead of trying to control the way everybody else does things or what they say or what they think, control yourself. Use your power to turn those you can to clearer thinking. But don’t think that because the words are gone that the poison has left. It hasn’t. Silencing words only makes hatred more invisible.

The best way to convert the ignorant and indoctrinated is through your own self-confidence and power.  Because if it’s just about shutting them up, well, then nothing will change.

Don’t shut people up. Engage them. Enlighten them… bring light into their minds. Yes. As Carl Jung brilliantly observed… bring consciousness to darkness.


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    • pfiore8 on February 1, 2008 at 04:27

    you know the drill


  1. ok, so everything else you said is fine…but rewriting ‘self-reliance’ ????  blasphemy!!

    from self reliance

    And truly it demands something godlike in him who has cast off the common motives of humanity, and has ventured to trust himself for a taskmaster. High be his heart, faithful his will, clear his sight, that he may in good earnest be doctrine, society, law, to himself, that a simple purpose may be to him as strong as iron necessity is to others!

    If any man consider the present aspects of what is called by distinction society, he will see the need of these ethics. The sinew and heart of man seem to be drawn out, and we are become timorous, desponding whimperers. We are afraid of truth, afraid of fortune, afraid of death, and afraid of each other. Our age yields no great and perfect persons. We want men and women who shall renovate life and our social state, but we see that most natures are insolvent, cannot satisfy their own wants, have an ambition out of all proportion to their practical force, and do lean and beg day and night continually. Our housekeeping is mendicant, our arts, our occupations, our marriages, our religion, we have not chosen, but society has chosen for us. We are parlour soldiers. We shun the rugged battle of fate, where strength is born.

    that essay changed my life in 1986.  you wouldnt have liked me before then.  ðŸ˜‰

    • RiaD on February 1, 2008 at 04:39

    it IS up to US to change the world. we have the power~

    gods & ancestors! you always say things so well…

    leaving me gob~smacked

  2. I hate it when you are right and wrong at the same time!

    You are right as rain on the personal level…and that is why I have learned how to:

    How many of us know how to make a fire? Do we know which plants are edible from those that could make us sick? Could we make a shelter? Or make a splint to tie up an injured leg?

    do all those things.

    On the political/social level I have to sy that IMO you are wrong/

    We…the strong of mind and will…are called upon to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. We NEED to empower the powerless, we NEED to find ways to talk to each other that don’t involve stupid ass words like N*****.

    What you say is fine and right for those who ALREADY have some social and personal consciousness. But stuff like PC came into being to educate….and yes discipline…those without social consciousness. The ones who walk around saying N***** all the time without knowing it is wrong. That ignorance and insensitivity should be unacceptable, and in order to eliminate it you need to have some sort of social sanction….PC….to enforce a societal standard.

    As usual…and as is your unique charm….you give the human race too much credit.

    Ok, I’ll stop writing now and let you volley a bit!

  3. … not posting this as a diary so I could recommend it. Man, am I pissed … I’d go further, and and and say I am ticked off.

    Glad I got that off my chest.

    Only way I can really get retribution is link to it in tonight’s Midnight Oil.

    • RiaD on February 1, 2008 at 04:57

    wrap so many things into a cohesive whole?

    i we did teach our girl (& boy) about self defense, knees & weapons can be anything

    i am  getting back to the land, self sufficient (i found tea & coffee plants for sale, am seriously considering), sustainable…

    & don’t even get me started on PC…

    • nocatz on February 1, 2008 at 04:59

    from the Emerson quoted by 73rd

    timorous, desponding whimperer

    or better yet

    timorous, desponding whimperer

  4. I have learned to not let other people’s hangups fuck with my art. If someone wants to be stupid and wrong about art, they really have no hope in this universe.

    • Pluto on February 1, 2008 at 05:37

    …when you wrote this?

    • H2D on February 1, 2008 at 05:44

    It’s something I always think I have “down”, but then I realize I’ve still got a long ways to go.  I figured things out again about a month ago, so I’m hoping it ‘sticks’ this time.  

    Okay, so I’m trying again now.  And if this don’t work – I make a few tweaks here and there…and try again, and again, and again…

    I let other people fucking get to me too much and too often.  I know that, too…it’s a mixed blessing.  I know what’s wrong and what I have to fix, but at the same time it’s really fucking frustrating that I have to keep doing it over and over and over again…

    What’s that they say about “the definition of insanity” again?


    Love your story about the stick and the bully.  I did figure that out on my own as a kid, though…because the guy who maybe should have taught me that was too busy attacking me himself.  Glass bottles hurt when they meet faces, so you tend to come up with pretty ingenious ways to avoid them…

    So yeah, he taught me how to stick up for myself, too…only in pretty much the completely opposite way from yours.

    Okay, now I need a beer…


    Okay, I’m back –

    Who drew that picture in your tip jar, p?  That guy’s got some talent!



    And, yeah –


    • Pluto on February 1, 2008 at 05:58

    …but I want to post a philosophical dilemma. You wrote:

    empowerment promotes the notion that we can only find power from outside the self… and, by extension, need to seek another or a group to infuse us with power… to allow us to BEcome powerful.

    I must say, sometimes people are empowered by events and ideas they had never considered possible. Rosa Parks, Margaret Sanger, Emmeline Pankhurst all empowered people by example.

    But there is another side to empowerment. Many years ago, at art school, I took a course in photography. It was very elemental — we were using black & white, and not using light meters — so you had to learn relationships (at the gut level) between film speed, exposure time, and F-stops in various settings.

    Anyway — over-exposure was common. In the printing lab, our teacher showed us a technique about using ice in the developing solution that would slow down the process enough to control the exposure and pull a decent print. He said something I will never forget:

    “It took me ten years to figure out what I just showed you in ten minutes. Now, you can stand on my shoulders and evolve the craft, knowing this hard-won trick ahead of time.”

    After that, I figured that’s what we are supposed to be doing. Empowering each other to further the species. Giving away insider information, trade secrets, shortcuts to innovation.

    I’m not disagreeing with you — just presenting another side to empowerment:

    The duty to do so.

  5. …and here they are:

    I gotta say, it was as eloquent and heartfelt as I’d expect from you.  However…there’s an entire abyss between the naive american belief that we can make it right all by ourselves, if we just take the power (there is truth in this)…and the brutal truth that we exist a historical and social context which is NOT always in reach of a strong right hand.  Words may not break my bones, but you can bet that every time people picked up stones, there were words and stories which brought that about.  Very often stories beginning with “I know it’s not politically correct, but…”

    Unfortunately I am stopping on an errand between place A and B and can’t do the comments, or the essay, justice until later.  It’s nice to see your libertarian streak and this essay is a beautiful entree into the space between what we think we can do all by ourselves, and what we need others for.  I doubt I’d disagree with your application…but the formulation is not especially universal.  For one thing, you largely ignore context.  It means one thing to read the a derogatory word in a historical work; or hear it shouted when you steal someone’s cab; it is another thing entirely to hear it at work in the lunchroom.  What you attribute to a mamby-pamby self censorship, I attribute, at least in part, to a desire to speak in a way which avoids causing unnecessary pain, as a base ethical principle; and also to the fact we follow stories about the world like cats follow their heads.  “Faggot” “nigger” “spic” and “cunt” — all of which can be owned, spoken in a variety of contexts, and can mean different things — are stories.  One of those stories is “this is what people with so much fucking power they can do what they like to you say”.  

    when you say:

    Somehow do we think if we change or banish words, the world will change?

    My answer would be a resounding Fuck Yes.  What else are we doing here?

    Anyway, I’ve got more to add (welcome or otherwise) when I get back home in a few hours.  There’s much more nuance in your piece than I’ve addressed, but the kittens were blinking their third eyes at me and I wanted to get them to you pronto…

  6. And it’s a wonderful piece, your dad and my dad have things in common when it comes to raising daughters.  I was fourteen and dealing with bullying when my father gave me the same advice.  I was very surprised to discover how cowardly a bully is when they are faced squarely.  I had taken a bit from the bully so when the bully started running away from me after threatening my much smaller step brother I got pissed and started chasing him.  He was bigger than I was too and I got him cornered and he took a swing at me mostly out of fear.  Seven stitches over my left brow bone and my father took me to early breakfast with all of the other local contractors so they could all congratulate me 😉  And they did……..silly old men 😉

  7. He reminds me of mine (and MT’s) — ahead of their time in terms of encouraging daughters and raising them to be fearless. I shudder to think what life would have been like for so many of us without those wonderful men there at the beginning.      

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