General Smedley Butler: War vs Class War

4000. Noble and courageous has to be a bit of a given, for volunteers.

1,191,216 Iraqi’s. Sitting at home with their families watching TV five years ago, when onto the telly comes the news. The Americans are coming to invade your country and kill your people. You have no idea why.

Neither do the American soldiers who are coming to kill you.

But Smedley Darlington Butler does.


Oh! Excuse me, that should read…

Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940), nicknamed “The Fighting Quaker” and “Old Gimlet Eye,” was a Major General in the U.S. Marine Corps and, at the time of his death, the most decorated Marine in U.S. history.

Of course this was not a completely original thought by Old Gimlet Eye. But here is the question of the day.

If war is a racket……who is running the racket?

And why does it keep working time and time again?

As it turns out, Smed’s greatest fight wasn’t on foreign soil. It was here at home against the very folks who run the racket. America’s Ruling class. Now, the concept of Class Warfare has been sort of taboo’d here in the Land Of The Formerly Free. And guess who has taboo’d it? The Ruling Class of course! They say it causes unnecessary division and strife and pits us against each other.

They say this from their luxurious bunkers in their highly guarded compounds that they have constructed to protect them from the lower classes. From the lower classes that they fairly correctly predict….wouldn’t much care for them and theirs if they knew the stories that the Ruling Class makes sure that the newspapers and television stations they own don’t broadcast. Stories about how The Ruling class have always considered themselves above the rest of us, the allegedly equal members of this democracy. Stories about how for generations they have made literally obscene fortunes off of war.

Off of trading the lives of soldiers and civilians for hard cash in their bottomlessly greedy pockets.

Stories of how they trade the health of Americans for cash. Of how they manipulate the economy into unhealthy states for the average American so that they can make even more money. Stories about record oil profits while gas, the lifeblood of the artificially manipulated economy, that they have artificially manipulated to NEED gas to run, reaches record high prices that YOU are FORCED to pay. Stories of trading the Environment…and now the Planet, for cash.

The list goes on and on. It is The Ruling Class and their generational influence/control on the economy, the puritanical culture….and the politics of America that have brought us to where we are today…a nation on the brink of fascism ………..again.

These are the Masters of War, these are the FOE. This is who has killed 4000 Americans and a million Iraqis. These are th folks who don’t want a “Class War.”

These are who we are opposing, in our own unique, nonviolent, kind of War. A war to put them out of business, since their business IS War. Ours is a ‘war’ to make their kind of War…..Not, an acceptable option


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    • OPOL on March 24, 2008 at 20:21

    is one of the greatest American heroes to have emerged from our highly questionable history.  He laid out for anyone who cares to know the true nature of modern warfare.  Thanks for shining a light on him buhdy and for identifying the true enemy – our own ruling elite.

  2. after running into a civil engineering major this weekend (one of ‘thing 1’s friends…who assures me he’ll be the ‘socialist, “smurfy”‘ type of civil engineer) and then seeing a 2-hour documentary on the protestant revolution, ive been thinking about this very topic all weekend…

    and i keep coming back to the fact that we live in a country that was established on stolen land, born through war, and established to protect the rights of white male landowners…

    what did we reasonably expect to be the result of that???

    when the people who have the power and money justify themselves through the philosophy that god blesses his chosen with material wealth, and that as his chosen they’re entitled to the resources of his creation, what can we reasonably expect??

    we need a ‘war’ alright…a re-evolution…

    • Edger on March 24, 2008 at 23:42

    Complete Book: “THE TAKING OF AMERICA, 1-2-3”

    Chapter 2 – The Power Control Group

    Just who and what is the Power Control Group? Some have said it’s the military industrial complex. Some prefer to put the blame on the Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign Relation. Others have talked about control shifting from the “Yankees” to the “Cowboys” and back again. The term “The Cabal,” first used in an obscure paper by an unknown author in 1968,[1] described a high level conspiracy group that planned, financed and carried out the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The word Cabal has been used since then by some authors and researchers and applied to all of the major domestic assassinations.

         The idea of a Cabal raises more questions than it answers. Who is in the Cabal? Was the same Cabal behind the planning and financing of all five (Chappaquiddick being the fifth) major eliminations? Or are there several interlocking Cabals? What about the Warren and Rockefeller Commissions? Were they part of the Cabal? Which Cabal controls and infiltrated the media and organized the disinformation that poured forth in 1975 and 1976? Was Ford a Cabal member? Was Nixon? How about Johnson and Kissinger? Has one Cabal commanded the executions of the 100 witnesses and lower level participants?

         The mistake made by researchers in postulating higher level groups is that they simplify a very complex situation. To draw a distinct line between those involved in an overt conspiracy to assassinate a leader and those involved afterward in covering up the first group’s actions is a mistake. The cover-ups are far more important than the original assassinations. Each assassination or attempted assassination, or other form of elimination of a leader, is only part of a greater whole. The 16 accomplishments of the power control group listed in Chapter 1, plus those now taking place and those scheduled for the future, should be considered as a continuum. The control group membership may contain individuals in various categories, some of whom planned assassinations, some of whom knew about the assassinations, and some of whom did not know about assassinations in advance. Some may have been on the firing line but have had nothing to do with the cover-ups. Some of them are victims of later eliminations. Somewhere in the power control group’s hierarchy is a sub-group or perhaps several sub-groups that have been responsible for the attempted assassinations of presidential candidates, earlier assassins, witnesses, and earlier middle-to-higher level members in the power control group. These sub-groups might be thought of as intelligence-style task forces or mini-Cabals. There is little question that many of the individuals in these task forces are from organized crime and from the intelligence community, or both. They have had access to intelligence techniques and weapons that have frequently been used in the the elimination process.

         A second mistake made by some researchers is to assume that the Cabal’s shape remains static through time. Evidence shows that the Power Control Group has been a living organism that both shrinks and grows as a function of time………..

    • kj on March 25, 2008 at 03:07

    got together:

    we need Buffy, Spike, Faith, Angel and the Gang working for us again!  

  3. …just gotten home from the SF/Civic Center 4000 candle-candle light vigil.  And I can’t read this well tonight, but I want to shout out, yell out, really loudly…

    WOW WOW WOW!  This is magnificent.  Maybe I’ll have more to say tomorrow after a thorough reading, but for now, Yeah to Smed and Yeah to buhdy!

  4. if there is a fundamental relationship in any particular era in American history between a clearly defined ruling class, media concentration and a war taking place. My gut is telling me – yes. But I really don’t know.

    So many people look back on the last time we had a Democratic White House and equate it with peace and prosperity. And no doubt those are great things to remember about that time. But there is something in this essay, in its focus on ruling class, that has me thinking that those years were the last years before incredible media consolidation occurred in this country. Most of which took place after Clinton left.

    It is entirely possible that the ruling class at any time in this country’s evolution has concentrated on media, or ‘communication’ ownership as a prerequisite to war. if that is the case – look around and look around again – as never – in my lifetime –  has the media in this country been so concentrated in so few (ruling) hands. And by the way – if you have been watching HBO’s series on John Adams you are no doubt aware how paranoid those revolutionaries were that the Brits were reading their mail!

    • on March 25, 2008 at 08:00


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