(10 am – promoted by ek hornbeck)
I saw tabloids today. In the convenience store. In the drug store. In the supermarket. All about Obama and his terrorist ties and homosexual liaison and god knows what else. And tomorrow? Move over Britney because tomorrow, Eliot Sptizer will get skewered in the great tabloid void.
I have to tell you. I was overcome with sadness. An unbearable sadness at these affronts in full-blown color, all screaming and prominently displayed. How did it come to this? How did we devolve to this?
We finally have a woman and a man of color in serious contention for the presidency of the United States and we’ve managed to make it cheap.
All the while the press plays hand maiden to a war criminal who, along with all the others of his ilk, are responsible for destruction and death on a scale hard to comprehend. It isn’t just Bush and it just isn’t Iraq. It’s Africa. It’s rain forests. It’s the oceans and plankton. It’s whaling and polar bears. And pushing for open season on wolves.
While we are diverted by the tabloids, the world’s resources are being diverted to the one percenters, who are robbing sovereign nations and peoples worldwide of their chance at working out their own visions. To grow. To fail. To get up and try to make it better with each pass. I don’t want to feed the world. It’s unrealistic. I want a more level playing field. It’s not food. It’s not medicine. We all die. It’s working to establish sustainable infrastructures that provide equity in relationships among gov’t, citizens, industry, and global markets. World organizations like the UN can and should be moderators and mediators in these relationships to keep global corporate dominance/greed/resource rape in steady check. And it needs to be kept starkly in mind that what may be suitable for say Sudan may not work at all in Iraq. That’s okay. Good, in fact. That we’re different.
Heh. We are NOT the same. I can tell you this::: I am bloody light years different than George Bush. And what i know is this: it’s time to stop making lists about BushCo lies and destruction. It is time to stop BushCo. Trying to convince these corporatists/fascists of our world view is like trying to convince a hurricane to back down. Not going to happen.
So let’s play rock/paper/scissor. Our newsletter, our paper, is a start at covering the rock that is BushCo. No more stories that objectify people and their lives. We will leave Britney in peace.
It will be a powerful thing to stand up in a shopping mall or county fair and hand out hard bills to fellow citizens about taking our country back. And you know something? They are waiting. For us.
We would be happy to consider your new and essays already-published here or anywhere else on the blogosphere.
I’m ready.
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look for me, because I’ll be there…
I like it when they show movie stars who don’t look so great in bathing siuts. My mean streak appears.
It’s what separates us from the money grabbers
I’m from north of Seattle, barely still in America and it costs way too many 0’s to get there and back. My lovely Wooden Lady, the F/V Billie Marie is taking all my spare change these days, so….
All of you….
Rant and Rave for me……
Raise a two fisted flip-off and say it’s from cj…..
Most of all be safe and come back here whole!
Peace is the most important apect of any demonstration…..Peace out!
the killings continue – both American and Iraqi
but it to the media is so less important thatn the newest sex mess – this time from New York.
Normally the media says – if it bleeds, it leads
obviously not if there is sex to report about.
How very sad – my heart goes out to the families that lost loved-ones in Iraq today
and also to the Spitzer family – a family torn apart – for what??
for anyone hanging with SXSW, come on by and march with us this Saturday. I wish I could make it to DC.
Since Rove has a lot of free time now, and McCain is, well….a Republican…and now that Rove & McCain are new BFF’s the Democratic candidate(s) can expect to be smeared, lied about and “swiftboated” unmercifully between now and November.
Sadly, the Democratic candidates’ campaign staffs, (IMHO, especially the Clinton campaign staff,)are helping Rove/ McCain’s efforts at character assassination of his opponent(s). The Dem candidates are supplying Rove/ McCain with lots of dirt that will be flung back at them before November, whichever Dem “wins” the nomination.
but this is about what I expected. We are an uneducated nation, ignorant outside our borders and not particularly well-informed or curious about much within them. Few of us have traveled the breadth of the US and we travel mostly by plane when we go any great length. We’ve been convinced as a people that our main concern is to work our asses off, and now that that seems to be failing as a survival skill, we are adrift-plainly rather than with our usual illusions of success just around the next bend.
In our crisis here we have succumbed to the blandishments of the media and have two bland front-runners that we pat ourselves on the back for supporting because of their race and gender, while ignoring the machine backing them. Both of them are pure centrists at best, the one famous for triangulating, and the other itching to reach out to the goopers-whatever that means.
Now we will get to the hardball aspects of the race, and anyone who is unfamiliar with that should read, or re-read Thompson’s Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail-the great work that amdist the hyperbole details the cutthroat nature of power politics. I’ve never thought that Obama could stand up to it, and the hysteria of his supporters at the faint pressure of the Clinton campaign has confirmed it for me, if you think Bill and Hillary are racists… well, you ain’t seen nothin yet.
The greatest opportunity of a generation for real change BEFORE disaster and its been pissed away-and we are left to contemplate nonsense like the pinche diary yesterday laying the blame on a generation of boomer women.
All I can say is, get ready for the shitrain and back whichever of our celebrities gets the nomination cause, bad as they are, the goopers will be worse.
We needed Eliot Spitzer.
I can’t help but feel sorry for Hillary in the Spitzer scandal. She must be getting tired of having the rug jerked out from under her by men who couldn’t keep their pants zipped.