But I have been very sick, the past week. And I’m only beginning to recover. Which means I’m not having fun yet. But at least I’m not on strike. Buhdy pays me too well.
And if you think reading the major blogs is bad when your head is clear, try it when it’s not! I’ve become a lurker. Which takes much less time and is much less annoying than not being a lurker.
But I just wanted to make clear that I’m not on strike. Because lots of people are. Or are offended by people who are. Or are launching counterstrikes. Or are offended by people launching counterstrikes. But I’m not on strike. Although I do reserve the right to be offensive.
The bad news is that if you watch too much television, it might fuck up your circadian rhythms. The good news is that Denmark and Sweden won’t be declaring war on each other because of IKEA. And the best news is that while other blogs are abandoning the pretense of being reality-based, we never had such a pretense in the first place!
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stuffy lately.
I had a fever about six months back and visited Talkleft and if you read a bunch of lawyers at 102 degrees you see visions. It is sort of like doing an Indian lodge sweat and honoring ALL of your ancestors. The birth of consciousness began to unfold in my noodle creases, but then NOPE……the NyQuil kicked in and I slumped over in the chair. I almost made it though one time.
Yeah… I am too well paid myself. In delusions of competence.
Lurking can be fun.
& here’s some good news:
A recent study in CyberPsychology & Behavior found that Blogging is Good for You.
virtual puffs and chicken broth, Turkana!
sorry youre not feeling well….hope youre better soon!!
have you had the head thing that’s been going around? I got it a week ago Monday…it builds up for a week and one of those days just flat laid me out….then you become a hacking, sniffling snot machine with heavy lungs, chills but only mild fever, no energy, like your light has gone out.
I think I’m getting better, but it’s been really tough. If that’s what you had, my sympathies. If it’s something else, sympathies there, too.
I’m not upset at anyone else who is or isn’t, but frankly it’s just gotten to the point where dialogue is no longer possible there. Very sad.
Keep fighting the good fight, Turkana
wishing you godspeed.
As for the strike, I thought one had to be being paid to go on a strike and it be the primary source of income, so I posted this morning and thought “this’ll finally make the rec list and everyone will know what McCain did to the Navajo and he’ll lose the election;” I tried to take advantage of the void caused by all this. Got about 9 comments…
Anyway, get feeling better and I appreciate what you do.
far out weigh the agro. Took me a while because one day I was banned although I was never told I was banned. Even after I inquired a few times.My quess is that Elise didn’t like me for some reason.
But now its been a year. I go there almost daily and read alot.They do have good diaries.I have learned not to read the comments because that is where the site falls down.
Give it time.
I know how you feel, I had bronchial pneumonia in November right before Thanksgiving. I was home from work for 3 weeks. Anyway, lots of hot chicken soup and tea with honey. Tylenol or ibuprofen (my preference because it seems to last longer) for the fever, aches and general uchyness. Have fun lurking.
we need to work that into a banner.
… NYT Caucus blog covers the story. (h/t to T King at dKos).
is it hot in here?
A mass GBCW, complete with Kool-aid!
Photoshop at will.
and thanks for the reassurance on the Sweden-Denmark situation. My sleepless nights are over!
I was on strike but, nobody noticed so I gave up.
Hope you’re feeling better. This has been an abysmal winter for illness.
Our emotional baggage is stacked over there in the corner. There should be room for yours, but please be sure it’s closed and locked. It’s hard on emotional recovery when that sh*t leaks out.
refugee from orange
“It’s just a silly phase I’m going through…”