Pony Party: Afternoon Contemplation

This little being sat on the window ledge for quite some time and at first I thought he might be stunned or injured.

But he noticed me, and he noticed the cats.  He seemed unafraid or unconcerned. Was he as curious about us as we were about him? The black cat who is the most prolific hunter didn’t even charge the window. Finally, the calico bonked herself against the window and the little visitor flew off. Was it a dare in the bird world? Was he challenged by the other birds to go visit the beasts in the large birdhouse?





Despite trying times and big events, it is always the small everyday mysteries that capture me the most.

Please don’t rec pony party, hang out chit chat, and then go read some of the excellent offerings on our recent and rec’d list.


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  1. and the story.

    miss you too ucc… but i’ll be seeing you real soon.

    already met Victory Coffee and so now i’m psyched to see her again and meet you in person and masslass and KrisC…

    great… and you would love OPOL btw… great man.

    • TMC on March 22, 2008 at 23:58

    We have a squirrel that comes right up to the window and goes nose to nose with my calico, Cosette. They have this little chattering conversation every day around 3 PM. I’m waiting to see what happens when there is only a screen between them.

  2. I went to a small anti-war protest in downtown Memphis.

  3. But I’m still screwing with the clothes washer and giving my 2-year-old granddaughter rides on one of the horses. I’ll post it probably late tonight.

  4. Remember, war isn’t all there is to life.  Sometimes, you gotta stop and smell the piss-mop. 😉

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