tomorrow, 8 pm, earth hour:
at this site, you can add your name to the earth hour movement.
for the occasion, i give you…
the darkness..
fall out boy…”ive got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth”
(dont blame me, that’s the title)
“there is a light that never goes out” (yep, i snuck the smiths in again
The audio is from an episode of “rocko’s modern life” (one of my all-time faves), but i cant find the original video….the video in this clip is from ‘full metal alchemist’…sorry, the best i could do…
unless of course you prefer the spongebob squarepants video (same audio)
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Well, some of us haven’t slept since Wednesday night…
I did, however, decide to make good use of my insomnia on this particular occasion. I’ve been working on a project that I hope will bring me much fame and fortune! A series of children’s activity books,
blatantly ripping off‘recalling’ a certain series of same from the late-1980’s.“Waldo” may have had a few decent hiding places in his time, but he’s got nothing on the True Master of Secret Undisclosed Locations!
I present to you this morning….
“Where’s Dick Cheney?” –
… I’d appreciate hearing it! Hope her daughter posts again … or better yet, Ria herself!
Ria, if you can hear me, hope you are doing well. We miss you!