Stand for Peace – Fifth Anniversary of Iraq War

Cross posted from DailyKos.

Please join me in a protest against the war.

On March 19, 2003 (US time), the US invaded Iraq on a search for “Weapons of Mass Destruction” – the first of many excuses claimed by the Bush Administration for this illegal war.

On the five year anniversary of that invasion, I ask you to join me in protest.

More over the jump.

At 6:00 pm (Central) on Wednesday, March 19, I will be joined by The Gryffin, my friend Jeff (one of the DuPage Duo who is fighting for freedom of speech in DuPage), and thousands of others.  We will meet here:

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

6:00 PM

Federal Plaza

Dearborn & Jackson

Chicago, IL

I don’t intend to carry a sign – as usual, I’ll be carrying my camera.  (And lots of batteries, to be able to use my flash, as it gets dark.)  But if Kossaks want to meet, I will bring a small orange sign marked “Daily Kos,” and we can decide here where we will group up, in comments.

6:00 PM is the meeting place – there will be speakers for an hour, and then we will march north of the river, to “Bughouse Square” in Washington Park near the Newberry Library.

I realize that a lot of people reading this are not in the Chicago area – but I ask you to join us, as well – wherever you can.  If you can make it to the protest in New York, I’m with you, only half a continent away!  Or Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Arlington, TX – please provide more options in the comments.

Wherever you choose to stand against the war, know that others are standing with you – across this country, and across the world.

Please join me on March 19, to protest this war – on the fifth anniversary of the start.


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  1. Nice to see you dropping in. Hang out here more. I haven’t seen your pictures lately and I miss them but I am back to lurker status over at DK.

    • Alma on March 16, 2008 at 02:55

    I’m hoping to make this one in Michigan:

    Where: Meet on Fort Street at the Wyandotte / Southgate border between Northline and Eureka Roads (in Southgate)

    When: Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2008, at 7:00 PM

  2. I may even bring my husband…..

    Glad to see you here. I miss a lot at dKos…so many diaries, I just can’t keep up in one or two visits.

    The Karma is better here anyway.

    • kj on March 16, 2008 at 04:01

    love your title… love the idea that we’re for peace.

    be sure to come by here next week… OTB’s spearheading a focus on the peace movement via essays, art, action links.  🙂  

  3. Although not mentioned in your essay, the March 19 Peace Actions Coalition, to which you link for the New York demonstration, marches under a “Demand for US Withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan.”

    Afghanistan also features in the call of the sponsor of the San Francisco demonstration, A.N.S.W.E.R. You link  takes us to: “Initiated by the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition – San Francisco – (read their call to action).” That call, reproduced on the same website, goes beyond even Iraq and Afghanistan to include, among other things, the organization’s end-of-Israel politics.

    For Chicago itself, although you don’t provide a link, it, too, is sponsored by ANSWER.

    IMHO, these are not demonstrations with which either small “d” democrats or anyone hoping for a Democratic Party victory in November should want to be associated.

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