Tropical Storm Emma’s Hurricane Force Winds Hammer Europe


A tropical storm named “Emma” with wind speeds equivalent to a category 3 hurricane has been thrashing Germany, Prague and Vienna with deadly results:

Europe began feeling the effects of Emma late Friday night, according to Deutchscher Wetter Dienst (DWD), Germany’s national weather service.

Wind gusts of up to 190 km/h (118 mph) — the strength of a Category 3 hurricane — were clocked in the higher elevations of Austria, Corriveau said. Sustained winds as of Saturday night ranged from 50 km/h to nearly 80 km/h (31 mph to 50 mph). Winds were clocked at 98 km/hr (61 mph) in Denmark.

More below the jump…

Eight deaths have been reported, with many more injured, including a passenger bus blown off the road in Bavaria and a child killed by a falling tree north of Prague. Air traffic has been disrupted from Amsterdam to the East, as the powerful storm cuts through Central Europe.

The respective governments have called for their citizens to stay inside as the storm passes, after which the damage and the scientific explanation for a tropical storm with hurricane force gust in the higher elevations of Central Europe will be assessed.

More information here.


A note about the THE ENVIRONMENTALIST.  The site has been undergoing a redesign (server’s a bit slow, but bear with) since we were picked up by Reuters.  Give feedback if you have the time (TA!).


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  1. Somehow, that sentence sounds wrong…  Must be that word tropical in the midst of Prague…

    Please visit THE (redesigned) ENVIRONMENTALIST, let us know what you think of the new design.  


  2. First of all, thank you for bringing this to our thoughts.  It’s so terrible, because I don’t think Europeans are in the least prepared for this kind of event.  

    But, moreover, it is absolute proof of global warming and the changes in our climate worldwide.  

    I hope that the damages will not be worse than what you have already stated.  It’s certainly bad enough!

  3. so now i’m a little worried…

  4. regarding the drivers for this event?!?……

    • nocatz on March 2, 2008 at 19:35

    do you have a sat. video of the previous 48 hrs?  It’s in Russia now, watch the comma form in the last few frames.

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