This is a plea for signatures to help a young girl, Jayci Yaeger see her father for the last time before she dies of brain cancer. Jayci’s father, Jason Charles Yaeger, is incarcerated in a South Dakota prison just three and half hours drive from his daughter. He is scheduled to be released from prison in August.
Quote from ABC News:
He (Mr. Yaeger) has pleaded repeatedly with prison officials to honor the bureau’s apparent policy of allowing furloughs and transfers under “extraordinary” circumstances, but has been rebuffed time and again
And prison officials released a statement (pdf) saying:
Late Thursday, after published this story, the Bureau of Prisons released a statement saying that officials there “have reviewed inmate Yaeger’s request for a compassionate release and have determined his situation does not meet the criteria…”
If an inmates daughter’s dying does not constitute “extraordinary circumstances” then what does?
To sign the petition, CLICK HERE, there were only about 420 signatures when I signed and their goal is to get 100,000 so we need to get many, many more…QUICKLY!
This little girls life is coming to an end very soon. Please help Jayci see her father.
Please send the petition on to friends, family or even your entire e-mail list.
Let’s get this done!!!
The irony of Yaeger’s dilemma is not lost on him – he’s in a race against time, trapped in a place where he’s got nothing but time. He said he fears he’ll never see his daughter alive again, and he said he knows he bears the blame for that.
“I am sorry for what I have done,” he said. “I’m not asking to get out of my sentence – just to go from one place of imprisonment to another so I can be with my family.”
“Jayci is sitting in a hospice fighting for her life and [her mother] thinks she is holding on for me to get there,” an emotional Jason Yaeger said.
“She wants me and needs me and I want to be there with her on her last day.”
Yaeger said he’s grateful for one saving grace – that he gets to talk to Jayci daily.
“She can’t talk back, but I talk to her every day just so she can hear my voice,” he said. “She’s my heart. She’s my world. I tell her she’s the strongest person I know … Yes, I’ve made some mistakes, but I’ve been a good father and my children have always been really close to me.”
If you’d like to send a donation to help her family pay for funeral expenses here is the information:
Jayci Yaeger Benefit Fund
Care of Guardians Incorp.
1707 South 17th St. Suite 1D
Lincoln, Neb. 68502
For those who want to tell South Dakota officials to let this dad go to Nebraska to see his dying daughter:
Gov. Mike Rounds. Linda Asher / public relations – Yankton FPC
Phone: 605-665-3262
Fax: 605-668-1113
E-mail address: yan/
Senator Tim Johnson…….. (800) 537-0025
Senator John Thune….. Sioux Falls: (605) 334-9596
Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth……… (866) 371-8747
Yankton (18th) district state delegates: Jean Hunhoff (senate – R) Business: 605-668-8312
Garry Moore (house – D) Business: 605-665-3294
Charlii Gilson (house – R) Business 605-260-1600
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
UPDATE: Wednesday afternoon Jason Yaeger was able to visit with his daughter for twenty minutes…all of our letters, phone calls and signatures asking Warden Whitehead to allow Jason to see his daughter made a difference. Even though it was only twenty minutes, it was SOMETHING!!!!
Jayci Yaeger’s wish to see her father has finally come true.
Jason Yaeger was allowed to visit his dying daughter at a hospice in Lincoln for about 20 minutes yesterday.
Wednesday morning Jason recieved the hopeful news from Warden J.C. Whitehead.
Jason said that Whitehead told him he was sorry about the way things had turned out.
So again, Dharmaniacs….you are a fantastic bunch of people, thank you for all of your help.
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May she have a peaceful departure….
over at Dkos.
and hopped over to dKos to help get this on the rec list there.
thanks Kris!!!
has filed papers asking for clemency from President Bush.
Was just checking the server logs and this page is getting a lot of hits. Many of the referring links are coming from email so your plea to spread the word is working!
I just added a signature to the petition. It’s over 550 now!
You bringing this to people’s attention to sign the petition was just in time.
What you did made a difference. It made a huge difference not for just the father, but that little girl. I would imagine seeing her dad was probably the most important thing in the world to her.
KrisC: you have a free pass coming to you. I don’t know how or when, but something important in life is going to be decided in your favor.