A new campaign and brilliant video from TrueMajority.org, Brave New Films, and Democracy for America. Get thee thither and sign!
America will not stand for a Secretary of State who approved torture and then misled Congress. We call on the Presidential candidates to ask Secretary of State Rice to resign
1. ABC Broke the Story on Torture
2. We’re running a 30 second version of the torture video on ABC right after the debate in Philly
3. ABC is hosting the debate tonight.
Please REC this diary so we can create a blog swarm and get ABC to ask this question at tonight’s debate.
Via Dkos and Ilya Sheyman. (Online Organizing Manager at TrueMajority.org) Please go recommend!
From serendipity in the comments: Pfiore8 suggested that I post these links here, so here they are: Contact ABC and, for good measure, this link to the Senate Intelligence Committee.
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this is SO important. Someone make these Candidates speak up about this, dammit! I love it.
I’ll do the heavy html lifting if you agree.
Must GO!
she wont resign, though….so dont let down your guard…keep yelling…
Yes, Condi should go, but so should Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft and Gonzales be held equally accountable.
For me, this torture of ours is the sickest, most depraved behavior and statement in our entire history.
thanks for the heads-up!
Pfiore8 suggested that I post these links here, so here they are: Contact ABC and, for good measure, this link to the : Senate Intelligence Committee. Both were listed in the comments on the Ilya Sheyman diary.
Hope we can collectively make an impact.
Signed and rec’d. We need more action diaries on the blogosphere.
Iraq Moratorium
Women in Black
Strike on May Day
The struggle of people against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting. —Milan Kundera
…we can’t let this go.
Nice to know I have some pull over there!
(I’m sure they were already working on the commercial 2 days ago when I asked though). :*)
Signed AND donated!
Condoleezza Rice Must Go
I wanted to quote just this bit of it:
…Assholes, Butts, & Crooks … stood strong and unmoving from their true-toad position.
There will be NO real questions.
Anyone want a flag whip, flag whip, flag whip?