Dharmenizens…..YOU are the BEST!!!!

I’ve just now been actually able to read the wrunnelting that produced this weeks WITR….

And suddenly I realize many of the denizens of my journey did not come out to share the ‘spotlight’…staying hidden by some mischance….

This is an effort to correct that.

it’s very hard for me to know who there was/is in relation to who you are here….

so here are brief descriptions of as many of the inhabitants I can recall….

my hope is that you will recognize your own spirit….

and accept my deepest gratitude for helping me along the way…..

the celtic pixie/leprauchan….urging me to arise

the cream and umber snake with chocolateyrusty eyes….the kiss of hope

the small grey and orange calico…  counting my breaths

the ebony dragon…. keeping me safe

three peregrines circling on the thermals…. crying rheeee-ahhh

the three little girls in pristine white, with cocky grins and wise eyes

two dragonflies, one emerald, one teal…. pricking my eyelids, allowing the tears to run at last

the brownie with a portobello mushroom bowler hat & cloppety boots… keeping my heart beating in time

the faireie dressed in maroon velvet with dark hair & auburn highlights…screaming godfuckingdammit in my ear

the faerie of iceblue weeping cool tears on my forehead

the greybrown hedgepig with black velvet nose, layin across my throat…whose spikes kept tickling… causing me to cough the poisons out

the tiny black kitten that sat on the tip of my nose… keeping any more of the spiders from getting in

the puckish pixie with the sandy brown goatee…. who sang love, love, love….its easy (by the beatles)

the haberdasher with my wondrous hat of light

the tarantula with angry orange eyes…. keeping any more beasties from climbing the granite

the oaktree man… who left me a branch for support

the damselfly of pinkeyplum…who radiated peace

the robyn egg marble… helping me to cool quickly before I slid over the edge

the beads of perfect paisleys (yinyangs?)… turning me to flesh again

the sunflowers marching … their steps releasing waves of heat to warm me

the dozen (or more) faeries fly~dancing in joyous abandon

the huge chorus of lotusii innumerable….each singing a perfect note of clarity, unending

the small white rabbit curled beside me….whiskers tickling my ear

the tiny coqui with the big deep voice….calling notyet, notyet

the rooster who combed my hair

the magpie gathering the sparkley bits of energy for me

the dragonfly made of minimarshmallows with heart shaped eyes

two strawberry roan ponies, with cream manes & tails … waiting to pull the cart

the little yellow pixie with dreadlocks & a huge gold earring, his scimitar at the ready, protecting me

the tortoise of sageygreen…whose moss staunched the wound in my vein

the pintobean pony who gave me a ride to la abuela

the cobalt fish that sat on my earlobe…deciphering all the words so at last I understood

the faerie in raspberry with golden edged wings that brought me dewdrops to drink

the faerie of ochre-sienna with pecantan skin who brought scent back to me

the greenies and brownies who baked such delishamous earthey cookies

the gazillipede shod in converse sneakers, each pair a different colour(!)…who captured my attention, taking it off myself at last and onto something else

the limegreen iguana … who licked the salt from my eyes

the tiny coral coloured snake…who wound around my thumb

the large irridescent greeneypurpleyblack beetle who proffered itself as a stool to rest upon

and the snail of sunrise colours….reminding me to have patience

my gratitude to you all

kisshugs & love,



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    • RiaD on April 6, 2008 at 04:12

    Thank You!!

    • Alma on April 6, 2008 at 04:19

    for being a part of my life.  I’m so much richer for “knowing” you.  🙂

  1. tell you just how much of an impact you’ve made on not just my but on

    all our lives here!  If you’re feeling stronger and have

    the time you might want to go back through the diaries you

    missed…. Not one day went by that we weren’t worried.. which

    soon moved to scared for you.  Made me realize just how

    important you are here and just how much I was missing you.

    These last two diaries you’ve written have left me speechless,

    with tears and goosebumps.  Can’t imagine the 17 kinds of hell

    you’ve been through but am dancing naked in the living room –

    the sheer joy that you’re on the mend and will be with us forever!

    Much love and all good thoughts to you RiaDarlin’

  2. I posted this photo when I heard you were having trouble breathing and I know how much you like dogs so I thought this was really cute. Dolphins are medicine animals representing the power of breath.

    Hope you are feeling much better Ria!   I really like this essay too  – you’ve captured that magical journey very well once again.  WoW!

  3. are the best, aren’t they Ria?

    listen to TheMomCat’s advice, okay. be patient. sleep. heal.

    • kj on April 6, 2008 at 17:11

    read this last night (and again this morning).  last night went searching through poems trying to find one to gift, then realized the gift was right here, from you, to us, to you.


    this is what i want you to do (no advice, because i’m not a medical person and so that would be rude!)  

    what i want you to do is:













    for the rest of your life.  with some time in the rocking chair, of course, with some green or white tea. and i would send you some of my special blends, but i don’t know where you live. so i’ll pretend you are with me when i have a cup, okay?

    and if you don’t keep writing like this, then i’ll have to turn into a big lumpa something and sit on your feet and chatter til you want to, ah, well til you want me to stop chattering.  deal?

  4. one of the Celtic pixie ones. The list is wonderful reading and shows your creative spirit alive and kicking. Fun read .  

    • Alma on April 6, 2008 at 20:22

    not to be a wimp, that was me.

    I didn’t know you had gone to the hospital, and thought you were just battling a cold and visiting with your company.

    I would have been sending good vibes if I had known. 🙂

  5. cause ‘thing 1’ (actual name, rose, btw) is probably somewhere between the worlds…and i often ponder what her reality is like right now…

    …and when people try to interpret it for me, they usually end up telling me more about THEMSELVES than they do about her…i.e., one person will say she’s in the dark and scared, another that she is living in light and is happy (i tend to believe that latter..but, again, that probably says more about me than her)

    but i did ask her to go to you if she could…before her accident, one of her favorite expressions when her friends were down was “come to my bosom”, and she would hug them.  damn, i miss her…

    • Robyn on April 6, 2008 at 21:17

    And I was pleased, but didn’t know how to respond. 🙂

  6. when Dorothy wakes up with Auntie Em at her bedside. and everybody who was in Oz was surrounded her in real life too… as the scarecrow, the tin man, the lion, the wizard, the witches………………… and those damned munchkins.

    this song has always been special for me…  because i believe dreams really do come true.

  7. This poem, rune, magic is…


      Thanks once again, RiaD.

    • Edger on April 7, 2008 at 18:21

    You’re pretty good yourself, you know.

    Good morning, Ria! < grin! >

    • lezlie on April 7, 2008 at 23:06

    my enchanted fairie friend!


    love you,



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