In this video, Molly Ivins speaks about Americans who are slackers, failing to defend the most magnificent political document anyone on this planet has been heir to.
This address was recorded over two years ago. The stakes are higher now: It is the eleventh hour for America.
Here’s a recording of a “Raise Hell for Molly Ivins” memorial service for Molly held in January.
What are YOU doing to help America and save the Constitution? What would Molly do?
Stop waiting. Get out the pots and pans. Raise Hell for Molly Ivins.
“Bring Out Your Pots & Pans!
Help organize an action in you home town! We are just regular folks with jobs and all of life’s pressures, but we feel a need to speak out and do what we can. Please join our Raise Hell campaign by banging pots and pans for peace, and using every peaceful means including the Internet, phone and fax to let the LOCAL office of your Congressional Representative know – on the 3rd Friday of every month – that the war must end NOW and no attacks on Iran!
If you cannot attend a physical protest, please WRITE, TELEPHONE, FAX and EMAIL your LOCAL Congressional Representative’s office on that day!
Network with local organizations and individuals is your area. Let us know about your efforts, and send us your pictures to help inspire others; we will post on the website. We will also help you network with others in your area as well as statewide and nationally. Contact us at:
Download Flyers and Signs
Go to our section of print-ready materials for flyers and signs that you can use as is, or modify for your locality,
Send Letters and Emails to Congress
See our Congressional contacts and Sample Letters for complete info.
We need BLOG and Internet enthusiasts to get the word out; researchers to gather congressional info and more; website content development and programming support; and other assistance to build the campaign.
We’re making a difference, with a simple, low-cost approach, but it does take hard cash to make the most of our collective efforts!
Phone: 1-925-787-3354 ”
Below the fold, a fun video from the Pots and Pans Brigade.
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Thank you for this vlog. I hadn’t seen it until today.
inspirational figures our country has ever known. One of her quotes I can particularly relate to as a former Texan is:
I hope OTB sees this essay and includes it as an “Action Alert.”