Shoot Yourself For Earth Hour!…

The solution to global warming that nobody is talking about!


Also today Micheal Graham was talking about coed college rooms. Mike is Boston’s own “right” wing talk show host. Gender neutral room assignments they call it.  Hell, wish I was eighteen again!

What is interesting is never, ever to they equate any of this to the Illuminati Plan to Destroy America.  The college roomate thing is only a subplot in the degeneration of society.…

Schools BTW have gone from centers of education to something else in the 90s

http://www.deliberatedumbingdo…  but that was not Satanic enough, education has now become centers of complicance training.

Also on education pResidential hopeful St. Juan McAmnesty spoke out about how only 1 on four BLACK and HISPANIC kids ever get high school diplomas.  Let’s see, pour through tons of stats, get it the marketing focus group type guys so they can tell McStain what and how to formulate the message.  Don’t know about you but a republican focusing on BLACK and HISPANIC should make the Red Alert buttons go off.

Other Illuminati news points to data mining.  ONLY THREE STATES have rejected the Stasi’s Homeboy Security plan for “real” ID.  In spite of stats telling us Faux News is dead FOURTY SEVEN states have raised their right arm at a 45 degree angle and said Seig Heil.……


  1. tells us all how things are really run!

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