Yesterday NLinStPaul asked (rhetorically)
You mean we can do this and have some fun?
Goddess above, I hope that’s true!!
In my opinion, fun is vital!
The guy who is fond of the phrase The Long War, THIS guy …. is anti-fun….
and we are anti-That guy. Logically then, we are PRO-FUN!
It is a long war….a never ending one, as a matter of fact….
Having fun…dancing, playing, joking, resting…having sex. Is taking care of ourselves. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we burn-out. If we burn-out, we can’t fight, if we can’t fight, they win!
So we all need mental health days. Days to recover and refresh so we can be at our best, I need one today, so I wrote this essay to tell you all that I won’t be writing an essay today.
Take care!
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I don’t think Cheney should be allowed to have any more fun.
If we don’t take a few minutes every day to step away from
the anger it will just eat us up! And most importantly –
if we only feed on anger we’ll end up like them! And how
sick would that be??
So buhdy? Good for you! You understand that the human (and

humane) brain needs to take a break. Enjoy your day, you’ve
earned it
editing your essay to include “watching the NHL playoffs, rooting for the flyers” into your list of things to do..
enjoy your well-deserved and hard-earned mental health day….unless you think it would be better for your mental health to NOT enjoy it…in which case i hope it sucks. but you pick…
were no fun? Ahh. Fun is good, fun away from the computer is even better for your battered mind, body and spirit. Gives you a perspective on the troubled world. Let your troubles be bubbles for a bit.
Go, have fun, get refreshed, and come back & “give ’em hell” boss
and recuperate….
you deserve it more than most!
to take a break.”
Enjoy the moments, Buhdy!
…now I’m going to watch Boston Legal.