May 3, 2008 archive

Lawsuit filed to stop wolf killings


30 days after the Bush Administration removed Yellowstone’s Gray Wolves from the endangered list, a lawsuit has been filed by the Natural Resources Defense Council to stop the toll on the small population, which is now at 37 dead wolves and counting.

On the very day that these wolves lost their Endangered Species protection, a crippled wolf named “Limpy,” one of the most photographed wolves in Yellowstone’s famous Druid Peak pack, was shot to death when he ventured outside the park.

Another wolf was stalked for over 35 miles by snowmobile before being overtaken and shot. Another was found dead on the side of the highway, his still-warm body torn apart by bullets. And, tragically, at least four female wolves have been killed just prior to the denning season, which could doom some of the region’s wolf pups.

The Gray Wolf was taken off the endangered list earlier this year, after repeated attempts by the Bush Administration to remove them from the list, despite their marginal population.

More below the jump…

The Baltimore Herald


Random Japan

Down on your luck? The cat-embroidered slippers at the door of Fukuneko-do are only the beginning at this maneki-neko mecca. The cozy shop, hidden in a winding alley in Kagurazaka, is piled high with kitty-printed kimono, handkerchiefs, wallets and jewelry. You can even pick up some custom-made candy imprinted with the face of the feline tencho-san, who can likely be found napping in his wicker basket. Should a scratch behind the ears be met with a swat, worry not-according to the lovely kimono-clad owner, his “neko punch” is good luck.

A Retrospective on the Snail Darter and the Little Tennessee River Valley

Who Remembers the Snail Darter case?

Or the Crazed Rabbit that attacked Jimmy Carter’s fishing boat in the 70’s?

This is the tale of the tragic flooding of the Valley of the Little Tennessee River, the heroic folks who fought the TVA action, the creative lawyers and law students who won the precedent setting supreme court decision, the brave settlers whose farms were taken and the stoic Native Americans whose homeland it was before – and the roles of the snail darter and the crazed rabbit.  And how it all comes down to – you guessed it – politics.

I meant to write this a couple weeks ago, but got distracted by my own environmental activism, Sierra Club monthly and quarterly meetings, showing William McDonough’s great film the Next Industrial Revolution, Earth Day events, lobbying in the state legislature for an increase in the coal severance tax, and an on-site with some other activists and OSM of a mountaintop removal site.  

I originally thought I might tie this up with a message about activism to effect change.  Don’t know that I’ll make it to that point, as I am certainly demoralized recently about my own local efforts. And am ready to take a break in my garden for the summer.  Maybe that’s change enough . . .

But the story of the snail darter case is a great one . . .

Planet Shit Dispatch: American Idiot Edition

You know who is bitter in America? I am. Because shit-kickers voted twice for a retarded guy they wanted to have a beer with, and everybody else had to suffer the consequences!

-Bill Maher

The bubba vote? What a fucking hoot! Newsweek magazine just continues to amaze in their increasingly successful quest to become America’s predominant tabloid shitrag. This week’s cover story is laughingly entitled Obama’s Bubba Gap and flogs the latest Clinton slime machine storyline that the magical mulatto empty suit is failing to attract the same dumb motherfucker demographic who were largely responsible for giving us the eight year running pox on western civilization that is the George W. Bush soft dictatorship.

Funkadelic Friday Flashback

In memory of …

Thanks to buhdy for giving me the chance to guest host tonight!  Did you find that blotter yet dude?

What I’m Saying

At the risk of being dismissed as a whiner, I expressed some discontent earlier today regarding the invisible novel I’ve been posting here, which has been deluged with invisible reccs and tips by every Docudharma member, as well as by many of their friends, neighbors, and pets with Internet access.  

I’ll keep posting this here, but I have to say I’m getting disgusted by the fact that the overwhelming majority of the people here on DD can’t seem to spare 5 minutes of their precious fucking time to read an installment when I post it.


They must see these installments, they’re on the recc list twice a week.  I don’t think it would kill them to set aside 5 minutes twice a week to read this.  And if the strain of doing that doesn’t completely incapacitate them, they could maybe even find a crowbar somewhere and pry a fucking tip out of themselves for me.

I don’t think that’s too much to ask, I’m sweating blood writing this novel.

Friday Night at 8: Caring from the Heart

I just finished reading a remarkable book, Heart Like Water by Joshua Clark, a memoir of his time spent in the French Quarter during and after Hurricane Katrina.

Josh experienced the storm, the days afterward with no electricity, finding other Quarter residents in various bars that stayed open the whole time, scrounging for food, exploring, dodging cops and soldiers who were driving around trying to enforce the evacuation.

He didn’t know as much as the rest of the nation what all too many folks were going through, at the Super Dome, the Convention Center, the 9th Ward, Plaquemines Parish — it wasn’t until later that he explored the Gulf Coast (including Mississippi), still dodging cops and soldiers, and saw the devastation.

And he wrote about it, in a wild stream of consciousness that sears the heart.

At the end of the book, Josh writes about apprehending the suffering of others.  He has been wandering the region, talking to people, hearing their stories.  But he senses something is missing:

… I look at the viscera of this place, the gray of predawn mixing with the gray of what was once a neighborhood to make everything once again like some dim reflection of a dream, and I want so badly to care, to ache, not from the head like we all do, but from the heart.  But I just can’t, no mater how hard I try, not now.

This is not an essay about New Orleans or Katrina.  It’s about human suffering and how we deal with it.

The Politics of the Rev. Wright Controversy: A Debate with Melissa Harris-Lacewell and Adolph Reed,

The following debate between Adolph Reed, Jr. and Melissa Harris-Lacewell on Democracy Now! is linked to here.  For those of you with about 120 megabytes of room on your hard drives, and have the mpeg 4 codec, you can download it here.  Reed thinks Barack Obama is incapable of getting elected to the presidency, on the grounds that he is a phony who won’t be able to withstand the inevitable Republican Noise Machine (though he thinks Hillary Clinton won’t be able to, either, for the same reason).  Harris-Lacewell takes the opposing point of view.

The debate begins exactly twenty-one minutes into the program, so if you’re impatient to get to the discussion that’s the point at which you’ll want to start.  I think this is a fascinating debate, and I wish we could see its like on the mainstream news channels such as MSNBC and CNN.  I posted the transcript of the debate at my forum, if you’d like to read it.

“Yo Mama! Yo Mama! Yo Mama!”

What with all the discussion yesterday about the use of hate words and today’s Howard-Wolfson-Faux-Gate I was reminded of one of the tiny moments of great courage that happened upon me as I have clung to this big blue orb.

Friday Philosophy: Mixed Veggies

Thoughts a-jumble.  Mind in a twist.  Ideas mixed like succotash, vegetables that should never touch.

Weekend before finals.  I should be grading, but I am waiting for submissions.  Ever in hope, I extended the deadline to Sunday.

Questions of adequacy always arise.  Did I do right by my students?  One of the reasons for teaching in a small college like this is that I only have 33 students to be concerned about in three classes.  Some of them have given up.  Some of them never started.  What more could I have done to light the fuse that will detonate the desire to learn?

How did one of my students get all the way through Java I and Java II with me letting her think writing code consisted of copying code she had seen produced for her in it’s entirety  once before?  She asked, “When did you show us how to produce an interface for the final project?”  My response:  “The last two semesters.”

Escape the mundane.  Penetrate the surface…

Pony Party: always in a rush

hello… what’s up… how is everyone? i’m on my way out… and i’ll be back on Sunday!!!

don’t get into too much trouble, okay?

oh… i’m going to my dad’s house with my sisters. sans kids, husbands, lovers… just the four of us before i go… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

and my paperwork is all good EXCEPT missing one doc… a waiver by each of us of health care. i told the lady… that wasn’t a form in the booklet. she said, well, it’s required. okay. so one more piece of signed paper to wait for… but she said even if i don’t get it from the soon-to-be ex, the divorce would be signed in 30 days. i can’t wait that long…

no. no. no. so let’s keep everything crossed that the ex will send the paper ASAP…

love you all… pf8

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