Even the Army gets the spirit on Moratorium day

What do we do in Milwaukee when the temperature finally hits 70 degrees? Go to the lakefront? Grill brats in the back yard? Skinny dip? Take off our longjohns?

If it’s the Third Friday — Iraq Moratorium day –we meet in the heart of downtown for an hour, fill all four corners of the intersection with people, flags, banners and enthusiasm, and call for an end to the war and occupation. We had a diverse group of kids, college students, parents, and grandparents, about 70 in all, counting one small dog with a “Puppy for Peace” jacket.

We’re getting used to support from rush hour drivers, who honked their horns almost non-stop tonight, including a lot of county bus drivers and one trucker driving a huge tractor-trailer with a big air horn. One driver got out of his car (while the light was red) to chat and say something supportive to one of the vigilers. We leaflet pedestrians, and one young Iranian couple, downtown shopping, stopped to express their support. But our favorite anecdote of the day was the two Army recruiters who drove past in an Army vehicle — while one of them gave the protesters a thumbs-up.

The chain gang


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  1. More reports on IraqMoratorium.org

  2. …I forgot to post on IM site that a couple of guys drove by our Berkeley vigil in a Wells Fargo armored bank truck.  One of them yelled, “I’m an Iraq vet!”  None of us could tell whether he was positive or negative.  Just the comment.

  3. who saw our vigil posted on the Iraq Moratorium website.

    I’d like to see this diary promoted, folks.

    • kj on May 20, 2008 at 14:43

    as chesapeake said!  🙂

    • OPOL on May 20, 2008 at 17:59

    keep up the good work bro.  Nice job on the diary too.

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