Mission Accompli; the Rock Opera


The US takes the Missionary position to the World

(Cross-posted from the Wild Wild Left, and to One Wing Left, and Station Charon)

Its been five years.

Tommy can you hear me?  Tommy? Tommy?

It was over, wasn’t it? Is that not what we read, heard, saw?

Can I help to cheer you?

The surge, its working isn’t it? Are you relieved?

Tommy can you hear me?

Can you feel me near you?

Were we this near them?

Seal our eyes, our ears, our mouths.

This cannot be us.

I mean, Bush and Cheney are listening to their generals on the ground, right?

Your mother left me here to mind you,

And I’m doing exactly what I bleedin’ well want to,

Fiddling about, fiddling about, fiddle about.

Bush even said, God is on our side. “God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam [Hussein], which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.”

God must be alright with this, really, isn’t he? Why do I feel something squirmy in my stomach when I read the numbers. I hate those pictures of the dead, even if they are terrorists.

Do you think it’s alright

Leaving Tommy by the mirror?

You would think he had sight,

Been staring half the night.

Do you think it’s alright?

…But if we pull out too early, cut and run that isn’t serving God or America right, we will look weak. Its like we are missionaries trying to bring Christianity and Freedom to those godless heathens. Missionaries, I like that thought. Its a Great Position for America to take.

Still, there is an election coming, and I think this Obama guy might be good for us. He might just get us out with honor.

There’s a doctor I’ve found can cure the boy!

A doctor I’ve found can cure the boy!

A lot of my neighbors are getting restless about this War. I keep reading about Public sentiment against the War on the rise.

See me, feel me, touch me, heal me.

See me, feel me, touch me, heal me.

I don’t know what to believe. I am an American.

See me, feel me, touch me, heal me.

See me, feel me, touch me, heal me.

That Reverend Wright is saying a lot of uncomfortable things, he’s kind of scary but you know, I just can’t imagine why anyone would think that people were retaliating against us on 9/11.

Look at him, now in the mirror dreaming.

What is happening in his head?

What is happening in his head?

Oooooh, I wish I knew, I wish I knew

I don’t know who to listen to.

Americans are the good guys.

Now they are talking war with Iran, too.

That can’t be good, I’m so confused.

That you fear me can you feel my temper

Rise, rise,rise!

Do you hear or fear or

Do I smash the mirror?

Do you hear or fear or

Do I smash the mirror?

We are already almost bankrupt, how can we afford another War? I’m starting to feel the heat. Jobs are going, gas is expensive and I just don’t get it. This is cutting into my pocketbook!

While Tommy flies, the world is turning.

Life goes on for you and me.

Our chief concern is money earning,

Why can’t someone set us free?

I’m willing to follow about anyone who can get us out of this now.

I leave a trail of rooted people

Mesmerised by just the sight,

The few I touched now are disciples

Love as One I Am the Light…

I Am the Light!

You know, I just don’t think any Politician can fix this anymore.

Maybe we just need to start doing it ourselves.

Come to this house

Be one of us.

Make this your house

Be one of us.

You can help

To collect some more in

Young and old people

Lets get them all in!

Come to this house!

Into this house.

But how the fuck do I do it alone?

How many people are out there to help me?

I’m free — I’m free,

And freedom tastes of reality!

I’m free — I’m free,

And I’m waiting for you to follow me.

This war is a farce.

Record profits for the Oil Companies is an atrocity.

I am sick to death of War, kleptocracy and these bullshit elections.

Nothing changes. Its as though there is nothing for the People anymore, but the rich are doing fine.

I want to kick some ass.

We’re not gonna take it.

We’re not gonna take it.

We’re not gonna take it.

We’re not gonna take it.

We’re not gonna take it,

Never did and never will,

We don’t have to take it.

Gonna break it!

Gonna shake it!

Let’s forget it better still!

We’re not gonna take it.

We’re not gonna take it.

We’re not gonna take it.

We’re not gonna take it.

We’re not gonna take it,

Never did and never will,

Don’t want no religion,

As far as we can tell!

We ain’t gonna take you,

Never did and never will!

We ain’t gonna take you,

We forsake you,

Gonna rape you,

Let’s forget you better still!

I guess its time to get out, talk to everyone who may listen, to write, yell, scream and sing about it.

I can make the difference.

I can be a new kind of Missionary. One of Glory and Peace for EVERYONE.

People will listen.

People will listen to us.

Listening to you I get the music.

Gazing at you I get the heat.

Following you I climb the mountain.

I get excitement at your feet!

Right behind you I see the millions.

On you I see the glory.

From you I get opinions.

From you I get the story.

Listening to you I get the music.

Gazing at you I get the heat.

Following you I climb the mountain.

I get excitement at your feet!

Right behind you I see the millions.

On you I see the glory.

From you I get opinions.

From you I get the story.

Listening to you!

Tommy can you hear me?


    • Diane G on May 2, 2008 at 15:06
  1. Looks like we’re all going to be on the bottom unless we speak up.

    Beautiful job, especially the clasping hands as globe and the text as phallus/H-bomb.

    Chomsky again:

    As Munich showed, a powerful and aggressive nation with a fanatic belief in its manifest destiny will regard each victory, each extension of its power and authority, as a prelude to the next step. The matter was very well put by Adlai Stevenson, when he spoke of “the old, old route whereby expansive powers push at more and more doors, believing they will open, until, at the ultimate door, resistance is unavoidable and major war breaks out.”

    This is key:

    You know, I just don’t think any Politician can fix this anymore.

    Maybe we just need to start doing it ourselves.

    The exodus is here.

    The happy ones are near.

    Let’s get together

    Before we get much older.

    Women in Black

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