The Bush Legacy Tour

Now here’s an Idea that Needs not only Support but a few more Buses!!

This just came in to my in-box, and I had to share!


DATE: May 15, 2008

Editors Note: High Resolution Photos and a Rendering of the Bus Are Available Upon Request. Bus Fact Sheet Attached.

With Republicans Reeling Due to their Association with President Bush, Americans United for Change Announces Bush Legacy Bus – Museum on Wheels Holds Bush, Conservative Allies Accountable for Failure

Tour begins in June, travels Coast-to-Coast Featuring Exhibits on Bush and Conservative Policies That Have Harmed Our National Security, Sacrificed Domestic Priorities


Click Here to View New Bush Legacy Tour Homepage

Washington D.C – With Republicans reeling due to their association with President Bush, and amid what supporters of the President have dubbed his “legacy year,” Americans United for Change announced the upcoming national tour national tour of the “Bush Legacy Bus.” This latest chapter in AUFC’s ongoing Bush Legacy Project, which will cement into history how two terms of failed conservative policies – supported by Bush and his allies including Sen. John McCain – have weakened America’s security abroad while neglecting and undermining important priorities here at home. Click here to view AUFC’s new Bush Legacy Tour homepage

This 45-foot long museum on wheels, powered by biodiesel, and weighing in at 28 tons, features interactive exhibits on the worst policy failures that grew out of the conservative agenda. Visitors will be given the chance to reflect on the Administration’s tragically inept response to Hurricane Katrina, mismanaged and endless war in Iraq, ‘trickle-down’ economic policies that favored the wealthiest Americans and more. The tour kicks off in Washington D.C. in late June and travels from coast-to-coast throughout the summer and fall stopping in the hometowns of Bush’s allies in Congress, both national political conventions and symbolic and historic locations like New Orleans and Crawford, TX.

“The Bush Legacy Project is not just about Bush – it is about the conservative ideology he and his allies in Congress, including John McCain, represent,” said Brad Woodhouse, President of Americans United for Change and founder of the Bush Legacy Project. “It’s time to stick a stake in the heart of conservative ideology, which is a failed governing philosophy. The Bush Legacy Bus is just one piece in an ongoing effort to redefine American political values and to create an enduring progressive majority in America. The bus will serve to educate Americans about how the conservative polices President Bush and his allies in Congress have pursued have failed America and why progressive approaches to healthcare, the economy, foreign policy and other issues provide the solutions Americans are looking for.”

The goals of the “Bush Legacy Project” are threefold:

· Remind American voters why they have lost faith in President Bush and his conservative agenda.

· Tie Bush and his agenda directly to the conservative brand and its followers.

· Shift the center of the political debate toward progressive solutions to our nation’s most intractable problems by demonstrating the failure of Bush’s policies and conservative ideology.

A number of groups have sponsored or partnered with AUFC on the Bush Legacy Bus, including Center for American Progress Action Fund, AFSCME, SEIU, AFL-CIO,, Political Action and American Rights at Work, among others to be named later.

Brad Woodhouse, President

Americans United for Change

Visit the bus link, You Can Add Your Voice to the Legacy Bus!

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Donate to offset the expenses!

And Where It’s Goin!


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    Chapter 139 (North Olympic Peninsula) and Chapter 016 (Washington D.C.) have both been banned from parades! In both cases, being too political was the reason cited for the ban.


    On April 14, 2008 Veterans For Peace, Delwin Anderson Memorial chapter of Washington D.C. was officially accepted to join the National Memorial Day parade on May 26, 2008. On April 28 Veterans For Peace received notice that the organization did not meet the criteria to participate. This notice was sent by the American Veterans Center which is the organizer for the parade.

    Please help get the word out about VFP DC’s recent acceptance to and later disqualification from the National Memorial Day parade on May 26. Please share this link far and wide as well as the message below and the attachment.

    It has a place for taking action and leaving comments. Go to this link now to send notice to Congress and local newspapers.

    TAKE ACTION: Contact the Parade Director with the National Memorial Day Parade and CALMLY INSIST that Veterans For Peace be allowed into the parade!

    Mackie Christenson – Parade Director

    National Memorial Day Parade

    Office: 703 302 1012 x 227

    Cell: 703 350 0184


    The North Olympic Peninsula Chapter marched in the Armed Forces Day parade last year, but this year their application was rejected by the Bremerton Chamber of Commerce.

    See the news story from Bremerton, WA

    TAKE ACTION: To help Chapter 139 get back into the parade, contact the Bremerton Chamber of Commerce. CALMLY INSIST insist that VFP be allowed back into the parade!

    Cris Larsen – Chairman of the Armed Forces Festival

    (360) 479-3579

    Fax: (360) 479-1033

  2. fucking great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    thanks for this.

  3. to write, for us, their experiences on a weekly basis? even photos with some captions… to keep all of us connected on this.

    this could be huge.

    also, will write a calm letter requesting the Veterans for Peace be allowed to march!

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