Pony Party: Hot Flashes

Hi gang, anything happen while I was gone?  

I need to stretch those atrophied blog-muscles, so here’s a melange of things to ignore before going straight to comments.

Tucson weather forecast:


Hot flashes underreported and linked to forgetfulness

well, duh, they just forgot to report them.


More importantly

Flash & The Pan

Slowdown knocks Goldman profits

It reported net income of $2.09bn (£1.1bn) in the three months to 30 May, down from $2.33bn a year ago.

I always like to remind people that Henry Paulson is formerly of G-S, the only enormous investment banks to do well the past few years.


sniff’n The Tears

The facts warrent the violent expulsion of all evolutionists from civilized society.


The # 1 viewed You Tube video when you search for: University of Arizona.


They missssssspelled Starr though


One truly educational video:

How about that Morning Pony Party controversy!!! Don’t rec this one however.  I think Open threads are overrated.

But do say hello, and bring beer.


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    • nocatz on June 18, 2008 at 00:28

    Lee Michaels

    • nocatz on June 18, 2008 at 00:37

    you gotta be fucking shitting me.  Just saw this….

    Warning!!! McCain Ad

  1. Just wanted to pass this along.  pf8 will probably kill me ’cause it is another piece of stupid sexism from our stupid magazines, but:

    We can vote for Michelle Obama’s cookies at Parents Magazine!  And we can vote daily!  Last time I checked, Cindy McCain was winning with a recipe she plagiarized from the back of a bag of Hershey’s butterscotch chips.

    Now, I don’t know about you folks, but I live pretty close to Hershey, PA, and while I like some of their chocolate, their butterscotch chips totally suck.

    Here’s a link to the dKos diary:


    and here’s the link where you can go to vote.  Registering to vote is a royal pain; but Michelle’s cookies sound WAY better, IMHO, and you can get the recipe:


  2. Just wanted to pass this along.  pf8 will probably kill me ’cause it is another piece of stupid sexism from our stupid magazines, but:

    We can vote for Michelle Obama’s cookies at Parents Magazine!  And we can vote daily!  Last time I checked, Cindy McCain was winning with a recipe she plagiarized from the back of a bag of Hershey’s butterscotch chips.

    Now, I don’t know about you folks, but I live pretty close to Hershey, PA, and while I like some of their chocolate, their butterscotch chips totally suck.

    Here’s a link to the dKos diary:


    and here’s the link where you can go to vote.  Registering to vote is a royal pain; but Michelle’s cookies sound WAY better, IMHO, and you can get the recipe:


    • RiaD on June 18, 2008 at 00:46


    it’s hot as hell, you’re having hot flashes, feeling old; you lost $$ in the market, got hurt by some stupid girl & by FSM she made you nutz so you just wanted to go home but too much beer left you dreaming of west coast women…….

    izzat it, huh? huh?? did i win?

    whats the prize?

  3. there are plenty of people out here where I live that will use this to counter any arguments I bring to them.  Scary.

  4. The Republican Party is changing their symbol from an elephant to a condom.  That’s because a condom:  covers a bunch of pricks, tends to break under pressure and gives you a false sense of security while being screwed.

    • Alma on June 18, 2008 at 01:12

    You liven this place up.  🙂

  5. Missed you and your snark.  Nobody does snark better than you


    Now let me tell you about hot flashes…….

  6. about 7 yrs ago?

    • Robyn on June 18, 2008 at 01:16

    …with no hormones whatsoever, if you want to really know a hot flash.

  7. … nocatz.

    • kj on June 18, 2008 at 02:51

    out of beer.  

    good to see you’ve found some tubes.

    nothing happened while you were gone.

    i didn’t miss you at all.


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