The Illuminati will Soon Be History

A former Forbes Asian cheif tells all.  Does it make sense?  Well I think it just might.  You may consider it the equivalent of a grade B sci-fi movie or the salvation of man.  Either way it is far better than American Idol.

You have to watch all five parts.…

The end of the good ole boy western world network?  Let us all hope so.

I also had a conversation with a twenty-something today by the pool.  The conversation got into 911 in a roundabout way.  The myspace set it seems is getting concerned about all of this Seig Heil assholianism that pops up just about daily and is affecting their lives.

I asked her if she knew that three buildings fell that day.

“No, it was just the towers 1 and 2”.

“No it was WTC one, WTC two and WTC Seven”.

Then I gave her a few of my more mainstream websites.


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  1. Best.Game.Evah!

  2. but inevitable that when one mega system crumbles, we will all suffer some inevitable blow back.

    so what do we do, despite the shit storm impacting short-term stability, with the opportunity to redefine things????

    i’m hoping we’ll do some good stuff!!!

  3. hours after leaving Bilderburg meeting.

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