Bush Blinks……Twice!

Is our favorite little cowboy growing up?


In perhaps the weasliest fashion possible and using a newly coined weasel word….Horizon….Lil George has agreed to set a timeline for getting out of Iraq.

AND Flip-flopped on appeasing the terrurists in Iran!

Two total 180 degree turns on your cowboy foreign policy in the same week, George?

Well gol-leee, George! What happened to bring it on??? With us or against us? Dead or alive? They brought it, you killed a million people in Iraq and sank our nation and our troops into the quagmire for SIX YEARS, but NOW you agree to set a timeline? Wassup wit dat?

via Think Progress

   “Why would you say to the enemy, you know, here’s a timetable, just go ahead and wait us out? It doesn’t make any sense to have a timetable. You know, if you give a timetable, you’re – you’re conceding too much to the enemy.” [Bush, 6/24/05]

   “Premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq reinforces enemy propaganda that the United States will abandon its allies in Iraq.” [Undersecretary of Defense Eric Edelman, 7/16/07]

   “I believe artificial timetables of withdrawal would be a mistake. … I will strongly reject an artificial timetable withdrawal and/or Washington politicians trying to tell those who wear the uniform how to do their job.” [Bush, 4/23/07]

   “The…attempt to micromanage our commanders is an unwise and perilous endeavor. It is impossible to argue that an unconditional timetable for retreat could serve the security interests of the United States or our friends in the region.” [Vice President Cheney, 4/13/07]

What happened to change the little cowboy in to something resembling a rational adult with a view of this complex world that doesn’t come from a Saturday John Wayne matinĂ©e?

Two things, SOFA.

And after nearly eight disastrous years of total failure, the repudiation and fall from power of Dick Cheney’s insane influence. Apparently Lil George HAS (gasp) grown up enough to stand up to evil Uncle Dick…..well enough to tell Condi to do it for him.

There is nothing in the world, though, that can convince me that these aren’t just cosmetic changes, as the Lamest Duck ever scurries for cover from the mess he has made of the world. He is just kicking the can down the road, after fucking everything up as much as it can be fucked. Fortunately, the Iraqis are as anxious for Obama to take office as we are to see Bush’s ass out the door.

The goal is still Energy Hegemony, the plan has just hit a few snags…thanks to the total and complete incompetence of these ridiculously inept assholes who were willing to kill a million people for profit and the bankrupt ideology of American Empire.

It ain’t over.


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  2. as the Lamest Duck ever scurries for cover from the mess he has made of the world.

    … is what galls me.

    Every day he is in office from now to January of 2009 is another day he can create “messes” that will take the rest of us years to clean up, if that’s even possible.

    Impeach.  Convict.  Imprison.

    But most of all … kick those bastards out of power!

  3. …to find the words to express the astronomical tragedy of bushie’s failures, but you have done a superb job.  I especially love this:

    after fucking everything up as much as it can be fucked.

    I don’t know how he was as a cheerleader at Yale.  Maybe he did a good job there.  Other than that however, bushie has been excellent at destroying everything he ever touched.

    San Francisco Supervisor Cris Daly has presented a resolution to the Board of Supes (seriously) to change the name of the sewage treatment plant to the George W. Bush Sewage Treatment Plant.  


     “The…attempt to micromanage our commanders is an unwise and perilous endeavor….[Vice President Cheney, 4/13/07]

    He speaks the words but doesn’t listen to or abide by them..

    And one of the funniest daily briefings in a long time was just the other day when poor Dana was getting dizzy trying to keep the ‘correct’ spin on things.  

    • Edger on July 19, 2008 at 22:02

    It’s a “time horizon”.

    C’mon, get with the program! George doesn’t do timelimes, you know that!

    • Edger on July 19, 2008 at 22:19

    1) SOFA.

    2) Can we get some Iraqis running for Congress this year?

    • brobin on July 19, 2008 at 23:52

    all over this World….

    Well, ah’ll be gol’durned!  Presnit-wit George “Eastwood” Bush is agonna make nice wit’ them camel jockeyin’ types in ordah to make lahk he is gettin’ sumptin’ done?

    That ol’ legacy sure is a-hauntin’ him, ain’t it?

    Course, his Sec’tary of State is a-gonna say we ain’t cotton’n up to no A-rabs.  We is jest sittin’ in ta see what they has ta say ‘n all.

    Cause, we all no, Bush ain’t no givver inner ta them terrahrist types, no sir!

  5. and saw articles on McCain’s retractions, based on Bush’s two flip-flops, –  versus what Obama’s been saying all along – and said “This could be really important.”

  6. “He presided over the final collapse of the American Empire”.

    – answer to junior US History final exam question, 2028.

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