
Congratulations, Sean Hannity. Congratulations, Bill O Reilly, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh……..and anyone else who supports that shit and makes it profitable…….


KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (CNN) — The suspect in a fatal shooting at a Knoxville church Sunday was motivated by frustration over being unable to obtain a job and hatred for the liberal movement, police said Monday.

Jim Adkisson, 58, was charged with first-degree murder after Sunday’s shooting at the Knoxville church.

Authorities recovered a four-page letter in which the suspect described his feelings and motives, police said.

The case is being investigated as a hate crime, police said.

Authorities also discovered a letter from the state government telling the suspect he was having his food stamps reduced or eliminated, police said.

The suspect, Jim Adkisson, 58, of Powell, Tennessee, has been charged with one count of first-degree murder in the shootings at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church.

Yeah. Liberals cut his food stamps. Liberals outsourced his job. Sure.


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    • OPOL on July 28, 2008 at 18:30

    (the guy holding the Hannity Sucks Ass sign).  😀

  1. It’s been an objective, and the wheels are turning toward seismic events that will make us a third-world country within months, not years.

    The emergency plan is an international bazaar within the last month of BushCo—watch for a cataclysmic exit. Not Iran…It’s Bush’s war on the freaking United States!

  2. and Chicago schoolers, which both parties have an abundance of, if we’re going to blame anyone other than the perp.

  3. at Fox “news” told him that food stamps are available because of liberal government policies, you know, the kind of legislation that helps people. That’s what good government does, it HELPS people.

    Another conservative loses his ‘bearings’ and people have to die. In a church. On a Sunday morning.

    The fucking irony of it all is staggering. Aren’t these the assholes that promised the fundies they would restore the ten commandments to schoolrooms. They promised the fundies they would  end abortion. They promised the fundies “family values”.

    Then, when frustration at not getting enough food stamps reaches critical batshit insanity, it’s time to blame the liberals.

    Thank you Mr. Coulter, you too Spawn Hannity and Loofah O’Lielly. Your own agenda poisons America and you have the temerity to blame your political adversaries for what you have done.

    In January 2009 the adults are taking over. I hope those adults have the good sense to revoke the press credentials of anyone affiliated with Rupert Murdoch.

    They don’t practice journalism, they simply pump propaganda at 20,000 watts.

  4. roaming about freely.  Some people are compelled to harm themselves or others because of the voices “in their heads”.  But there are also some very angry people out there, who are on short fuses, who are incited day after day by the hate radio jocks, and the pseudo-news people at Faux.  

    We don’t really know where Adkisson falls in this range of mildly to wildly disturbed people, but IMHO, the hate radio people are adding fuel to an already burning fire.  

    This diary, I believe, gives good insight into how hate-filled propaganda can and does have consequences.  The hate-talkers create a mythical nightmare world for their listeners, where the talkers and their listeners are “victims” of the left–even (astonishingly!) when the conservatives are basically running all three branches of government.  But apparently many people who would rather blame others for their misfortunes find victimhood to be comforting.  

  5. saying it promotes violence.  Defenders of rap music, including its composers, say that it reflects tough inner city conditions and that the critics of rap music are racists. Stephen Colbert, in a conversation with Nas, said that Bill’s network is known as Fox and Friends and not Fox and Racists.  

    Given that, I wonder of the police will ask Adkisson, the shooter, if he listens to rap music……  *snark

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