each of us faces tough choices

we tell ourselves we’re on the brink. the world as we knew it is gone. holy shit. oh my fucking god. the polar bears are drowning. frogs are disappearing. we are beyond safe limits of CO2.


fyi: the world as we knew it has always been a fleeting construct… it’s always changing. there is nothing to hang onto. there never was… our lives keep moving forward. our lives will not stop. we, all of us, will eventually fall off cliffs into our own abyss…

in a way, i think then this frees us up. because if life is basically in chaos and out-of-control, why not use that to our advantage? why are we thinking inside the political box when the problems we confront are so outside of it??? i like this kind of thinking…

The resources of a single human cell’s “biospace” are as unbounded as the resources of outer space. Quantum microscopy opens vast new resources that fulfilll Paul Dirac’s criterion for a golden era:

“Golden eras occur when ordinary people can make extraordinary contributions”

why are we tied to barack obama, just for an example? if obama reads like a corporatist. if he voted for FISA… why? if he is the presumptive nominee because he tacked left of Clinton and now pulls right… if he can change direction, why can’t we change the course of this election? why? who determines our actions? do we? or do we allow some monolithic, decaying political system keep us in its thrall? do we have to accept this?

no. maybe it’s not the politics. we haven’t gotten it yet. it’s all temporary. it’s all just beyond our grasp. what lasts timothy? fucking nothing. oh. right. change lasts. and yet maybe that very thing gives me right now. if it’s all i have, then i want to own it.

ha… then i don’t have to vote for obama (or clinton) as the lesser of two evils. i can write to the delegates of New York and urge them to cast their ballots for Dennis or John… I can tell the Super Delegates what I think. And promise them a course of action that will leave them all realizing just how much the world as they knew it has moved way past them…

so… it’s another call to form another party. another call for a systematic campaign of filling school boards, town boards, state houses, and congressional seats with different points-of-view: we can tell the old ones, still stuck in the world as they knew it, that the Real Life Party is here. the Resistance Party is here. the Green Party is here. the Common Good party, here!!! and i have to ask myself, what is really progressive? voting for the lesser of two evils or abandoning that path? even when that path takes us further to the brink? or do we, at some point, have to risk being pulled over the brink? and how do we know that is really the worst thing? how do we really know what the brink is? and maybe that changes all the time too… or, and i’m not sure who first said it but: who the fuck really knows

we have in us the power for drama and daring and doing great things. this is the time. we have, in front of us, another wild west to explore. uncharted ocean to cross. this trek is to reclaim the territory of our minds. our souls.

we are still fighting to be free. we will always have to fight for our freedom. because the world as we know it will always change, will often fall into the wrong hands… and yeah, life as we know it will always leave us with tough choices.

phew. that felt good. lurking sucks…


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    • pfiore8 on July 10, 2008 at 13:02

    just don’t make a big deal out of it. just because i couldn’t stay away.

    • RiaD on July 10, 2008 at 13:15

    i think everyone who is pissed with obama & everyone who is pissed with clinton(& who is to say if clinton won the primary would she have voted for fisa & obama not? i think it’s just a game they play to keep the unruly masses down)…everyone should write-in john edwards…. he & kucinek are closest to liberal ideals….

    whats the problem?

    • brobin on July 10, 2008 at 14:35

    That really would screw the Diebold Manchurian Candidate wholly!

    Mornin’ pf8!

    • Edger on July 10, 2008 at 14:50

    Welcome back. 🙂

  1. Welcome back.  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.

  2. who voted how:


    • Metta on July 10, 2008 at 19:04

    with Rachel Maddow last night, expressed grave sadness.  Dark times indeed.  He did however say we must elect Barack Obama to turn this thing around. Can we believe this?  I want to believe Senator Feingold.  Rachel of course asked him about Obama’s yes vote.  He simply said it was the wrong vote.  It was said with a tone reservation implying he expected it.  This whole thing makes me feel very sick.

    This is all so frightening.  Lately I’ve had visions of what could be.  A thought about being an actual refugee, leaving behind our home, crossed my mind.  Many darker thoughts then those that plagued me during the Reagan years have taken over.

  3. So upset about the vote/so happy to see you back here!!!

    If you don’t mind… think I’ll stick with happy to see

    you back!!


  4. Yes, all of this frees us.

    To encourage us to take all necessary action and to not give in to fear and/or disillusionment here’s another of my all-time favorite quotes.

    “The sky starts at your feet.  Think how brave you are to walk around.”

    -Anne Herbert

    • srkp23 on July 11, 2008 at 03:03

    This is a conversation that needs to be had. For my part, I’m supporting and working for Dems this cycle. I want to see what they do when they have the WH and decisive majorities in Congress. But I have my benchmarks of what I consider to be progress and Obama articulated his own:

    WENNER: “Is there a marker you would lay down at the end of your first term where you say, ‘If this has happened or not happened, I would consider it a negative mark on my governance’?”

    OBAMA: “If I haven’t gotten combat troops out of Iraq, passed universal health care and created a new energy policy that speaks to our dependence on foreign oil and deals seriously with global warming, then we’ve missed the boat. Those are three big jobs, so it’s going to require a lot of attention and imagination, and it’s going to require the American people feeling inspired enough that they’re prepared to take on these big challenges.”

    If Ds continue to be timid and disappoint, I will go for a third party in 2012.  

  5. I will try to whip something together — thanks for the heads up!

  6. You know, as long as people are writing in candidates who are not Obama or McCain, there is still Nader.

    Just sayin’

    1. so glad you are here to see it.


  7. Beautiful diary.  Impermanence.  So true.  How can we not be tickled into amazement with the fact of change, change, change…

    That makes for a fertile field of possibility where we may prosper or fail…yet we move on…

  8. therefore you really never left in my mind. I am not you I don’t always see the same (or perhaps I do) but damn you know how express sides of the total not comfortable and still not freak me out.

    No write in for me I’m going for the devil I picked the one with the big ears. I started with Edwards but his endless mantra proletariat, was just as big a wrestling con as Obama’s. The choices given do not include your list they have been preselected between an Manchurian and a talented cipher?(if only!) his version of empire includes enough sops that I’ll take door #1. The others are/were just props, to siphon off the voters with a brain. sorry to be so cynical yet cheerful today. nice to read you.        

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