I love the bee in the squash blossom. What part of the country is it ? If I’m not being to personal. I’m guessing somewhere hot. the hammock in a grove looks like a great place to spend the summer.
RiaD, dang, you make me so nostalgic — yes, I remember this kind of garden when I was growing up.
You must feel soooo good in your surrounds, as I do imagining myself there. And, it’s quite obvious that Monsieur LaPooche, in the end, makes the most emphatic response of all — “WOOF, WOOF, I am a happy camper”
Is a muskmelon the same as a cantelope (sp?)? And what are black peppers & dragon tongue beans? What do they taste like? i.e., are the peppers hot or more bell pepperish? and what kind of beans that I might have eaten do the dragon tongue ones resemble?
Its funny, I have been using a music theme for my Sunday Morning over easy writings for a year now, I NEVER thought of it as a soundtrack until these.
Your peppers look like over water, and I saw the slow drip line… perhaps let them really dry before giving them a good deep water?
Now, those paper lanterns, are those related to tomatillos? I haven’t planted tomatillos in years, they volunteer from old seed, and I just let them show up wherever they want to.
The Datura? Holy shit, never seen it live, but hear the tales about that stuff. Deadly medicine there.
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And what a sweet baby on the bottom.
I love the bee in the squash blossom. What part of the country is it ? If I’m not being to personal. I’m guessing somewhere hot. the hammock in a grove looks like a great place to spend the summer.
RiaD, dang, you make me so nostalgic — yes, I remember this kind of garden when I was growing up.
You must feel soooo good in your surrounds, as I do imagining myself there. And, it’s quite obvious that Monsieur LaPooche, in the end, makes the most emphatic response of all — “WOOF, WOOF, I am a happy camper”
…even the okra.
Is a muskmelon the same as a cantelope (sp?)? And what are black peppers & dragon tongue beans? What do they taste like? i.e., are the peppers hot or more bell pepperish? and what kind of beans that I might have eaten do the dragon tongue ones resemble?
Its funny, I have been using a music theme for my Sunday Morning over easy writings for a year now, I NEVER thought of it as a soundtrack until these.
Your peppers look like over water, and I saw the slow drip line… perhaps let them really dry before giving them a good deep water?
Now, those paper lanterns, are those related to tomatillos? I haven’t planted tomatillos in years, they volunteer from old seed, and I just let them show up wherever they want to.
The Datura? Holy shit, never seen it live, but hear the tales about that stuff. Deadly medicine there.
What a beautiful pictoral.
The country consists of you and thousands of your friends whom you’ve never met.
For a split second there I thought the soundtrack was going to be Gypsy’s “Here In The Garden”, but I’m sure the lyrics don’t describe yours.
I figure if anybody here has heard of Gypsy before, It would be you. ?
Pookie & all the growing things. Gardening is the right way to go now. I can’t, but my very good friend does.
Thought it was illegal to keep a brown bear as a pet.