Yesterday I said I didn’t know what The Right represented anymore. Today they do us the courtesy of telling us directly. What are their ideas in the battle of ideas, what is it that they are they fighting for?
Via Think Progress…. and posted on The American Spectator
SO LET’S SUM UP what America would look like in an age of Obama.
To start there would be no more driving SUVs. No more Rush. For God’s sake absolutely no driving your SUV while listening to Rush. No more eating whatever you want. Definitely no keeping your home as warm or as cool as you prefer. No capital gains cuts because they are unfair. Your guns will be banned. And if you have a different opinion on global warming? All those lofty supporters of rights for terrorists are going to strip every oil executive in America of theirs in a heartbeat, live and in living color.
Is anyone paying attention here? Today the targets are talk radio, oil, SUVs, or guns or debates on global warming and so on. But what about tomorrow and the day after that and the day and years after that? What freedoms will next be targeted with that deadliest trademark of an Obamalander — moral superiority? What do we have when the sole purpose of the government as run by the chilling principles of Obamaland is to “use the political process” to remove freedoms large and small one by one by one?
Someone needs to speak it plainly.
The word is fascism.
Torture, illegal detention and rendition, spying on you without a warrant, investigating you based on solely your skin color, under the Patriot Act,our government is able to access your medical and financial records, and search your home when you are not there ….and never tell you they did….propaganda, and the constant drumbeat to fear fear fear the terrorists and obey the government. All these are fine.
Just don’t mess with my thermostat?
Ok, we now know what the modern Right represents in the battle of ideas.
To paraphrase, Me me me me me me me me me.
Oh and….just plain idiocy.
Yesterday, ThinkProgress noted that members of the right wing are apoplectic over the “leftist propaganda” latent in the current No. 1 movie in America, Pixar’s “WALL-E.” Conservatives have claimed it contains “fascistic elements,” represents “Malthusian fearmongering,” and is evidence of “Bush Derangement Syndrome.”
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good too see you are still in the fray…..
hokay hey…..
Now, somebody cook me a corn dog and fetch me a case of moral superiority. Oh, and turn on the Radio. Ah needs muh daily dose uh Rush..
Hahahahahaha. And ha.
For the wingnuts information, the only “freedom” the “far left” is interested in removing from wingnuttia is the “freedom” to be a complete asshole.
to discuss what fascism is, other than just using it to name call which is obviously what the Amer. Spect. is doing.
Fascism is the combination of government and corporate power. If there is government regulation (such as decried by the name callers) under fascism, it is typically there to help corporations: injurious to employment rights and individual liberties.
The name calling thing and all the other appeals to fact free emotion we are seeing are deliberate attempts to sway the swing voter. I really wonder about the swing voter. Where have they been the past 7 years?
We need an appeal to a new american citizenry, just the opposite of these appeals to fear and emotion.
The right needs to invest in a dictionary. I think they do not know what fascism means.
Either that or they’re trying to subvert yet another word, which I suspect is more likely the case.
Been done. But I’m still waiting for the name tag and identity card. I have a set in collecting. I already have my Dirty Stinking Hippie and my Commie Pinko stuff. And my Effete Impudent Snob regalia. And I adore my Nattering Nabobs of Negativism collection. But the fascist people are stiffing me.
Really. I want my stuff.
PS: The vocabulary of the people passing out those labels has really declined over the years.
Been done. But I’m still waiting for the name tag and identity card. I have a set in collecting. I already have my Dirty Stinking Hippie and my Commie Pinko stuff. And my Effete Impudent Snob regalia. And I adore my Nattering Nabobs of Negativism collection. But the fascist people are stiffing me.
Really. I want my stuff.
PS: The vocabulary of the people passing out those labels has really declined over the years.
He’s been promoted to give McCain’s Campaign a New Karl Rove look. By the looks of it, he’s lost no time in getting to work. And he has a lot of assistance he can call on too: Swiftboaters find loophole in campaign finance law so they can assist Schmidt in funding the trashing of Obama.
Meanwhile, they’re getting considerable help from the other side of the aisle, as we agonize over supporting someone who has turned out to be a “politician” in the world of politics….
If you’re a fascist, take the meaning out of the word by calling your opponent a fascist first. When he tries to call you the same thing, no one will take it seriously.
ruining a perfectly good word for the rest of us. They’ve already ruined ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ and now their going after ‘fascism’ until it has no real meaning anymore as well.
It seems to me that forbidding the use of SUVs and barring companies from owning hundreds of radio stations so they can’t have Limbaugh playing 24/7 somewhere, well it seems that would be the opposite of fascism, at least by Mussolini’s definition, since it actually limits what a corporation can do.
That being said, as much as I wish Obama as president would roll back some media consolidation and regulate the automakers so they don’t keep producing gas guzzlers that are destoying this planet, I highly doubt that he’ll do either of those things.