I woke up very early this morning, as I usually do, had a cup of coffee and something to eat, read and replied to a few essays and comments here, and then again as I usually do, went back to bed and slept for an hour or so.
It’s become a habit for me to do this because I really enjoy the extremely lucid dreams I have while sleeping when I’m already rested and after eating.
The dreams I usually have at that time are so lucid they are literally worlds and realities indistinguishable in quality and “realness” from the world of daily life. I converse with people in them, can bang my knee against a wall, pet the cat, slam my fingers in a desk drawer, listen to music, in short they are experiential worlds as real as any other. As “this” one – the one we each find ourselves in at this moment.
Dreams, in other words, are real. They exist. They are as real as anything else.
Which begs the questions “what is real” or “what is reality”. But those questions I want to leave for another time, and I’ve purposely titled this essay with the suffix “- 1” not because I have any plans to write a “- 2” or a “- 3” but because I might one day. Who knows. Maybe I already have, somewhere?
What I want to ask instead this morning is “what is consciousness”, or perhaps “what is awareness” might be a better question considering my observations of a process this morning.