July 2008 archive

Sunday Morning Over Easy (More pics Updated)

I spent the better part of yesterday at a Rock Party at Arrowhead Alpines. You know you’re getting old when your Rock Parties involve actual rocks, and you don’t smoke any of the exotic buds you bring home.

They have an enormous amount of plants and exotics. Worth visiting the link, if you love gardening.

It was marvelous. I am such a flower child in the most literal fashion… and yet, as my friend Kate said the other day when she moved this huge rock my husband brought home for me, (pics follow)

“Jesus, why can’t you bring her flowers like a normal husband?”

He knows I’d rather have the rocks. 🙂

Ahh, thanks Mr. Petty, now back to the pictures and story.

Docudharma Times Sunday July 27


Going To

Supermarket and

Looking For

Sausage and Votes

Just Ends Up

In A Whine

Sunday’s Headlines:

Obama to McClatchy: Goals in Afghanistan should be modest

Beijing’s haze thickens even with pollution controls in place

Olympics threatened by Islamic separatists

Silvio Berlusconi: The padrone is back and he means business

How one careless phone call ended Radovan Karadzic’s liberty

Iran executes 29 in jail hangings

Turkish warplanes bomb PKK targets in Iraq  

In Zimbabwe Talks, Who Will Get the Real Power?  

Key to feeding Africa called better farming

Guanajuato’s mix of mines, mummies, music


This Time, It’s Different

Global Pressures Have Converged to Forge a New Oil Reality

By Steven Mufson

Washington Post Staff Writer

Sunday, July 27, 2008; Page A01

The two events, half a world apart, went largely unheralded

Early this month, Valero Energy in Texas got the unwelcome news that Mexico would be cutting supplies to one of the company’s Gulf Coast refineries by up to 15 percent. Mexico’s state-owned oil enterprise is one of Valero’s main sources of crude, but oil output from Mexican fields, including the giant Cantarell field, is drying up. Mexican sales of crude oil to the United States have plunged to their lowest level in more than a dozen years.

Shiite Militia in Baghdad Sees Its Power Ebb  


Published: July 27, 2008

BAGHDAD – The militia that was once the biggest defender of poor Shiites in Iraq, the Mahdi Army, has been profoundly weakened in a number of neighborhoods across Baghdad, in an important, if tentative, milestone for stability in Iraq.

It is a remarkable change from years past, when the militia, led by the anti-American cleric Moktada al-Sadr, controlled a broad swath of Baghdad, including local governments and police forces. But its use of extortion and violence began alienating much of the Shiite population to the point that many quietly supported American military sweeps against the group.


Justice, 64 years later

‘Long-overdue vindication’ comes for 28 black soldiers cleared in a 1944 lynching.

By Kim Murphy, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

July 27, 2008

SEATTLE — It was a crime so improbable that many had trouble believing it could have happened at all: Three black soldiers stood accused of lynching an Italian prisoner of war, found dangling from a wire on an obstacle training course at Ft. Lawton in the middle of World War II.

The subsequent trial of the three men, along with 40 other black enlistees charged with rioting, became the largest and longest Army court-martial of the war, and the only recorded instance in U.S. history in which black men stood trial for a mob lynching.

By the time it was over, 28 men had been convicted on rioting charges and two of them were also found guilty of manslaughter in connection with the 1944 hanging.

Page Views & Visits & Flame Wars

oh my!

A note about Docudharma site traffic.

The Greatest Story Never Told

So what if I told you that the powers of financial capitalism (bankers etc.), had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.

This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations?

Obama and the Shift to Afghanistan

Senator Obama, the presumed Democratic presidential candidate, has said that he wants to withdraw all US combat troops from Iraq within about 16 months. Now it appears that political differences are narrowing and that a possible consensus is building for just that.

The Wall Street Journal in an article on 23 July by By John D. McKinnon, Yochi J. Dreazen and Elizabeth Holmes noted that President Bush had announced a week earlier that he would agree to a “time horizon” for withdrawal. The Prime Minister of Iraq is also pleased.

In the days that followed, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki publicly endorsed a target date for withdrawal — the end of 2010, roughly in line with the mid-2010 time frame advocated by Sen. Barack Obama.

What I Do and Do Not Fear

As much as I aspire to be motivated by factors more noble than fear – like love and compassion – as a human being I do have fears, and they do motivate me.  My need to express and proactively confront these fears arises from my digestion of yesterday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing, Executive Power and Its Constitutional Limitations.

While I was left feeling more optimistic about some Committee members’ sincerity in restoring the rule of law, as well as the options presented by witness testimony, I also became more acutely aware of my fears. I agree with Elizabeth Holtzman that the need for bipartisan support of accountability – specifically impeachment inquiries – is essential to the success of the process, and quite probably to the future integrity of our Democracy.

I’ll get to my point:  some Republican members of the Committee stated that the primary role of Congress is to protect Americans, to focus on “national security”, rather than conduct oversight hearings.  They, of course, attempted to justify this position by mentioning threats from terrorists, which did elicit fear in me – but, I’m sure not in the way these members intended.

So, I listened to my fear, and I had a conversation with it:

Pony Party: Pictures

I managed to sneak away a bit during my recent visit home to take a few pictures at some local gardens in the city where my grandmother lives. What I particularly like is that behind the gardens are some hiking trails near some wetlands….

A few non-garden pictures….



Garden and surrounding area shots….





What a drag it is growing old…..

Michael Philip Jagger was born in Dartford, Kent on 26th July 1943. When he was 4 he met Keith Richards until they went into secondary schools and lost touch. But one day in 1960 they accidentally met on the Dartford train line and both realised that they had an interest in rock n roll combined with blues. Between 1960-1962 The Rolling Stones formed. It comprised of Mick on lead vocal and harmonica, Keith Richards on guitar, Bill Wyman on bass, Charlie Watts on drums and Brian Jones on guitar.  Link

Join me below as the UK commemorates this grand event……

Weekend News Digest

Weekend News Digest is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Housing rescue bill heads to Bush for signature

By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS, Associated Press Writer

1 hour, 28 minutes ago

WASHINGTON – Congress passed the most significant housing legislation in decades Saturday, offering help to struggling homeowners and seeking to stabilize a troubled housing market that has dragged down the economy.

President Bush will sign it quickly, the White House said, despite reservations over $3.9 billion in the bill that would aid neighborhoods devastated by the housing crisis buy and fix up foreclosed properties.

The bill, approved 72-13 in a rare weekend session in the Senate, would give the government power to throw a financial lifeline to the ailing mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They back or own $5 trillion in mortgages, or nearly half the nation’s total. The rescue plan is intended to prevent the two pillars of the home loan market from failing and causing broader market turmoil, while strengthening oversight of their operations.

You’re Not Invited To My Pity Party

I am visually impaired, what the state of Texas considers blind, but with a small field of vision that to most people means I am not really blind.  This was the result of an act of violence committed against me by a sociopath.  A person who believed themselves entitled to their anger, their grievances, their hurts and most of all entitled to live a life based on the false assumption that nothing and no one besides themselves counted above their own self absorption.  I have nothing to do with such people these days, something that is actually easier to do in real life than here.

Being a tough cookie I fully expected that I would surmount this, newest, obstacle.  What I didn’t know was that my very way of thinking had to readjust in order to make the changes required for making a life under these very new circumstances.  Being tough just frankly was not enough.  I was going to need to find in myself something more than courage and a stubborn insistence on moving forward.

There was no aspect to my life that was not impacted and I came to understand that only the choices I made would determine whether the outcome was good or bad.

I had wonderful help, I was fortunate to be a Texan with the full support of the Texas Commission For the Blind to face all these changed circumstances.  My first hurdle was simply mobility, getting around in a world I suddenly could not see very much of.  That turned out to be a three year long training exercise before I was fully confident of my ability to go where I wanted to go when I wanted on my own terms.  But I got there.

The second life altering change I had to make was to acknowledge all those messy emotions that go along with such a life changing experience.  My first caseworker with the Commission read me like an open book, a disconcerting thing that blind people do and I suspect the reason people are so afraid of us.  She insisted to me that I must grieve what I had lost and I must acknowledge those feelings or I would ultimately undo all the other work I was being so successful at.  Her suggestion to me was that I set a timer for five minutes, be private and have my pity party and then when the bell goes off be done with it for a while.  It was the best advice I have ever gotten in my life.

There are some things that need to be addressed to be successful at it.  The main one to me was the stunning realization that I didn’t have more than five minutes worth of original material.  Any longer and I was repeating myself and wasting good time I could be using for a better purpose.  The other was realizing that it was a whole lot like expecting to smoke pot and get something done.  You can, provided you decide before you get high what you’re going to do and how you’re going to get started.  Then you can just do it and not blow your buzz.  Same thing with a pity party, be prepared and then be busy.  The healing comes along in reverse proportion to losing your buzz, it builds rather than decreases.

My caseworker’s point was that any one dimensional solution to a multi dimensional problem is destined to fail.  No one thing that I did, no service that was provided to me by the Commission helped me to survive being blinded; it took many things all working together.

I did not “get over” being blinded, although I can say that there are people in world insensitive enough to actually say and apparently mean such a thing.  What I did do though was get with, embrace and accept the new reality that is my life.  

My feelings about that are addressed, privately, in a pity party.  What that does for me is allow me to go forward in action and make choices that are not directed by those feelings.  They get their hearing and they certainly can be a factor, but they damn sure don’t run the show and for that I am truly grateful.

Do I lack patience with people who won’t deal with their feelings privately and use and embrace them instead of inflicting them on the wider world?  In a word-YES.  It doesn’t need to be done like that and it doesn’t actually work as well that way.

So, please folks would you leave me off the invitation list for your pity party.

John McCain’s Summer of Love American Style

In 1967, John McCain was shot out of the North Vietnamese sky, crash landed in a lake, taken prisoner, and held in captivity for … 41 years, so far.

No one can dismiss the unimaginable agony of enduring six years in an enemy prisoner of war camp. It is surely a brutal experience both physically and mentally. It is the sort of experience that never leaves you and, indeed, it seems never to have left John McCain. His entire post-POW frame of reference is shaped by what he went through, and also by what he missed as a consequence of his incarceration.

The Zen Dictator Speaks





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