(10:30AM EST – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)
I’ve been working on a project — a pseudo-fictional story based in contemporary American history and current events — that I’ve hoped to complete for a while now. Given the current state of affairs nationally, the fast-approaching July 4th weekend, the crumbling economy and growing time constraints, it makes more sense to announce the accompanying stuff now and make it available if anyone wants it.
I’ve created a section to a CafePress store that has postcards and prints that folks might find interesting or useful, particularly the postcards if they want to do any kind of message-to-Congress thing. Some folks have seen some of the images created that I’ve put into comments, so I’m posting this here to let ’em know that they can now pic up something with the images on them — a physical, tangible item that could be used in activism. Here’s an example of one, meant to inspire new Patriots of today and hopefully encourage them to work toward the defeat of the corruption that is undermining our Constitution and betraying the nation:
Stealth Patriots — postcards and prints
More after the flip, if you’re so inclined…
Hey Congress! Come November… — Postcards
Code Warriors, Data Wizards and Scriers — A new breed of citizen soldiers emerges in the battle over freedom of speech and communication. Mousepad.
Constitutional Crisis — postcards
Renegade Writer — shirts, bags
Tinfoil Hat Brigades — These aren’t people running around spreading the latest conspiracy theory. They ~are~ the latest CT. Mousepad.
Here’s a patriotic reminder, from Schoolhouse Rock via YouTube, of what our forefathers sought and fought for in their vision of a nation worth fighting and dying for:
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…I’d love to hear how Congress got inundated with “Constitutional Crisis” postcards…or even the “Come November” set…that would just be so — well, so just?
Great postcards, shirts, etc. BTW,I’m bookmarking this essay so that my grandkids can watch the videos, the next time they come to visit. (That heads up, just to make it easier for Google to get ready to monitor the planned (2nd!) viewing of the You Tube Videos from this ISP
I hadn’t seen any of them before. I especially love the top print.
Been working along similar lines. Honing the writing chops here. Started at GOS and, like Hurricane Bertha, I really had to move, move, move.
My theme in general is the AQ guys won on 9/11. They’re pulling a Thermopylae on the Khyber Pass. They’re facing west at us and have the PK nukes in their backyard. We took their bait and moved from unassailable ground to fight on their territory. Crazy Horse must be laughing. All it took was nineteen men, some small money, some patience and a bunch of eager fools on the other end – our end.
To top it all off, the fools decided to satisfy their greed and blood lust first and ignore the AQ, giving them time to regroup safely and expand into their backyard where the PK nukes are now within reach. While we spend two generations worth of fortune making the ultra-wealthy oil men even wealthier, losing the respect of all nations and imprisoning our own people in controlled thought, they live simply in the most beautiful of God’s country and thought control their own people.
I love the store concept. I’ll make that a separate post.
Hoka hey.
In the 60s the music and the revolution spread by these means. We had a very small underground press. Today that press is in the blogs. We find each other in cyberspace and hope no one lurks.
Postcards are intriguing. I hadn’t thought of that. They pass through many hands. They’d be an easy way of tracking postal censorship. Send out several at a time, one or so to trusted addresses to check on delivery (our new COD, heh).
Cough, cough! We just happen to have some excellent Photoshop artists on this site. Maybe we could do up some printable art work along your lines. Sell the postcards at the store and make the files downloadable and locally printable.
T-shirts and hoodies and sweatshirts get seen by a lot of people. In the 60s the underground music scene used nearly unreadable poster art to convey date, time and place for events. Some great work came out of that time. No reason we can’t repeat it.
Like the Dead with taping – make it easy to pass it on. Good karma will always find a way to provide.