Act now! Get the new, improved Iraq Moratorium

As the Iraq Moratorium prepares for its 12th monthly observance on August 15 — the Third Friday of the month, as always — it’s made some changes to get ready for its second year.

You’ll find a new website, with a new address,, and even a new logo to go with the new look.

One thing that hasn’t changed is the determination to end the senseless war and occupation of Iraq, by encouraging locally organized, grassroots actions to move more of the silent majority who say they oppose the war to do something to end it.

It’s a simple concept.  It asks people to interrupt their daily routines on the Third Friday of every month and take some action, individually or with a group, to end the war and occupation.

The national Moratorium doesn’t try to tell people what action to take.  It offers a wide variety of options, from wearing a button or armband to taking part in a demonstration, and many things in between.  The important thing is that people do something.

The national website acts as a clearinghouse for information, collecting and posting events planned by local organizers and reports, photos and videos afterward.  It also offers some tips and tools for organizers to use.

It’s almost an exaggeration to call it a shoestring operation.  It operates on virtually no money with a volunteer crew. (Disclosure: I’m part of the volunteer core group that tries to keep it growing.)

Given its almost non-existent resources and media blackout of antiwar actions, it’s first year record is somewhat remarkable.  There have been more than 1,200 actions in 41 states and 240 communities since the Moratorium began in September 2007.  No one really knows how many individuals also observe the Moratorium in some way on the Third Friday of the month,  but it’s a significant number.

As Iraq Moratorium #12 approaches, think about one thing, big or small, that you can do to help.  If nothing else, a donation would be gratefully accepted — and you don’t have to wait until August 15.

Whatever it is, please do something.


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  1. Please bookmark the new site, since the old one (.org) is still up at the moment, because a disgruntled ex-webmaster refuses to take it down.

    • Alma on August 6, 2008 at 19:26

    looks really nice.

    I love the new logo too.  🙂

  2. Hope more support will be forthcoming!

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