OMFG Edwards love child exposed!!11!!!

Irrefutable proof.

No one can deny the truthfulness of these photographs, taken ALL BY MYSELF.

This is a clear indication that Edwards was part of a conspiracy to keep people from knowing about his love child.

You’ve all been waiting patiently, so I’d like to finally, at long last, break the silence and reveal the photograph that CONCLUSIVELY SHOWS that Edwards is a scummy liar baby daddy.

The quality of the photo is not the best, I used black and white film.

Shocking photograph below the fold!


HOLY SHIT! That picture just rocked your face off!

Now let’s examine the picture more closely, via Photoshop’s cropping tool…


There you can clearly see John Edwards, holding what appear to be a baby of some sort. You can tell it’s Edwards because of the hair. That’s no Supercuts hairdo, I’ll tell you that much.

Now, for a closer look at the baby:


That is CLEARLY a baby.

Refute that, kossacks!

Now, to establish the location….


STRIPED FUCKING CURTAINS! There’s no way to recreate striped curtains routinely found in hotel rooms. Game, set and match on location.


That’s the godless tramp that Edwards has been procreating with (see above for picture of baby for more details).

You can’t look at her and seriously argue that she’s not godless tramp of a mistress.



No man can possibly stay strong when tempted with such earthly delights.

Somehow, Trogdor wandered into the shot:


No real connection, I just like Trogdor.

So there you go, kossacks. Irrefutable proof that Edwards is scum.

It’s been proven.



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    • theblaz on August 6, 2008 at 21:05

    Threw this up on DailyKos, figured you all should enjoy it too.

    Or mock it. Whatever.

  1. The NE could get their ass sued for libel and get shut down if they were wrong on any of this.  They said they had pix and they apparently do and have published them.  While this doesn’t prove the baby is JE’s, it does beg the question what he was doing at that particular hotel trying to get out incognito around 2:30 AM.

    I think the ball’s in JE’s court.  All he would have to do is have a DNA test done on him and the kid if he wants the publicity to stop (if the kid isn’t his) or come clean on it (if the kid is his).

    This has a chance of taking the spotlight away from BO right before the convention when he should be building up to his bounce.

  2. Trogidor rocks!  Personally, I think the curtains are really the mystery father.

  3. Did anyone else notice (dear God I hope not) that the circumference of the mistress’ left breast is greater than the length of her right leg?  I’ve never observed this ratio in the wild before.

    • robodd on August 6, 2008 at 23:25

    And what about Bush’s orphans?

  4. OMFG!!!!

    Buwahah hahha hahahahaha

    This so fucking cracked me up.

    PLEASE PLEASE can you post it on WWL for me?




    • Robyn on August 7, 2008 at 02:41

    Just sayin’.

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