Scott Ritter:
The Bush Administration has built a new generation of nuclear weapons they call usable nukes. And they have a nuclear posture now which permits the preemptive use of nuclear weapons. For all those Americans out there who say taking on Iran is a good thing, (like this one):
If we use nuclear weapons, the genie’s not going back in the bottle until an American city is taken out by an Islamic weapon in retaliation. So tell me, you who want to go to war with Iran . . .
Pick your city.
Tell me which one you want gone. Seattle? L.A.? Boston? New York? Miami? PICK ONE, because at least one’s going. And that’s something we should all think about before we march down this path of insanity.
You PUMA’s out there, you Party Unity My Ass “Democrats” who are still throwing a tantrum because Hillary didn’t get the nomination, who say you’re going to vote for McCain, go ahead, I can’t stop you. But while you’re in that booth on Election Day voting for that warmonger . . .
Which one do you want gone? Chicago? Denver? Kansas City? San Francisco? PICK ONE, because at least one’s going. And that’s something you should think long and hard about before you haul your tantrum with you all the way to Election Day.
You progressives out there who say Obama’s not progressive enough, who keep focusing on his faults instead of on McCain’s INSANITY, who keep slamming Obama on blogs instead of doing everything you can to stop McCain:
Pick your war.
Tell me which war you want next. With Iran? With Russia? With China? PICK ONE, because at least one’s coming if McCain wins this election. And that’s something every progressive who’s slamming Obama should think about before they slam him again.
What is yet another slam of Obama on a blog accomplishing at this point? Nothing. He’s the Democratic nominee. The choice is either Obama or McCain. The choice is between a chance to slow down the corporate warmongering with a Democratic president or a global bloodbath with McCain.
Those of you who plan to keep slamming Obama instead of doing everything you can to stop McCain, go ahead, I can’t stop you. But PICK YOUR CITY, PICK YOUR WAR, tell me which new Supreme Court justice you want to rubber stamp McCain’s decree that arresting progressive bloggers is necessary for national security. PICK ONE. John Cornyn? Jeb Bush? Grover Norquist?
Well, don’t worry about it, you might not have to pick, you might get all three if McCain wins this election.
Keep slamming Obama if you want, but while you’re at it, tell me which fucking detainment camp you want to be in when McCain smears his way to the Presidency and gets his wars, and we’re all rounded up and hauled away in DHS boxcars to Utah or Wyoming or Idaho. Yeah, I’m looking forward to it, while we’re all locked up for the rest of our lives we can pass around the bowl of gruel and you can tell me every day what a useless president Obama would have been.
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Can we do that?
Thank you.
…might as well be among the first to die is how I see it.
Seriously, this is a bit much. I’m sorry if I don’t believe that the world is me writing positive blog entries about Obama away from us being loaded into boxcars. Indeed, I think this sort of overheated rhetoric does little but obscure and shut down everyone’s ability to think. Real people are really dead because Biden’s drug czars have felt that giving surplus M-4s and M2 Bradley Assault Vehicles to local police departments to round up pot dealers. The truth remains that I’m still more likely to die in prison for smoking a joint than I am for daring to write that McCain is a fuckwit. Which isn’t a reason to not vote Obama, but it sure isn’t a reason for me to throw out my brain and start worrying about conservanazis packing up the Sierra Club into a railcar.
My answer to the question in your tipjar is “No”.
Ummm… “Pick Your City” is pretty much what Bush used to justify his WOT and his invasion of Iraq.
I like you buddy, but I quit buying that brand a long time ago.
… I believe you have posted a controversial essay!
I like your rant. I don’t think I’ll be deranged by it.
But I like the opposing comments as well.
I’m not a wishy-washy person. I think this is a good debate going on here.
The Bush family. Halliburton. KBR. Enron. Lots of Big Oil slime there. Too close to New Orleans…
I’m showing my geezer creds here, but I actually remember CREEP’s sabotaging of Democratic candidates campaigns. I remember the Rove smear machine’s attacks on McCain in 2000. More recently, there was this NRA plant outed as infiltrating gun control groups.
So, given the consistent and persistent “dirty tricks” tactics of the republican/ conservatives–IMHO, it wouldn’t be beyond them to “plant” a few alleged “Dems” in the Hillary camp to stir up crap at the Dem convention. Undoubtedly some of these people are just sore losers who can’t put the good of the country over their own personal and sincere disappointment–but that’s no excuse for joining hands with the Rovians to empower McCain to get his hand on the NUKE button. Selfish and immature–yes; really giving a damn about the future of their daughters, sons & the world they will live in? No.
that I find myself getting a little tired of some of the constant ripping of Obama too Rusty. But I’ve not felt the desire to defend him that much because I also disagree with him quite a bit.
For me, it comes down to the fact that he won the primary. If folks had wanted someone like Kucinich as the candidate, the primary was the moment to do all this. That’s when we had options about who to put up against the Republicans. Kucinich didn’t win that battle and there are lots of reasons for that. It means we’ve got alot of work to do – whether its reaching voters or challenging the MSM and their coverage of the primaries. But for now, the opposition to McCain is Obama.
My one difference with those who criticize Obama is that I’m not completely sure yet that he’s bought and paid for. It might be that he just doesn’t agree with us. Those who accuse him of always being a centrist are right – he’s always been one. As much as I liked his speech at the 2004 Dem Convention, it was centrist to the bone. So his positions might be because he’s capitulated, or they might be what he believes. Either way, I agree with some and disagree with alot. But from what I’ve seen he thinks and he talks about them – something its clear McCain doesn’t do. And the fact of the matter is that I agree with Obama far more often than I do McCain. Their answers to who they would NOT have appointed to the Supreme Court are a good example:
McCain – Ginsburg
Obama – Thomas
nuff said…
I think the man is a little tetched, or a lot soft in the head. He would be the best “puppet” the neocons ever had, even better than Bush.
I don’t think Scott Ritter exagerates too much when he speaks of nuclear war and the use of nukes. I think that if Iran is attacked, nukes are intended to be used. As Ritter says, “that let’s the genie out of the bottle.” That is not an exageration and is possible and thus, very frightening. Ironic, isn’t it, that the current Administration acts as world police over another country’s nuclear proliferation, while we contemplate the use of it in a war!!
As Rusty said, there are only two candidates: Obama and McCain. There are those who will vote for McCain, simply because of Obama’s color — we cannot win over those such people. But, we must try to be as unified as possible and win over as many people as possible for Obama. Obama has it over McCain in many, many ways, plus I do think he will “listen” to the American people, as best he is able (saying that because of the corporate factor). I say this, without the fear of the use of nuclear weapons. Now, add that fear to McCain and I think its imperative that we have an Obama win.
In our system, no candidate makes it to front-runner without corporate backing. Not a pleasant fact!
If we want to have a candidate, such as Dennis Kucinich, we have to first get the money out of campaigns. In other words, an amount allowable for each candidate to collect, an allowable amount of air time for each candidate, etc. By establishing an equal basis for each candidate, then, we might have a truly “fair” election. By establishing the same set of rules for lobbyists, we might then really clean up our government. But in this capitalistic society, it’s hard to imagine that ever happening.
This is a heated thread — I’m simply trying to present the reality of what we are facing, IMHO. You can’t “wish it” different!
Some of us do get your intent to rally the troops around focusing upon STOPPING the fascist train hurtling towards the cliff, but meanwhile others are standing around complaining that the train is supposed to be painted Black and not Yellow and that a cabboose is supposed to be Red and not Violet.