Trains Too Pony Party

first a word from the management…..


***ek hornbeck***


Writing In The Raw

Tonight! 10PM, FrontPage


train song

train song

downtown train

hobo’s lullaby


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Pony Wrangler!!!

Many days/times are now available!!

(11am & 8pm- M,T; 11am-W)

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~♥~ Pony Party is an Open Thread. Don’t wRECk the pony please. ~♥~


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  1. needs a Railroad.

    • Edger on August 22, 2008 at 04:15

    Last night as I lay on the boxcar

    Just waiting for a train to pass by

    What will become of the hobo

    Whenever his time comes to die

    There’s a Master up yonder in heaven

    Got a place that we might call our home

    Will we have to work for a living

    Or can we continue to roam

    Will there be any freight trains in heaven

    Any boxcars in which we might hide

    Will there be any tough cops or brakemen

    Will they tell us that we cannot ride

    • Edger on August 22, 2008 at 04:31

    CCR – The Midnight Special

    • RiaD on August 22, 2008 at 04:36

    hope you’re okay ek!

  2. Great clip from a classic: Cary Grant & Eva Marie Saint in the dining car scene from North by Northwest.

  3. Instrumental and totally awesome.

  4. 🙂

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