Fucking incredible

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

I’ve been away for a few weeks and now catching up on the blog-o-sphere. I read a story from Glenn Greenwald about protesters arrested for planning protests of the RNC convention.

PLANNING protests. PLANNING to protest… oh my dear good god.

Yeah. Scary men in scary gear with scary big guns busting into homes of people who are vegans. People with slogans like: Food not War. Arresting them with intent to riot.

What is more incredible than even this? That, as Glenn Greenwald notes, there is very little outrage emanating from our fellow citizens, MSM, blogs.

But what I am reading about is Gov. Palin and McCain looking at her ass. What the fucking fuck is going on? Huffpo right side: all pics of Palin. Daily Kos? McCain and Palin and on the FP, a inane piece about McCain looking at Palin’s ass.

I sit in utter awe of where we find ourselves. We have people in our government who have assumed power. Taken power. They (DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS) have overtly allowed George W. Bush to destroy our laws and the foundation of those laws, our Constitution.

And yet, despite the facts flying in front of our faces, we seem to think deconstructing Palin has some meaning. That believing in Obama has some meaning.

Those responsible for the disastrous state of affairs in our country are those campaigning and promising us they will uplift us. Those very candidates are part and parcel of the power structure that is responsible for allowing the destruction of the fragile balance of power American was able to maintain at large (it has freed Putin is to challenge the whole EU community and who pushes back?). Is it me? Or have we all gone fucking crazy? Thinking that these argument about John McCain or Barack Obama or how old Biden will be in eight years really means a fucking thing…

Our lives are being usurped, inch by inch, by the very people we citizens have divided ourselves over. Think about it. Really. Look at it. The citizens of this country are so blinded, we can’t make out the real stories.

Like police in riot gear terrorizing American citizens who want to carry signs saying: FOOD NOT WAR. Like unanswered Congressional subpoenas. Illegal wars. Illegal spying on US citizens. FISA. the dissolution of anti trust laws. mercenary armies… i am sinking thinking about how long this list could be, if i had the heart to keep on going. . .

The presidential race is of little consequence. Ousting Nancy Pelosi? For me, much more appeal. Taking back our town councils, school boards, and state houses? Necessary work if we are to regain our country and re establish our Constitution. There is a revolution going on in this country and beyond. One being waged by those in Washington to kill Ameria and our republic. There is a revolution going on and the proponents are both Democratic and Republican. They are federal judges and industrial leaders. Past presidents and those who run the World Bank and IMF. The revolution includes Mr. Putin. I mean how can this man threaten to nuke Poland and nobody blinks? What the fuck is going on?

Electing Obama president? Blathering on about Palin? Only keeps us further from the work that needs to be done. The revolution needs to be stopped.

Being distracted by the people in the race… all the utter bullshit about who’s right or who’s a hypocrite or who lied or who’s a beauty queen. Keeps us from looking at EVENTS. Is there anyone in our government standing against the outrage in Minneapolis? I’ve been surfing the web and see not one Washington leader screaming bloody hell over it.

We are in trouble here. This is not August 2001. They, Dems and Rethugs, have changed the game on us and, it seems to me, we keep clinging to old ideas and habits.

and i wonder: what are we thinking? so many holding the same hopes, feeling the same horror at our situation, and seeing the solution in candidates who both represent those who took us to this horrible mess.

Follow the money. Follow the events. It is up to us. Nobody else to save us. . .


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    • pfiore8 on September 1, 2008 at 14:29

    into scalding/seething/shitty reality  

  1. Good to see you.

  2. …in the current environment…but the stuff from Minneapolis is quite the update on how far we’ve apparently gone.

  3. and we’ll not fail’

    ~from ‘Macbeth’

    ….of course lady macbeth was trying to embolden her husband to assassinate someone….and i would never suggest such a thing…so maybe this quote isnt entirely relevant…

    but since screwing (and the associated rehabilitation) seems to be the bigger attention-getter, i went with it… 😉

    • Edger on September 1, 2008 at 16:20

    Ever read “The Man in The High Castle”?

  4. are the enemies of the parties, and the enemies of the State.  Not enemies of the country, mind you, but of the State.  It becomes clearer every day.

    • RiaD on September 1, 2008 at 16:59

    hope your holiday was entrancing….

    & i hope you took tons of pics!!

    (& will soon do a photo essay~ hint-hint)

  5. …over to the orange to add an (entirely superflous) rec to your diary. Congrats :))

    I hesitated to write this, ’cause our conspiracy mills need no additional grist, however light…but what is interesting to me is not just that they are doing this, but what it says about their information gathering process, the “we know where you live” aspect.  That’s new, and it hasn’t been on display before.  What a heady tool for them to wield!  If you can bust down the right door, the computer you seize will surely have something damning on it…and you’re covered.  

    There’s an interesting history here, though it probably won’t be written for seventy years.  They have a choice of really, really good electronic survelliance and humint.  This sounds, from rumor and article, like a large humint effort, spies on the ground thing.  Those are, historically, hard to pull off; but terribly effective.  Everyone in America now knows that if you go to a peace meeting, chances are good one person there works for George Bush or someone just like him.  Nobody cares.

    So, uh, email me about that visit thing hon.  I think I need to pass out some CVs, and set a date:}

  6. Nice to see you back!  I hope your vacation was wonderful!  I’m sure it felt good to get away from all of this for a spell!

    Thanks for pointing out the asinity of well, just about everything!  

    Do you think the lack of outrage by the actions of the police — pre-emptive, illegal and harsh — is indicative of a general apathy or, simply, a growing acceptance of such behavior?

    The excuses, language does not change from one thing to another.  Take Iran, for example, we have to stop Iran because “they might recommence their nuclear programs.”  State Police tactics used against individuals or groups because this is a (supposed) “conspiracy to commit riot.”  In other words, everything is now pre-emptive.  So, we have to STOP it on the basis of something which might ensue!

    It just gets sicker and sicker.  

    As to Palin, people should REALLY be noticing that she, too, is a pathological liar, just like the rest of them.  And, notice, too, how easily she took on the role and even spoke as though she was a long time friend — not even knowing McCain.

  7. on the Jerry Lewis telethon joked about this election.  He said most people hope nobody wins.

    The internet world is starting to bypass the US because of NSA monitoring.  Isn’t karma a wonderful thing!

    Late in coming but more wonderful is this.


    More on Big Al’s Inconvienient Ruse.



    And me.  I can’t wrap my mind around the end of my 22 year career.  It feels like I’m going to my own funeral and even large amounts of beer are not helping.  Global fat fuck CEO Bilderburg scumbag assholes have historized my job.

  8. I’m glad to have mostly not cared about any of this. Having family in town will do that to you…

    But have an orange rec from me for old time’s sake.

  9.  you don’t mess around. It’s awesome. Thanks I too get so caught up in hype, our and theirs, I over look the whats going on as well as what is important. It’s so easy to take your eye off the ball me I am working away and Bamb another slam to humanity another blow to the human race, wow it does seem a race. Thanks again P8, reality is preferable even if relentless.  

  10. Protest these happenings — make your voice known!


  11. …for planning to report?   Link

    I wonder if Blackwater is helping the police with crowd control?  I wonder if Rove is in charge of determining how the police deal with protesters?

    I hope that Amy’s been freed by now & that the police have to answer for their Putin-like methods of dealing with dissent.

    • Edger on September 2, 2008 at 03:05

    Star Tribune, updated about 10 minutes ago

    more  than 10,000 demonstrators flooded into downtown St. Paul’s narrow streets on the steamy first day of the Republican National Convention – greeting delegates with a hearty expression of displeasure for the Bush administration and John McCain’s presidential campaign.

    While block after block of marchers chanted and peacefully waved signs, some bands of protesters splintered off and smashed windows at Macy’s and a downtown bank building.

    Protesters came from across the state and the country on what was expected to be the largest demonstration of a week filled with protests.

  12. Few people seem interested in this very important issue. The fourth amendment is gone and the first is hanging by a thread. They are not coming back.

    This, along with all of the other “shock” changes brought to us since the neocons got their Pearl Harbor. They have simply taken advantage of that perceived crisis to implement the changes the ruling elite have wanted to bring about for many years.

    Naomi Klein describes this so very well in her book The Shock Doctrine.

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