
It does appear that personal costs to me and the ones I love are pushing me in the direction of ending the internet persona Lasthorseman in this and other internet venues.…

Study it, hell make it part of your daily news sites, far better than the color of Sarah’s underwear ain’t it.

More on this may be forthcoming IF the world does not end AND I have the means to access the internet.  I thank those who love me and those who think I am a raving loon for both have contributed equally to my internet learning experience.  I have shared my life with this ugly world far too much and the ruination of this used to be middle class American puts me in survivalist John Rambo “you drew first blood” mode.  Don’t worry I’m not “going postal”, some may not even know what that means.  One can’t shoot the Illuminati just as one can’t educate the mouth breathers who point to Austrailia and say we should attack Iran next.

In a hundred languages and a hundred different ways keep me from the Apocalyptic horse.  Carry on for each of you who care about the lives of others are in fact Knights.  I regret however not cataloging the influence of the negative Veils and all.…

You may discount all of the mumbo jumbo about the specifics but embrace the concept of the levels people attain in life.  It is a concept as old as Plato and his Allegory of the Cave.  Yeah well sure I see things differently but in today’s society I’ll pass on the medication.

My personal D-Day is but hours away.  I have closed my modest above ground suburban pool cleaning up and putting away my grandson’s green mutant ninja turtle floaties.  I hear his two year old haunting voice “Grampy pool,,Grampy pool” yet I see darkness in these mechanical motions of summer’s end.  I shall not open this oasis of fun again.  How do I sense this?  Well it is the same psychic intuition that takes me back when viewing the staff pictures of John Yoo, Alberto Gonzales and Leo Strauss.  It is that shocking Oh my God, these fuckwads really are minions of Satan, I can’t really describe the impressions, impressions merely from a picture.  This is a gift?

Now if I recover from all this and post some stuff on say Friday of next week it means the collective well wishing (you meditating monks) will have countered the forces of evil and we can all get back to normal, if not they, them them, will have historized another voice.

The final thought here.  Why does “diversity” never include age into the corporate Kumbaya mix of the total equation.  Years of service presumably doing excellent constructive things could generate a record of success/failure of said company’s endeavors thus revealing the true intentions of said company.

Really people should I write the book or take my lithium.  Sorry to dump upon you with my troubles as in the true American tradition I strive to be self sufficient and mind my own business.  Such is not the case today.


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  1. … who loves you.  And I hope we’ll hear from you again, oh Knight of the Fifth Veil.

    To say “corporate” and “diversity” in the same sentence, ugh.  Not bloody likely.

    How could corporations want folks who actually know what they are doing?  It would make the CEO’s look bad.

    You are a true original, Lasthorseman.  I wish you and your family all the best and hope that you are able to make it through this transition with flying colors.

    • Edger on September 8, 2008 at 04:14

    There’s more of us than there are of you. If we have to we’ll come over there and grab you by your attitude and drag you back here and glue your fingers to a keyboard. You can’t get rid of us that easy. What do you think we are? White belts on the knight scale or something?

    Besides. There are fish to catch.

    Only you know how. We need you. You have to steer.

    Cheezus forking krist.

  2. (that’s what my kids call my father, ‘cept he spells it with an -ie)

    blessings on your continued journey, hopeful that it will bring you back to us.  

    • Edger on September 8, 2008 at 04:31

    You need to explain this.

  3. And wish you many wonderful journeys in the time in between.

    Write the book, skip the lithium. I’ll advance order.

    Edger is right, more of us…. You’ll be back, I know it.

  4. wow Lh!  Even though I don’t understand half of what you just said, I appreciate having your point of view here.    Good luck and hope to hear from you again.  You are welcome here any time, any name.  

  5. …and beyond that, please do not take medical advice from our community.  I don’t know if you should take lithium or not, but I do know that we are incapable of deciding for you.


    • RiaD on September 8, 2008 at 08:15

    kiss your boy for me….

  6. …is one of my daily site visits.  

    I offer frankincense and myrrh…and I will be meditating.

    I appreciate your contributions.

    • pfiore8 on September 8, 2008 at 09:04

    i think it doesn’t matter about the end. or death, for both will always find us.

    in its inevitability, death becomes irrelevant. a known. a given.

    i say we’re here for the unknown. we’re here to make shit up.

    i say: don’t let go of now. no matter what happens tomorrow. no matter what . . .

    • Valtin on September 8, 2008 at 09:18

    This is not the last battle, Lasthorseman, by whatever name you or I go by. I hear you consider another journey, but I feel the collective heartbeats of a many a soul will hold you here. We have something to do. If you can’t be here, then accept an agnostic’s godspeed.

    • kj on September 8, 2008 at 15:01

    you are one of us, we are one of you.

    the journey is just beginning.  you are wanted/needed here.

    i would miss you very much if you were to leave here forevah.

    as Syd said above, i will light some incense and mediate upon your return.

    namaste, knight!

  7. I have developed such affection for your writing and you non cookie cutter on line personality that I find it hard to let go.

    Really you should write that book and I am hoping that you will come back soon and rattle us.

  8. There is always another day, another way, another play to act in, to act out in. Your’s has been an important voice from the void for me and others, I would not know of globalresearch, et al, without you. The only lithium you need is the ionic kind packaged as batteries. I used to ride bulls in pro-rodeo, now I ride the waves in an old wooden boat.

    Change is good.

    Edgar choose to put up a song about a river, instead of a road for once, I’ll pick up that one, and another one.

    and another one.

    I’ll be waiting for your next posting. If not…….

    Be well man and DON’T let them get you down, attitude really is everything, it will get you through this bump in your life. And that is what it is. A bump. Rear back, spur ’em in the shoulders and yell Heee-yaaaa. Make like Slim Pickin’s.

  9. and will sorely miss your mind tilting posts. Your inner compass and creative writing keeps me from falling prey to the politics right and left that tell me I’m a crackpot, lefty, tin foiled extremist, commie bastard. Why do the net voices I love the most, the ones that challenge die so young?

    I sense from your writing it’s not the net per say but personal or career that is causing your dilemma. You can withdraw from the grid that tries to hold us captive to it’s reality and still keep mind and body together. Their is life beyond the matrix and surprisingly it pays better then the one which requires you to turn your mind and soul over to the bastards.

    One of my favorite hero’s is the free lancer in Brazil the movie, free lancing is the ultimate terrorist act. If your withdrawing from society at large into the woods, you can still access the world on this level. I hope you reconsider dumping this persona as the world needs more knights and God knows the last horseman is essential. If you do goo thanks for helping me strip away the veils even the most liberal use as a filter.    


  10. If you must go, I hope this is au revoir and not adieu.  Now is no time for a Lasthorseman to throw a shoe.  For the want of a shoe a battle was lost . . .  

  11. I look forward to your continuation as the lasthorseman here, at ET, and in a few other places.  The hope for another sniff of the jitterbug perfume must not be lost.

  12. Monday, low and behold my badge opens the door.  HR is not waiting for me and I did not punch out the new hatchet man director.  More on the black hole that was my career as this battle with that dragon continues.  The loss of a career might be one thing but to know it is the result of little men, those who stand in the way of goodness and light.  Those anal enough to insist upon domination over other people at any and all costs.  It is a funeral an intense mourning period for a dear loved one.

    I see I have people.  Your well wishing sustains me and for now this Knight has escaped the evil hords.

  13. Part of the American tradition is also to help, in anyway possible, and oh yeah ‘bro, you got people.

    • odillon on September 10, 2008 at 03:33

    you’ve made a contribution that has untold reverberations into the future. Good ones!

    This is a tough time in many ways. The campaign and its new tones and lies is really, really bothering me.

    Ageism bothers me too. You ask a good question there about diversity. It’s hard to feel less visible just when you believe you are more wise than ever, doesn’t it??

    Take care and be well.  

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