(6 pm. A stunningly beautiful scene.   – promoted by Magnifico)

 2 DSC0048

Today was a special day for me as I picked up my granddaughters for ice cream.

After work, they were hiding behind the door in the entry, & scared me half to death (ya, right) when they jumped out in halloween masks.

We went down into Malibu, for ice cream, & stopped at the memorial to the people who perished on 911.

They had a great time & the memorial was really beautiful.

I was actually surprised at the number of people who`d stopped & parked on the side of the road to enjoy the view over the ocean & sit down to rest, talk, remember etc.

Here is how it felt.

Have a nice day.

You all know I`ve been extremely busy, but I`ll be taking a break, within the next month, & you`ll be seeing more of my images.

Whether that`s a good or bad thing is not up to me to say.

Please click on the main image to see many more images of this day which I will not soon forget.

My girls were a laugh a minute. Their innocence is what keeps me sane, in a real crazy sort of way.

I love them.


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  1. that is a stunningly beautiful shot.  I love that she has her eyes closed and the sprinkles on the cone are an awesome detail.   I checked out your Flickr Set too. The flags are very moving. & the girls are cuties!  Lucky grandpa.    

    • pfiore8 on September 12, 2008 at 11:39


    • RiaD on September 12, 2008 at 16:04

    to have YOU for a grampa!


  2. have already been chosen within these comments.

    What a splendid picture, Knucklehead!  Of LIFE magazine quality, I would say.  

    Glad you had such a wonderful day with your granddaughters — lovely to be sure.

    I, too, went early in the a.m. to visit a 9-11 memorial near me.  It was a memorial dedicated to the victims of 9-11, as well as our troops.  The flags were there, but were small ones.  Still, it was very nice.  I took some pictures, as well, but havent’s assembled them yet.

  3. knucklehead!

    It seems that all about us is out to destroy that “innocence” from every corner of the earth, in every child and every being.  There is truly “evil” about us.  

    Children and animals are such treasures to us, in their natural state.  Why is the “world” trying to crush this — such, that we might not see that “innocence” again?  Are we now to rear children with “guns” in their hands?  How sick it has all become.  

    Overpopulation is NOT the problem — GREED is the all consuming problem.  The United Nations, which I visited about 13 years ago, pointed out that “overpopulation” is, however, a problem.  Meaning, of course, that each country must try and find a way to cut back on births to avoid the situation, which, I largely agree with.  But, even as such, doncha’ think there’s enough to go around for ALL of us?  I do!

    I have not assembled my pics from 9-11/2008 — I think they’re rather ordinary — but, I will give them to you when I get it together.  Ordinary, meaning, just a typical Americana suburb doing what it can — but, maybe, that’s the HEART of it all!

    P.S.  J’ai une questione!  Est-que tu soi Francais —

    Francais? ou bien Canadienne?  Je suis curieux!  Parce, tu me semble plutot Francais dans ton expression!

  4. …glad you’ll have more time to be around again.  

    I remember some realy beautiful things you posted last spring.  And these are great pics, great girls, great ice cream.

    • kj on September 15, 2008 at 04:33

    lovely lovely lovely.  🙂

  5. to commemorate those who died because of the coup of 9/11/73…

  6. I had a two hour conversation with the owner of my personal “safe house”.  I happen to reside within the thirty five mile radius of what would be the future nuclear wasteland currently known as Boston.  I had no idea the owner of my safe house was that far along in his worldviews on the Illuminati and we had long conversations about how he, a tradesman and lacking certain esoteric knowledge should shut up in certain social situations because such rantings would not win him converts.  I pledged to send him my appropriate internet links as he did reveal an over dependence on lamestream propaganda “news” networks.  In conversation I had to say several times back the truck up and see the global picture here.  What does the Illuminati want in their pick for the puppet master manchurian candidates for the “free” world and why.  Why did McStain not pick Romney.  Why did Kumbaya Obama not pick Hillary.  It is not opposing parties and ideals, it is the marketing efforts of shitheads aligned and programmed by the anti-Christ himself.

    Yes this one offends me greatly and at first glance I wonder if on the right side of the photo the flags omit the blue stars field and how that specific sign relates to the Illuminati Plan to Destoy America.

    Wow indeed.

    All is lead by the satellite photos of the “United States” and that glowing persistent light visible to the entire galaxy.  Now if you snuff that out the supposed energy entitled turn the lights on set of only 300 million, well their energy potential can be re-allocated to the remaining 6 billion at an extremely beneficial profit margin to the elite assholes who call the shots on this, the third rock from the sun.

    I totally love my grandson too but if you featured him amongst flags of the fucking United States I’d punch your fucking lights out.  Yeah, wake up morons before your job, your life goes away to China with the complete blessing of “your” government.

    Both towers fell at free fall speed and on their very own footprints.  Little known to most twenty somethings of the myspace set WTC seven also fell upon it’s own footprint at free fall speed even though no airliiner hit it.

  7. What a splendid picture, Knucklehead!  Of LIFE magazine quality, I would say.


  8. Re-reading this and taking it at face value it is wonderful and I should not have dumped upon you by reading doom and gloom into normal everyday life simply because I am facing my own personal Armageddon.  Sorry about that.

    We both enjoy our grandchildren and we should leave it at that.

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