(9 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
I’m thinking about Reverse Poll-arity this morning.
Honest to God, the addition of Barracuda to McSame’s ticket and the inflated Poll numbers to ease the election fraud makes me MORE likely to vote for Obama than I was a few days ago.
Random Sidebar:
Yesterday I tried my googlest best to find the lyrics to an old Roy Rogers song to no avail.I just had this riff going about “Palin, you no Pal O’Mine” to the tune of “Palamino Pal o’Mine” and nowhere to go with it.
That song so pre-dates even my old ass, I have no idea why I even know it, and yet I found it hilarious snark, and wish I had been able to parody the lyrics. The refrain is all I remembered.
Ok, back to the wonky shit.
Palin and the Polls fired me up as much as if they had run Coulter.
She calls Native Alaskans “Arctic Arabs” for fucks sakes.
I understand the hopelessness, I wallow in it like a routine bath; without thought.
Neither candidate really represents me. But I cannot help but feel that the attacks on Obama may ultimately backfire.
“He wants to teach Kindergartners sex education.”
That pisses me off. Its a lie he will sound stupid even refuting. They know it.
Seriously, there is a concerted effort (and I think much of the base sources are the right) to make the left unhappy with Obama, while trying to make the Right believe the most racist bullshit about Obama.
They are trying hard as hell to piss him off.
I want him pissed off, after seeing how spineless Dems have been under such attacks the last decade in a way….
But should he react with anger, those who actual have been swayed by issues and discontent with the last 8 years may switch back.
Nothing is scarier than “Angry Black Man” to middle whitey America. Should he show anger the Fox news transcribers would show it over and over, probably with Reverend Wright snippets. The fear factor, their specialty.
The polls over and over are to lull us into complicity, a resigned state. The lies over and over, unrefuted, are made to make us stop even trying to disprove them.
For me, and perhaps many Americans who love an underdog, this has had a reverse effect.
Part of me wants to rush to his defense. Part of me wants to beat at ANY cost these lying douchebags who cannot meet him on an even playing field and win on issues and truth. Part of me is ready to go to the office in the next town and sign up to canvass and register voters.
… and I don’t even trust Obama to change much.
I saw how Clinton disappointed me, after being fired up by “new, young, different, charismatic.”
Clinton wasn’t a liberal either, but I sure as fuck think I did better with him in the White House than I have under the Bush Cheney regime.
There was still a Constitution.
I was one of the first to realize how futile it was for someone like Denny to get elected in this madhouse of Amurikkan Idolitry, no matter how much I liked his stances.
I KNOW I am in the minority in this land, I think entirely differently than most of my peers.
I understood Mike’s old girlfriend Jill, who used to be wildly liberal, when over dinner at her house last Saturday she said, “I’m done with it. Now I only care about me and mine. I won’t vote for either one of them. I’m not voting.”
Now MY back is against the wall, pushed by liars, thieves and a new VP candidate who has shown less respect for the law when administrating her office than Bush/Cheney have. Like Bush/Cheney, she is an ideologue who slices the throats of anyone who doesn’t support her extremism in full.
The fire in my blood is rekindled by not only “more of the same” but “Much worse than you’ve ever dreamed, baby!”
Bush was a psychopath, but McCain is an angry delusional backed by a religious zealot. Cheney didn’t even attend church.
The ONLY way to beat them is to Support Obama in Full, I fear. (while still keeping his feet to the fire and barraging their office with our needs, wants and demands)
Like Jill, I have had it. Only I haven’t the time to work on the next cycle 4, 8, or 12 years from now.
I need to work, to keep my home, to get health care for me and mine, to keep women’s rights and NOT have this become a Religious State.
If McCain/Palin win the last 8 years will be a fond memory as we slip into a utter Hell, the likes of which have not been seen in this country before. It will make the Great Depression look like a cornucopia of wealth and Nazi Germany look liberal. It will make the US a Born-Again Taliban.
Fuck the Polls.
They lie to make us give up.
I hate to say it, but I will choke back the bile of no-choice, disenfranchised bitterness and say:
Vote Obama
Or end up with Limbaugh/Tonya Harding in the White House.
amen, again.
Yes, I was originally going for Cynthia, but now is the time to prevent the disaster that would be McSame/Harding.
Can’t essay sit, off to work.
BBL this afternoon!
yanked my pissed off head right back to reality, or what ever passes for reality in this time. I have encountered the same thing among my sanest friends, relatives and chance encounters. I won’t vote that’ll show them, they both suck, or the young un’s last night who proclaimed I’m voting for Cynthia McKinney, she’s not a wimp.
I too get to this point daily. Screw em all. This is where they want you. This is why every political battle is won by a squeaker. So I say to my kids and those I know ‘Don’t be stupid, vote and vote Obama”. I have to say it to myself most of the time. I guess I’ll get myself down to headquarters and hit the streets, not fun when I feel almost as discouraged as the voters who open their doors, and are leery of all pols and their bs.
Meanwhile I’m getting a passport, so if McCain does manage with the Dems help to win, I can at least make it to Vancouver. Lordy I’m sick of this!