The Cheney was born with the stars
The Cheney has always existed
It is the Cheney that rustles the grass behind you
As you walk through the dark woods
It is the Cheney’s eyes that you glimpse
Behind the hung clothes in the dark closet
The Cheney is it, that goes bump in the night and that hides under the bed
It’s passage bring goosebumps
The Cheney has always been here
They say
The Cheney is in the eye
Of the shot and dying once caged quail
The Cheney is in the eyes
Of the thin Iraqi child
As she she cannot sleep from hunger
The Cheney , so they say
Spies on lovers, but for a pleasure obscene
To catch them breaking rules
The Cheney bursts forth
In the explosion of sorrows in a drunken barfight when it has all become too much
In the lovers fist and the regret that follows the change
When it cannot be taken back
The Cheney lies in the dark, waiting, plotting, watching, stalking
Feeding on despair and brimming anger
Feasts on hurt and death and pain
And gnaws at the bones of our weaknesses
It sleeps in your fears
In all our fears
Where the sunlight never goes
The Cheney has always been here, so they say
That before one passes from this place
A new one must be born
It will always haunt our dreams
To show us what true meanness is
And now…. it wears a dress???
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but there ya go!
This is the song Over and Above from the album Phantasmagoria by Curved Air, not the band Phantasmagoria, which is totally different.
or has hair plugs.
Good writing!
lipstick. dont forget the lipstick…
Bushies Come to Palin’s Aid
By Michael Isikoff, Newsweek, September 02, 2008
Yep, that would be the same Randy Schuenemann who was one of the neocons who engineered the war in Iraq when he was a director of PNAC, and who also was a close friend and former employeee of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, who ordered the invasion of South Ossetia, an invasion that clearly was expected to and did produce a Russian counterreaction.
Now Schuenemann will be tutoring/programming Sarah Palin with PNAC foreign policy pit bull thinking?
Can we drive a stake through that barracuda’s heart before it’s reincarnated as Palin?
I have read in a long while. It has a lot of literary quality, while capturing something very true and very deep about our reality… the Cheney reality we seek to flee.
Bravo, buhdydharma. This is one I will send to my friends. I think it should be anthologized.
I never suspected you have the modern poet in you (although, perhaps, I should have).
is the Anti-Cheney?!
That creep stole my birthday – January 30th, the same day that Gandhi was assassinated. I’m thinking of picking a new day – sometime warmer… any suggestions?
The Grip of Death is nice, but real men prefer Impalement.
the female Cheney is a better shot and can kill and skin her prey. I am really nervous about the male version however where is he? The Repugs have hidden him somewhere and you have to wonder what he’s up to.