The Rapture of 911

(11 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

Seventh Anniversary

Seventh Seal

My cosmic connection is complete.   Realization of the situation came this morning in the form of company scheduled meeting……at 9:00.    I am honored, perhaps targeted as the first trade center building was hit at 9:03.   Think me important, do they.   So there we sat my boss’s boss and I discussing the world at large and my future with the firm.  We did a Kabuki dance him and I, neither of us wanting full disclosure of our real selves.  I fancied him as a Sith Lord and me an angel of light.  Always liked the resonant tone of Sean Connery’s voice.

The good parts of life.   Driving trucks around in the sandbox with my favorite two year old, a family meal and then tacking up the horse.   So I am off my game lately but lunging headlong getting the first glimpses of America’s destiny in any number of dystopian future world outlooks.  Your prayers and thoughts are with me.

To better days and next summer.


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  2. after virtual death. Good! I always liked the concept of alternative existences that come at forks in roads. Glad you and your boss did the dance, the bosses of this world need the horsemen whether they admit it or not.  

  3. It is the dismantling of a once functioning company and they just don’t care.  No, more than don’t care they NEED it gone because the power of being constructive educates people and contributes to the light of goodness in the world.  They saw the need to snuff that out.  It has been done with precision, design, and purpose this “reorganization”/”voluntary retirement”.

    When all is said and done some dolt from Harvard MBA will no doubt write a business case study against such lavish ideas as rewarding dedicated people with a mere safety net.  Why?  Well because those with knowledge gained over the years can and do profoundly embarrass the psychos in charge.  It is akin to the mouth breathers who point to Austrailia on the map and say “We should bomb Iran next”.

    Been really busy lately but I don’t feel I have missed much in the way of political realities.  Something about pigs and lipstick, I vaguely recall.  Oh and the complete vacuum, I mean nary a peep out of lamestream on the Historic Seventh Anniversary of That Heinous TERRORIST ATTACK by RADICAL ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISTS who HATE YOUR FREEDOMS.  I sense a coming radical paradigm shift as I await Diebold leaking the Obama selection.  Well that is IF Bush/Cheney actually “leave”.

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