The VA and Soda on a Counter…..Prosecution!!

Don’t really have the time, nor the inclination to write this up better, but I just paid a visit over to Harpers magazine site, and this is what I first saw:

Unexpected Consequences from a Mug of Soda

Written by one Scott Horton

The Bush Justice Department continuously tells us it is beleaguered, under-resourced, and having a hard time battling crime.

Scott is referring to this article in the Idaho Statesman about a woman who drives her father, a brother Vietnam Veteran, to their VA Hospital for treatments and while there usually gets a re-fill of soda in their cafeteria.

Scott lets us in on abit of the story line and adds some thoughts of his own, like this:

The VA turned the matter over to Idaho U.S. attorney, Thomas E. Moss, who prides himself on having been picked as an adviser to Alberto Gonzales. Moss literally decided to make a federal case of it by bringing a prosecution. Remember, this is the same Bush Justice Department which has advised Congress that it “lacks the resources” to investigate or prosecute more than 30 rape cases involving contractors in Iraq, and which recently decided that senior Republican appointees caught in a massive corruption, cocaine and illicit sex scandal at the Interior Department weren’t worth going after.

Interesting story and seems to be leading a caring daughter in danger of prosecution and jail time!

The Incompetence and Corrupt Fools beat goes on, remnants of Alberto and American Justice!!