Two Scenarios

We are on a cusp. The decisions we make, the scenarios we choose in the immediate future lead to two very different worlds.

Of course every decision made leads to a different future. But at a cusp such as the one we are at or on now, the choices lead to starkly different futures, starkly different scenarios. Not just for Americans, but for the entire world and for the human race. Nearly every, if not every, aspect of importance to the way the world is run is hanging on this cusp: The American and world economy, the way America and the world uses military force, human rights, the way the worlds remaining resources are used and distributed, and of course the big one, Climate Change.


The current election in America is symbolic of these scenarios. Though it hardly seems fair to the other 61/2 billion people in the world who don’t get to vote in our election, America’s place as an empire or superpower means that what we decide here will be a huge factor for the future of the entire planet. Especially when it comes to Climate Crisis.

One scenario leads to one kind of world, the other to a starkly different one. Using the symbols of our current election to illustrate these choices, we have a Republican/McCain world scenario and a Democratic/Obama world scenario. In the McCain scenario, an elite,(the rich) in effect a new aristocracy, is empowered and makes the decisions for everyone. Decisions are made for and by the rich, as we are seeing right now with the Republican solution to the current financial ‘crisis.’ International differences and conflicts are dealt with militarily and decided solely in the interests of this aristocracy. The economy is geared towards increasing their power. Everything, including climate crisis and resource allocation is decided on one basis, what is best for them. Barely enough concessions are made to the underclasses of the world to avoid revolt. Human rights, the rights of EVERY human, (such as not being snatched off the street and detained indefinitely and tortured)that have been fought for throughout history are subjugated to the needs and concerns of the rich, the new aristocracy. A return, in essence, to feudalism.

In the other scenario, democracy is once again valued, if not restored/established immediately. Decisions are made and policies are instituted on the principles of equality, freedom and justice for all. The economy is not a play thing for the rich, but is designed to eliminate mass poverty and hunger. Resources are allocated based on need and efficiency. Conflict is resolved through diplomacy, and if absolutely necessary true international military coalition. Human rights, including the right of Self-Determination (as represented by democracy) are valued above the interests and influence of wealth. Industry is managed for the health of the planet and new clean energy sources are given the absolute top priority in public policy. Transparency in the decision making process is paramount and the public/citizenry has real input. The free flow of information and access to communication technology is a right. As is health care and basic subsistence.

The current election will not….by itself….bring either of the scenarios into being, again it is a symbol of these two scenarios. But we are now a planet, not a collection of nation states, whether the nation states wish to admit or not. That changes everything. We need to think about, appreciate, and address these changes. Not just out of principles like human rights, democracy and self-determination, but because those principles lead to a better world for all people, not just the most ‘fortunate’ of the world and our nation. This is the difference between pure self interest and enlightened self interest. In one scenario, the self interest of the rich is the dominant paradigm, leading to eternal struggle for dominance among men and nation states.

In the other scenario, we (eventually) learn to cooperate, learn that taking care of everyone ELSE is in our (and our planets) self interest and benefits everyone. Including our self and our families.

Right now the rich and powerful are making a fairly damn blatant bid to determine which scenario we follow. All that stands between their scenario and the one we would prefer is… Whoever the hell that is!


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  1. Photobucket

    • Edger on September 25, 2008 at 21:01

    • Robyn on September 25, 2008 at 21:09

    …pushing all other issues to the background, where they can ignore them until they become issues of war or economic crisis.

  2. Right now the rich and powerful are making a fairly damn blatant bid to determine which scenario we follow.

    to define ‘rich’ as ‘having a lot of american dollars’ only applies if the american dollar is worth anything.  the rich will either cowtow or extinct themselves

    its going to take them a little while for them to swallow that pill.  luckily, we’re the patient sort….  ðŸ˜‰

  3. …at

    true majority.

  4. An acquaintance told me yesterday that he had decided to vote for McCain because Obama is in favor of gun control.  I asked him, “When did gun control become an important issue in this election?”  It’s always been an important issue to this man, associated with his feelings for his father, a gun enthusiast and helicopter pilot who died in Vietnam when my friend was only eight years old.  I’m afraid that a lot of people have their pet issues that override, in their minds, those issues that concern “we the people” in this country and those who live in the global community as well.

  5. op-ed in the NYT today on American exceptionalism. From my view, its a bit superficial, but makes some interesting points.

    From an inspirational notion, however flawed in execution, that has buttressed the global spread of liberty, American exceptionalism has morphed into the fortress of those who see themselves threatened by “one-worlders” (read Barack Obama) and who believe it’s more important to know how to dress moose than find Mumbai.

    That’s Palinism, a philosophy delivered without a passport and with a view (on a clear day) of Russia.

    Behind Palinism lies anger. It’s been growing as America’s relative decline has become more manifest in falling incomes, imploding markets, massive debt and rising new centers of wealth and power from Shanghai to Dubai.

    The damn-the-world, God-chose-us rage of that America has sharpened as U.S. exceptionalism has become harder to square with the 21st-century world’s interconnectedness. How exceptional can you be when every major problem you face, from terrorism to nuclear proliferation to gas prices, requires joint action?…

    To persist with a philosophy grounded in America’s separateness, rather than its connectedness, would be devastating at a time when the country faces two wars, a financial collapse unseen since 1929, commodity inflation, a huge transfer of resources to the Middle East, and the imperative to develop new sources of energy.

    Enough is enough.

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