All the chatter is that McCain will come out swinging tonight. Of course, the town hall format is likely to make that more difficult.
Here’s Bill Kristol’s advice to McCain.
Interesting…I find myself agreeing with him:
When you’re in a crisis, you have to judge the character, the judgment, the background, of the person you’re putting in charge…
Who do you want in charge for 4 difficult years? Who is up to the job?
Its just that I come to the opposite conclusion.
Is this the kind of character and judgment we’re looking for?
I think not!!!!!!!!!!!
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Let’s chat about it.
The audience right now is very quiet after Brokaw told them to shaddup and don’t take photos.
I cannot believe there are undecided voters still… especially in Nashville.
I wasn’t overly impressed by the last debate. I thought Obama was too deferential to McCain and said “I agree too many times”.
McCain bored the shit out of me. I know a lot of people who consider themselves “conservative” and every last one of them is better in an arguement than McCain and can come up with more more sophisticated lines of reasoning/logic.
I can only guess the American people just want platitudes piled up like rotting garbage. No idea. I never claimed my finger was on the pulse of this country.
Sitting on ones thumbs for 10 minutes while the commercials are playing and talking heads are yammering must be dull for the studio audience. Bleah.
There is no doubt, questions are prescreened and chosen by Brokaw. This format sucks.
The economic crisis is the final verdict on Bush economics.
Step 1 rescue package
Step 2 Middle class needs a rescue package:
Tax cuts for the middle class
Mortgage help
Green Jobs
Taxes cut
Spending cuts
Reform prosperity and peace in the world????????
Home values – ask Treasury to buy up all the bad mortgages and rewrite them.
Obama: Worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Everyone is worried. A final verdict of the failed economic policies of Bush/McCain – deregulate and prosperity will flow. Now we decisive action. Bailout: oversight, investor’s money back, crack down on CEOs, fire AIG execs who went to spa, tax cuts for middle class, home owner help, infrastructure, health care, and jobs.
McCain: Thank you Obama for showing up at a townhall. McCain’s plan is energy independence, all Americans taxes low, stop spending spree, $10 trill debt ($500 billion owed to China), prosperity and peace in the world. Problem is severe so prop up home values. Order the treasury to buy up bad mortgages and refinance them. Stabilize home values so we can turn around and create jobs. It’s my proposal, not Obama’s or Bush’s proposal.
who they will appoint to Sec. of Treasury
McCain – needs to be someone Americans trust
Warren Buffet
Meg Whitman
Obama – Warren would be a pretty good choice
Key is making sure the next Sec doesn’t just pay attention to those at the top.
McCain: Warren Buffett – supporter of Obama, or Meg Whitman, CEO of eBay, which just did big layoffs. Someone who inspires trust and confidence. We don’t trust Wall Street.
Obama: Buffett a good choice. They key is not enough to just help the top. We have got to help the middle class. McCain disagrees with this, he thinks the fundamentals of the economy are sound. People’s wages have flatlined. Middle class taxcut to 95% of all Americans. We got to stabilize housing prices, but have to worry about loss of jobs and income.
…but Maple Street.
economic crisis created by Fannie and Freddie with help of Obama and his cronies, giving loans to poor people who couldn’t afford it.
of describing how rescue package was an attempt to deal with credit freezing up and how that affects employment.
McCain: Bailout? Nah, it’s a rescue. Greed in Washington and Wall Street and Main Street paid a price. I suspended my campaign… the economy will recover. The match that lit the fire Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, I bet you never heard of them before this crisis. Obama’s friends, made all these risky loans. I wanted legislation to stop these greedy Democrats. They resisted changes, from campaign contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac… like Obama. That’s why we have to buy up bad loans and stabilize house home values. Fannie and Freddie are the match.
Obama: What’s in it for you. Small and large businesses can’t get loans. They can’t make payroll and then will do layoffs. Millions of companies across the country. We should not have been here in the first place. I have to correct McCain’s history, not surprisingly. Deregulation is the biggest problem. McCain brags about deregulating. Obama said the subprime was a problem years ago. We need to regulate, while McCain says nope. McCain’s campaign chairman’s firm is a lobbyist for… The next president needs to support you, not just Wall Street.
Obama: Still believes in the American economy. We have to help ordinary families stay in their home and deal with energy and health care. And get away with lobbyists who control the agenda.
McCain: Depends what we do. (Ed: If we elect Obama, it will get fixed. McCain… not a chance.) Americans are the bestest.
Obama talks about lobbyists and McCain talks about special interests.
And, I wish Obama would bring up all the money we’re spending in Iraq when talking about the budget.
Obama: I can understand your concern. A lot of blame to go around. But, when Bush came to office, we had surpluses. We had $5 trillion debt. Now Bush has doubled the debt and runs a budget deficit. Spend key issues: reform health care. Deal with energy, stop buying from China and sending $$ to Saudis. Better college affordability. Obama: I am cutting more than I am spending. We need priorities that work for you, instead of lobbyists and special interests.
McCain: I can see why you are feel cynicism and mistrust. (Ed: because you looked at him?) I’m a reformer, a bipartisan reformer. Obama doesn’t take on his leaderships. Look at my record, rather than my rhetoric. Go to a bunch of conservative websites who don’t like Obama, and they will say I’m great! Earmarks! (Drink! x3) Planetariums suck. My economic proposal is better than Obama’s because it will keep people in jobs. Energy independence is the way to do that and drilling offshore and nukes are the way to do it.
McCain wants to reform social security and cut benefits.
It is his #1 priority over energy independence or health care.
Prioritize health care, energy and entitlement reform.
McCain – all of them
Talks about entitlement reform. Nuclear power plants. All of it. Health care – nothing. Have to do it all at once.
Obama –
1. Energy – $15 billion over 10 years.
2. Health care
3. Education
Energy is killing us.. bad for family budgets and national security. 10 years we must be free of ME oil.
Healthcare is priority #2. Bad for families and businesses.
#3 is education.
Obama doesn’t want to get rid of Social Security.
McCain wants +$200 billion tax cut to big oil and the rich.
making me feel guilty for watching tv and using the computer at the same time
(actually he’s talking about energy conservation, but i feel guilty just the same…;)
What sacrifices will you ask of the American public
McCain – will have to cut programs…talks about military waste, earmarks (someone in the Obama camp should look up what % of the budget go for earmarks). Mentions spending freeze on everything but military and veterans. Attacks Obama for prioritizing…we can do it all.
Obama – brings up the unity we felt on 9/11. Bush – missed opportunity when he said “go out and shop” when we were ready for service. Energy – we all need to start thinking about how we use energy. Talks about increased drilling and clean coal. We’re all going to have to start thinking about conserving. Young people especially are interested in service – double Peace Corp.
McCain: Eliminate programs and agencies and eliminate those that aren’t working. Defense spending has a lot of them. (ed: No argument there.) Earmarks have to be eliminated. (ed: Drink!) Spending needs to be cut. A spending freeze, except for defense and veteran affairs. Earmarks! (ed: Drink!) We can attack health care and energy at the same time… we can do it. I’m not going to tell the person without health insurance that you have to wait, we can get it all done.
Obama: 9/11 remembers all the country was ready to come together and make changes to be safer and better. Bush did some smart things at the outset, but missed opportunities. But he said go out and shop. Not the call of service that is needed. Americans are hungry for leadership that will tackle problems outside of government. Each and everyone of us needs to think about how we use energy. Oil companies have 68 million acres are not being used by big oil. Clean coal, safe nuclear. Ed: Ugh. Fuel efficient cars in the USA, weatherize the homes. Effort form everyone. The young people of the USA are interested in serving – doubling the Peace Corp, volunteer service, military, etc.
of earmarks vs. corporate tax cuts. He didn’t do it well, but he put it out there.
across the board freeze is using a hatchet when Obama wants to use a scalpel.
Obama: starts with Washington, set an example. Stop running up a debt. Stop showing that there is easy money out there. Look at the spending side, but also the revenue side. Earmarks! (ed: Drink!) are a small drop in the federal budget. McCain’s tax cuts for CEOs don’t share the burden. Its tough to ask a teacher to tighten her belt, when the rich are living high on the hog. The president sets a tone, we all contribute, and all we sacrifice. No across the board freeze, like McCain’s hatchet job. Obama wants to use a scalpel on the budget.
McCain: Obama needs to nailed to the wall, but he’s Jell-o. He wants to raise taxes. Obama is Hoover. Obama’s secret is that he will increase small business taxes by 50%. Obama is bad… because he wants to raise taxes. I am not in favor for tax cuts for the wealthy, and double tax exemptions for kids. A $5,000 tax credit for health insurance (ed: Give me a break.)
no real surprise…but OMG, put me into the “congenital liar” camp.
get specific about entitlement reform and chooses instead to talk about taxes.
Wasn’t he behind privatizing it?
Now Medicare: Didn’t he just suggest huge cuts to it?
its not that hard to fix Social Security. What?????????? Then nothing specific.
Medicare – gonna get tougher. Have a commission.
Special interests blah, blah, blah…reform, blah, blah, blah.
Obama voted to raise taxes, blah, blah, blah.
Best days are ahead of us.
Obama: Take on entitlements, do it quickly. I will do it within first 4 years. We won’t solve SS and Medicate without understanding tax policy. We can’t deal with entitlements, until we know what is going on with taxes. Tax cut to 95% to Americans. McCain lies about small businesses, only a few % make more than $250,00 a year. A 50% tax credit to small businesses to buy tax care. $300 billion tax cut to $200 to largest corps, $100 to CEOs on Wall Street. If we get our tax policies for the middle class, then we can be in a position to deal with SS and Medicare… Dealing with the problem over the long term.
McCain: Look. SS is not that tough. We know what the problems are and what the fixes are. (ed: He doesn’t say what they are.) Obama has never taken on his own party, but I’ve taken them on. Medicare is tougher because it is complex and difficult. We need a commission and smart people come up with a plan and force Congress to vote up and down. Back on these taxes, Obama votes for taxes. That’s his record. I fight high taxes, I hate taxes, taxes make me sick.
Congress just moved really fast on bailout.
How can we get congress to move fast on things like climate crisis?
McCain:…nuclear power…its safe (?) and clean. We can do it, we’re Americans.
Obama: this is not just a challenge, its an opportunity. Green economy 5 million jobs. We can do it, but we’re going to have to make an investment. This is a national security issue.
McCain: Tough times, but when we have an issue that we hand our children and grandchildren, I disagree with Bush. Best way to solve climate change: nuclear power. Nuclear, nuclear, nuclear… Hydrogen and battery-powered cars. USA is the bestest!
Obama: One of the biggest challenges of our times, but it is also an opportunity. Create a new energy economy, engine drives us into the future. We can do it, but we have to invest. Invest in solar, wind, geothermal, and I favor nuclear power as one component. McCain voted 23 times against alternative fuels. Understand it requires a sustained effort from the next president. Drilling, we only have 3% of the oil but use 25% of the world’s oil. Cannot drill our way out of it. The solution cannot be more fossil fuel use that causes global warming. Then export clean coal tech to China.
McCain: R&D government and once it is profitable, private sector. Obama backs a bill for big oil sponsored by Bush and Cheney. Drill now. Fundamental economics will reduce the price. We can drill now. Nukes are great!
Obama: We have a moral commitment as well as an economic one to solve this problem. Reduce costs with prevention and technology. Allow folks to buy into coverage like what Senators get – large pool reduces costs. Chamber of Commerce (hardly a liberal organization) says McCain’s plan will move health care away from an employment-based system.
McCain – medical records computerized, community clinics (?). Obama will make it government program and fine you????? (I think he’s thinking about Clinton’s plan) Give people $5,000 credit to buy health care.
Obama: Single most asked issue. Breaking family budgets. Co-pays have doubled. We have a moral commitment and economic imperative to do something. Work to reduce cost if you have health insurance, don’t have health insurance you can buy federal employee insurance. No exclusion for preconditions. McCain will give you $5k and then tax your healthcare and strip away states to regulate insurance companies. Which will lead to the unravelling of the employer based health insurance.
McCain: It’s a challenge. Lets do things to be more efficient. We have fundamental differences. Obama will impose mandates. I want you to cross state lines to get health insurance. If you tax health insurance and then add my $5k credit, and then you can buy the insurance you want and shop around. All will be covered except for hair transplants. No mandates.
Is health care a privilege, right, or responsibility?
McCain again talking about fines.
Obama, only mandate is that children are covered. McCain voted against expanding children’s coverage.
McCain: I think it is a responsibility. Obama will fine you if you don’t have health care.
Obama: Healthcare is a right for all Americans. If you have a healthcare plan you like, you can keep it. But I’m going to lower your healthcare. Small businesses don’t have to have healthcare, but we will give you a credit to help them do so. McCain voted against children’s healthcare…. It is absolutely true that government should crack down on insurance companies that cheat people. State-by-state health insurance shopping lets you get screwed because it will go to where the loose laws are. McCain believes in deregulation in every circumstances.
America is the greatest force for good in the world. We’re peacemakers. We have to know when to go in militarily and when not to. That decisions needs to be made by one with good judgment. I’m willing to stand on my record.
Obama: McCain said I don’t understand. He’s right, I don’t understand why we invaded Iraq. McCain supported it – that was bad judgment. Brings up the strain on our budget.
McCain: Strong military needs a strong economy. America is the greatest force of good ever in the history of the world! Obama is wrong about the surge and wrong about Georgia. (ed: did not answer the question?)
Obama: McCain is right I don’t understand how we invade Iraq, when bin Laden was in Afghanistan. McCain has the wrong judgement. If we continue on the path we’re on, we’re going to be over $10 trillion in debt, while Iraq has a surplus. We spend $10 billion on Iraq. The USA is great and a force of good. Never saw a nation that had its economy decline and maintain its military superiority. We don’t have the resources and allies to do what we need. We need to change the Bush and McCain foreign policy.
addressing global problems requires a cool hand. Funny statement for Mr. Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.
Obama: We have moral issues at stake. Holocaust was a moral obligation to stop. Rwanda. When genocide and ethnic cleansing is happening, and we stand idly by, that diminishes us. We need to interview where possible. We cannot be everywhere, all the time. Darfur. We could provide logistical support for the international community.
McCain: My friends. Obama wanted to leave Iraq, I want to stay FOREVER. Lots of crazy shit at stake in Iraq. I want to bring U.S. troops home in victory, while Obama wants to lose. We do what we can to prevent genocide, but it has to be tempered with our ability to do something. It requires a cool hand. (ed: well that rules out McCain.) We can’t go into Lebanon. I stood up to my hero Ronald Reagan. I’ve been in these bad crazy places all my life. I have to make tough decisions but not lightly. We have to worry our reputation.
or go after Al Quaeda there like we bombed Cambodia?
Great question again!!!!!
Obama: Work with the government. If we have them in our sights and Pakistani government refuses to go after them, we take them out.
McCain: Obama wants to talk loudly – wants to announce that he will bomb Pakistan. McCain says we need to use the same strategy we’ve used in Iraq (what??????????) to get the support of the people.
Obama: Paksitan is a problem because we went to Iraq and didn’t finish with bin Laden in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is the central front on terrorism. It is where the terrorism war began and it is where it will end. Get rid of drugs from Afghanistan. We cannot coddle a dictator in Pakistan. We are going to encourage democracy in Pakistan and expand nonmilitary aide. Insist they go after militants. If we have bin Laden in our sights, and Pakistan will not act, we will kill bin Laden and crush AQ. It is our biggest national security priority.
McCain: Roosevelt – talk softly, er walk softly and carry a big stick. Obama shouldn’t announce that you attack, because it pisses off people in that country. We drove, er Afghans drove the the Soviets out. Our relations with Pakistan is critical because Taliban uses it as safe haven. We need Pakistan’s support. Petreus strategy in Iraq will work in Pakistan. Get people to work against the cruel Taliban, not threatening. Talk softly, not wearing a big dick.
Iran–that’s not “speak softly”–ha!
Obama: I am very clear… If Pakistan is unable or unwilling to hunt down bin Laden, then we will and we should. They are threatening to kill more Americans. McCain says I’m green behind the ears and spouting off. Sen. McCain is the guy who sang Bomb, bomb, Iran. Called for the annihilation of North Korean. Said Next up Baghdad while we are still in Afghanistan…. McCain’s policies ultimately undermine this.
McCain: I want to respond. Not true. I have obviously supported efforts we had to go in military, and opposed those who didn’t. I was joking with an old veteran friend, the point is I know how to handle these crisis. I’ll get Osama bin Laden, I know how to get him. No mater what. I won’t telegraph my punches. I’ll act responsibly as I acted as a senator.
talking softly and carrying a big stick.
Obama talks about how McCain wants to act like Obama being inexperienced but he’s the one that said bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, wanted to wipe N. Korea off the face of the earth and talked about “Baghdad next” as soon as we went into Afghanistan.
did McCain just say he agreed with Obama about development in Afghanistan??????????????
Obama: We are going to have to make the Iraq government take more responsibility and withdraw responsibly troops, because we need to put troops in Afghanistan. McKiernan (ed: sp?)wants more troops in Afghanistan. We don’t a dictator, we want a responsive democracy in Afghanistan.
McCain: Petreaus will set the tone in Afghanistan. It is the same overall strategy. Some of which Obama is correct is on. Streamline Nato, Bigger Afghan army. Work closely with Pakistan. Obama will not admit he was wrong with Iraq. Once people feel secure, they lead normal lives. I think Petreus will do the same job in Afghanistan as he did in Iraq.
We need to see around the corners…anticipate rather than just be reactive.
McCain: We’re not going to have a cold war, but Putin is KGB and repressive and aggressive. Georgia, and Ukraine are in the sites of Putin. We need to get them into NATO. Naked aggression into Georgia. Bring international pressures to bear on Russia. G8 is one. Russia must understand their actions aren’t appropriate.
Obama: Resurgence of Russia is a central issue for the next president. I agree with McCain, but we just can’t supply moral support. We need to provide them financial and concrete assistance. We have to see around the corners and anticipate problems ahead of time. Obama knew Georgia was unsustainable because Russia was the peacekeepers. In keeping all of you safe, is to see the 21st century challenges before they happen. We tend to be reactive like over the past 8 years, but that makes us more safe. (ed: oops..) Energy is key to dealing with Russia.
quoting Reagan…is Russia still an evil empire.
Now that one was bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama: Evil behavior
McCain: Maybe. Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.
(Ed: What a dumbass question.)
If Iran attacks Israel, will you commit military or wait for UN approval? (Loaded question!!!!!!)
McCain: of course he says yes. Much about scary Iran.
Obama: we can’t allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. We will never take military options off the table. Won’t give UN veto power. Need to use all our tools to avoid those kinds of choices. Brings up the need for direct talks. Gives us a better chance as positive outcomes.
McCain: Shakes man’s hand. We won’t wait for the UN Security Council because Russia and China would thwart us. If Iran requires nukes, then everyone will. Obama will want to negotiate with Iran, without preconditions. I want to pressure Iran by getting tough sanctions with our allies and friends in a League of Democracies™ My friend, end of the day, I have to tell you again. We can never allow a second Holocaust to take place.
Obama: We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon… game changer, threat to Israel and Iran will give to terrorists. UN cannot provide a veto to US power. We have to work on preventing this in the first place. We have to reduce our energy independence to squeeze Iran. We should have direct talks with our friends and enemies. We need a direct message to Iran, if you don’t change you will have dire consequences, if you do.. good things. It may not work, but it is bad when we’re not talking.
I came in late.
YOU hardly know where they are on a map.
What don’t you know and how will you learn it.
Obama: What a president faces is often not anticipated.
What I do know is that I’ve succeeded because of opportunities in this country. Are we going to pass on that dream to another generation?
McCain: Don’t know what’s going to happen? New and different challenges around the world. Don’t know what the unexpected will be.
Obama: Ask my wife. It is never the challenges you expect, it is the challenges you don’t that consume the most of your time. I wouldn’t be standing here if this country didn’t give me opportunity. I come from modest means. Despite all that I was able to go to the best schools on Earth, the same for Michelle and, I’m sure, a lot of you. Are we going to pass on the American dream to the next generation? The past 8 years have seen the American dream diminish. We need fundamental change. I am hopeful all of you are prepared to continue this extraordinary journey.
McCain: What I don’t what’s going to happen here and abroad. What I don’t know the unexpected will be. I have spent my whole life serving his country. My dad was gone at sea, my mom raised us. I know what it is like in dark times. I know what it is like to keep hope going in difficult times. I know what it is like to hunt the woolly mammoths. I believe in this country and I believe in its future. I am asking the American people to give me another opportunity. I will rest on my record, times are tough, and you need a steady hand at the tiller. (ed: So vote Obama!)
OMG he is such a talking head.
NL and Magnifico.
I think Obama did much better than McCain. Obama was deliberative and Presidential, and McCain was just creepy and odd.
Bill Bennett says McCain was not up to the moment. WOW!
There’s no one I detest much more than Bennett – but wow!
and they just finished talking to the audience they assembled to watch the debate. These kinds of people drive me crazy. They were saying they were unsure of who to support because the candidates weren’t specific enough in their answers during the debate. I have one question for these people…do you have a computer???? If so, then go check out their web sites!!! In these debates they are given 2 fucking minutes to answer a question…what do you expect???????????
Sorry for the language, but these people are idiots!!!!!!
still fresh the next day!!! Thank you!
btw, as stunningly excellent as this live blog was, not a one of you picked up McCain’s slick “mike drop” move! that could have been a drinking game all its own! he (McCain) let his mike drop through his hands like… well, like a Vegas pro. that alone provided many moments of hilarity for the viewers playing along at home.
excellent live blog.