October 2008 archive

IVAW Viral Video

Sgt. Nick Morgan gets trampled by Nassau County Police Department

Random Japan

Winners and losers

A Japanese film called Okuribito (“Departures”), which portrays the work of people who wash and groom dead bodies for burial, was awarded the Grand Prix des Americas at the Montreal World Film Festival. The organizers say that the film captures “comically and with full emotion a job that is usually loathed.” Sounds like a real knee-slapper.

Seiya Ueno, a 19-year-old student at Tokyo University of the Arts, won the Jean-Pierre Rampal International Flute Competition in Paris.

It was revealed that the Japanese government has refused to grant a visa to a 57-year-old Russian diplomat who is suspected of being linked to the Russian intelligence service. Hey, at least he’s not a weed-smoking sumo wrestler.

A court ordered Ehime Prefecture to pay ¥1 million in damages to whistleblower Toshiro Semba, a sergeant who was transferred after revealing the misuse of police money at a press conference in 2005.

Toxic melamine was found in a product called Chocolate Pillows that was sold in Osaka and imported from China, but so far no reports of disease or death.

Youth radicalisation in Japan

Original article, by Fred McDowell, via Socialist Appeal (UK):

Communism is suddenly back in fashion in Japan. The reason is not hard to seek. ‘Lifetime employment’ is a thing of the past for young workers, who face a casualised and insecure future. One in three is temping. Some 44% of country’s workforce are part-time only, while a profusion of short-term contracts has created a generation of freelancers who are often ‘between jobs’. They have already worked out that, as recession bites, they will be first in the firing line. They are drawing political conclusions in increasing numbers.

Overnight Caption Contest (Roll Your Own)


Sunny Pony Party

Sunny – James Brown (good god yeaahhhhh!)

3rd Stone from the Sun – Hendrix

Alternate version

Friday Night at 8: Backalley Blogging

I shall first note the irony of backalley blogging on the front page of a blog.  There, that’s done.

Sometimes while prowling back alleys you find things that don’t bear the light of day, brass ritual cymbal turns out to be a trashcan cover, exotic seafood dinner is really rotten fish guts.

Yet perhaps there’s some truth to these lies.

Here in NYC the sun has gone down.  That’s the time to prowl.

Ever watch the old teevee show Bewitched?  All those times Samantha would do her magic and poor Gladys Kravitz or Larry or whoever witnessed these feats would have the most puzzled odd look on their faces, reality had shifted for them and they were stunned (well except for Gladys, who had her suspicions!).  And then either Samantha or Darren would cook up the most unbelievable alternative narrative to explain what had happened, it would be accepted, and normality would resume.

The audience of course was in on the joke, and we all knew WE’D never fall for that lame explanation.

AOL Hometown is Closing


Yes but you may say, well so what, that is no big deal.

Ah, but you miss the bigger picture and other indications pointing to the death of the internet.

Why do I and why should you think this is a very bad deal.

Because Goddammit when lamestream wants you to have an opinion THEY will give it to you.

Mrs. Palin. A Weekend Song For Dharmaniacs.

The weekend viral.  

Friday Philosophy: the inadequacy of inequality

In the interest of full disclosure:

I was married for twenty-four years, from March of 1969 until some time in 1993.  We got married because there was a pregnancy and there was going to be Hell to pay with the in-laws.  So I agreed to run off to Miami, OK, to get a quicky marriage…and to spend at least the next 18 years of my life raising our daughter, who was born in August of that year.

In 1992 I began my transition from male to female.  Lawyers were contacted.  Papers were filed.

I quote myself from Sexual Disorientation (poor form, I know):

Me:  Personally, I was married to a woman for 24 years.  Then I had a sex-change.  Now I cannot marry a woman.  Go figure.  Aren’t I still me?

Me, again:  Follow-up thought:  Then again, in many states, I can’t marry a man either, but such is life for transsexual people.

Four at Four

  1. The NY Times reports OPEC orders a cut in oil production. OPEC will reduce its oil production by at least 1.5 million barrels a day to stem what it called ‘a dramatic collapse’ in oil prices as the world economy slows down and oil demand shrinks.”

    Fears of a global recession; however, meant the announcement did nothing to halt the price fall of oil futures which “fell 4.6 percent to $64.75 a barrel, their lowest since May 2007.” Oil was at $147 a barrel in July. “Many analysts expect global oil consumption to fall this year for the first time since 1983.”

Four at Four continues with the Detroit housing market collapse, Mexico’s oil reform, and erasing memories in mice.

Bush’s Eco Mess Passed Off To Obama To Fix

Bush has used a Machiavellian strategy to destroy our Endangered Species Act (ESA), leaving President Obama with another mess to clean up. Similar to the wars, global warming, Guantánamo and economic crisis, unscrupulous deception and political expediency were used to pump up corporate profits.  This is no surprise. Bush had a track record before assuming office of baseball teams and businesses that he ruined and then passed off to others to fix his messes.

The maddening part is the failure of Congress to hold the culprits even a little bit accountable for their messes. Impeachment is taken off the table and the likelihood of criminal prosecutions is slim. But, what about just good ole financial restitution? The government insiders and corporations that profited should be required to return those monies over to the government to pay for fixing this mess.  

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