October 2008 archive

Overnight Caption Contest

Interview with Naomi Wolf

Allison Kilkenny and Jamie Kilstein interview author Naomi Wolf tomorrow at 2:00 PM EDT for their online radio show, Drunken Politics.  This is the YouTube recording of an earlier interview.

Barack Obama Held a Rally in My Front Yard!!

Crossposted from ePluribus Media

The View from my Window “The last shall be first” just took on a new meaning for me.

Barack Obama held a rally in front of my house in Espanola, New Mexico (pop. 8,700). My community, which is usually ignored, attracts attention for  high rates of uninsured (NM is second only to TX), and for leading the nation in overdose deaths. Espanola’s citizens go unrecognized for their achievements.

My RoofLast Thursday, a crowd bigger than my entire town including upscale neighbors from nearby Santa Fe and Los Alamos Counties, was visible from my roof. I would like to introduce you to some of the people at the rally…friends and vecinos who struggle…friends and vecinos who have changed the way our country thinks about health care and economic justice, though we don’t know them.

This is the story of our small community, our struggles, and our one big, wonderful day! (Scroll your cursor over photos).


New Repression in Colombia

Via an e-mail alert from Frank Lewellyn of Democratic Socialists of America:

Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government (Pt.2)

“In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society. Of course, you can’t spot this trend to fascism by casually looking around. You can’t look for such familiar signs as the swastika, because they won’t be there. We won’t build Dachaus and Auschwitzes; the clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line.”

-Earling Carothers ‘Jim’ Garrison

Horse Puckey.

Cross-posted from Progressive-Independence.org.

According to Reuters, the wealthy are starting to feel the sting of what they’ve done to the American and global economies.


Wealthy Americans like Morrison and Goldberg were relatively insulated from the global financial crisis until just a few months ago. Now, falling stock markets are slashing their investments, and some are even starting to panic.

“I’m a little angry that I didn’t trust my own gut, my own instinct to stay on the sidelines and wait,” said Goldberg, 57, an executive coach who lives in Washington. “I’m angry at myself.”

Of course, reaction to the financial crisis differs from person to person and even from husband to wife.

“My husband’s approach has been ‘Oh my God, I’ve got to sell, we’re mature people and there goes our retirement’,” said Morrison, 59. Morrison, who lives in Alexandria, Virginia, and runs a PR firm, has about $2 million in investable assets.

Why, they’re even having second thoughts about buying those extra yachts and private jets!


GENEVA (Reuters) – The financial crisis is forcing the wealthy to rethink splurges like fancy cars and yachts, private bankers say, threatening to crimp the free-wheeling luxury goods spending bonanza of previous years.

Luxury brands had signaled they were weathering the global financial crisis better than others, with many saying they expected emerging markets in Asia and China to offset flat or declining sales elsewhere.

But investors have been looking for signs the credit crunch and dismal economic outlook are biting into purchases of luxury goods, and bankers to the wealthy say even the super-rich have begun to rein in spending as they fret over their shrinking portfolios.

It’s even gotten so commodities are going out of fashion!  See?


GENEVA (Reuters) – Dabbling in commodities markets has fallen out of favor with the wealthy who are abandoning the sector in droves as energy and metal prices slide, private bankers say.

Commodity prices, which have surged for most of the past six years, have imploded over the last three months. Estimates by Citigroup and Barclays Capital put third-quarter losses in the asset class at between $50 billion and $60 billion.

“Commodities were in fashion at the beginning of the year and clients reduced their exposure mid-year,” said Bruno Lebre, head of investment at SG Private Banking, adding he had been advising clients to limit energy and metals exposure in their portfolios.

Rich people everywhere are starting to get skittish, and are now starting to heed the old adage, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”


GENEVA (Reuters) – The world’s wealthiest are opening multiple accounts to help spread risk through the global financial crisis, their bankers say.

“Clients who had accounts with three institutions now have six accounts. Clients who had six accounts now have 12 accounts,” Gerard Aquilina, vice chairman of Barclays Wealth (BARC.L: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), told the Reuters Wealth Management Summit in Geneva.

Aquilina said he even had one client with 21 accounts with 50 million British pounds ($88 million) in each of them.

You know the Second Great Depression is having a huge impact when even the ridiculously wealthy get nervous.  We’re supposed to take notice of this, because it’s not as though anyone else has been adversely affected by the financial meltdown, right?

McCain Is A Liar, So Buy My Cookies

Emily Anderson’s reality break…

Pay it forward

More Voter Fraud Discovered in DuPage County!

OMG! Who would have thought! Registering voters is fraud! Especially with an intent to deceive!

In late June, Downers Grove, IL had their Heritage Fest Days! Lots of food, games, rides, and booths! Including informational booths, designed to help out the good citizens of Downers Grove! Besides businesses with $5.00 off coupons, and $5.00 lemonade made with real lemons, there were political booths! The Democrats were there, the Libertarians, and, across from the Libertarians, were the ever helpful Republicans decked out with all their flags and signs!

Weekend News Digest

Weekend News Digest is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Muqtada al-Sadr urges rejection of US-Iraqi pact

By HAMZA HENDAWI, Associated Press Writer

36 mins ago

BAGHDAD – Anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr urged Iraq’s parliament to reject a pact that would extend U.S. presence in Iraq for three years as tens of thousands of his followers marched through Baghdad’s streets Saturday to reinforce that demand.

The large turnout points to trouble ahead for the U.S.-Iraqi security deal as Sunni and Shiite lawmakers weigh the political risks associated with the far-reaching agreement.

Waving Iraqi flags and green Shiite banners, protesters chanted slogans condemning the pact. The demonstration in the mostly Shiite eastern part of Baghdad was staged under tight security, with army soldiers and police manning checkpoints along the route.

“anti-American Cleric Al Sadr”, like “Joe the Plumber”

is none of the above.

By now we’ve all heard that McCain’s “Joe the Plumber”:

  • isn’t a licensed plumber
  • won’t pay more under Obama’s tax plan
  • his business doesn’t earn close to $250K/year
  • isn’t even named Joe

It reminded me of something, but I couldn’t put my finger on it till this morning when 30,000 demonstrated in Baghdad against the US occupation, with the encouragement of the man inevitably described in US media as “anti-American cleric Moqtada Al Sadr“.  So this might be the perfect time to point out that Al Sadr:

  • is not anti-American
  • is not a cleric
  • is strongly pro-democracy
  • led the unilateral cease fire that’s made Iraq more peaceful, saving American lives

In short, the only thing our press has been reporting correctly are his popularity and his name.

Pony Party: Dog Statues

I heard the local Humane Society had a display of unique dog statues at the mall for a fund raiser. So off I went. But  “the man” hassled me. This being the south it was done politely but the mall security insisted that I only take pictures in certain areas because that was the “pubic” part of the mall ( near a fountain ) and even though I assured him I would not include any store signs in the picture. I tried negotiating and he sighed and at some point walked away and I of course stretched the limit of our agreement which I know he expected I would do. Later I stopped at the customer service desk to ask about the rationale behind being able to only take certain pictures and she repeated the caveat about not including store front and their signs. She agreed to call a Manager who was in a meeting and I had enough of the mall and left.

I still am not sure how a middle aged woman taking pictures threatens mall security, the future of capitalism, the crucial “mall integrity” or might interfere with other customers right to shop. Don’t know. I might just go back one day and take some more and use the “play stupid” tactic.






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