October 2008 archive

Jocelyn’s House Saved From Mortgage Auction

Now she has the time to Grieve for her Son, Killed in Iraq only a short time ago, Her Reality!!

I was just sent the following:

The Last Gasp of Scoundrels

“Over The Top Anti-American”

“Are they pro-America or anti-America?”

Fuck You.

“In a free country, we punish men for the crimes they commit, but never for the opinions they have.”

Harry Truman on McCarthyism

“We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men.”

Edward R Murrow

I would ask the question that brought down McCarthyism in the 1950’s,

“Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

Joseph Welch

But the last eight years have proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that the Right Wing Republicans have answered that question time and again.

Fuck You.

YOU are anti-American, the very question you ask is anti-American, and America is about to throw you and your divisive, small minded, fascist, demagogue party of hate on to the shit pile of history where it belongs. Your tiny mind has no conception of what democracy and freedom means, and we will not be held hostage any longer by your ignorant, juvenile, hate mongering and fear. I don’t care how many flag pins you wear, you do NOT get to tell free people what to think.

“I confidently trust that the American people will prove themselves … too wise not to detect the false pride or the dangerous ambitions or the selfish schemes which so often hide themselves under that deceptive cry of mock patriotism: ‘Our country, right or wrong!’ They will not fail to recognize that our dignity, our free institutions and the peace and welfare of this and coming generations of Americans will be secure only as we cling to the watchword of true patriotism: ‘Our country-when right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right.'”

Senator CARL SCHURZ 1899

The Safest Investment Would Be In Nature’s ‘Capital’


We have all seen what happened when what our financial markets mistakenly thought was worth investing in turned out to be a chimera: “What investors thought was safe as houses has turned out to be nothing more than the property of the poor disguised in a silver wrapper, enabling bankers to pocket billions.”

The BBC’s Green Room this morning has a better idea: Why don’t we invest in “Natures Capital”? Since forests perform the function of a giant planetary utility…

A Minnesotans thoughts on Michelle Bachmann

Michelle Bachmann has turned into quite a hot topic here in the netroots after her disgraceful performance on Hardball that that you can watch for yourself here.

It’s hard to even begin on how horrifying that McCarthyesque, hateful interview was. But a lot of us Minnesotans have known about Michelle Bachmann and her hateful, extreme ways for years. Thankfully we’ve got a real shot at beating her this year, and you can help send her and her hateful brand of politics packing. Keep reading to find out how!

On the Road in John Murtha’s “Racist” Western PA

You might have heard that this week Rep. John Murtha talked about the racism in his Western Pennsylvania district and that it would likely cost Obama about 4 percentage points in the election.

As fate would have it, Sean Quinn is in Western PA this week with his On the Road series and files a very interesting report. Here’s how it starts:

So a canvasser goes to a woman’s door in Washington, Pennsylvania. Knocks. Woman answers. Knocker asks who she’s planning to vote for. She isn’t sure, has to ask her husband who she’s voting for. Husband is off in another room watching some game. Canvasser hears him yell back, “We’re votin’ for the n***er!”

Woman turns back to canvasser, and says brightly and matter of factly: “We’re voting for the n***er.”

In this economy, racism is officially a luxury. How is John McCain going to win if he can’t win those voters?

I will cry…

…the moment it is announced that Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States of America.

I will sing and dance and act the fool as the number of Democratic senators rises toward 60 (could we really, actually, possibly get to 60?) and I will pump my fist every single time a bell sings and another Democratic Representative gets his wings.

I will walk onto my front lawn and scream at the moon when Proposition 8 in California, a modern anti-misceganation law for gay men and women, goes down in complete and utter defeat.

I have hundreds upon hundreds of celebrations planned for that night, but…

Meet Ben Ray Lujan: NM-03

Ben Ray Lujan is running for Congress in New Mexico’s diverse third district.

He is young and progressive. He supports universal health care, single payer or otherwise. He hopes to transform northern New Mexico’s national laboratories into alternative energy research facilities. And, as the grandson of a farmer and sheepherder, he overflows with ideas about sustainable agriculture.

He is expected to win.

More about El Norte, New Mexico’s third Congressional District, and her favored son after the jump.

(Art by native Norteño artist and health care advocate, Roger Montoya. Photos by me.)

Docudharma Times Saturday October 18

The Financial Bailout Funds

Being Put To Excellent Use

Salaries And Bonus’s For Wall Street Bankers and Investors  

Saturday’s Headlines:

Coping with financial crisis in the heartland

100ft down, the capital’s cold war warren gives up its final secrets

Paris mega-rich raise barricades against urban poor neighbours

China extends influence into Central Asia

Pakistan does some US dirty work

Zimbabwe rivals appeal for help

Egyptian magnate pleads not guilty to singer’s murder

Iraqis stage mass anti-US rally

Muqtada al-Sadr urges rejection of US-Iraqi pact

20bn barrel oil discovery puts Cuba in the big league

Obama’s Ad Effort Swamps McCain and Nears Record



Published: October 17, 2008

PHILADELPHIA – Senator Barack Obama is days away from breaking the advertising spending record set by President Bush in the general election four years ago, having unleashed an advertising campaign of a scale and complexity unrivaled in the television era.

With advertisements running repeatedly day and night, on local stations and on the major broadcast networks, on niche cable networks and even on video games and his own dedicated satellite channels, Mr. Obama is now outadvertising Senator John McCain nationwide by a ratio of at least four to one, according to CMAG, a service that monitors political advertising. That difference is even larger in several closely contested states.

Wall Street banks in $70bn staff payout

 Pay and bonus deals equivalent to 10% of US government bail-out package

Simon Bowers

The Guardian, Saturday October 18 2008

Financial workers at Wall Street’s top banks are to receive pay deals worth more than $70bn (£40bn), a substantial proportion of which is expected to be paid in discretionary bonuses, for their work so far this year – despite plunging the global financial system into its worst crisis since the 1929 stock market crash, the Guardian has learned.

Staff at six banks including Goldman Sachs and Citigroup are in line to pick up the payouts despite being the beneficiaries of a $700bn bail-out from the US government that has already prompted criticism. The government’s cash has been poured in on the condition that excessive executive pay would be curbed.

Pay plans for bankers have been disclosed in recent corporate statements.



Thousands Face Mix-Ups In Voter Registrations

In New Databases, Many Are Wrongly Flagged as?Ineligible

 By Mary Pat Flaherty

Washington Post Staff Writer

Saturday, October 18, 2008; Page A01

Thousands of voters across the country must reestablish their eligibility in the next three weeks in order for their votes to count on Nov. 4, a result of new state registration systems that are incorrectly rejecting them.

The challenges have led to a dozen lawsuits, testy arguments among state officials and escalating partisan battles. Because many voters may not know that their names have been flagged, eligibility questions could cause added confusion on Election Day, beyond the delays that may come with a huge turnout.

10% of $700 billion bailout to cover Wall Street banker pay and bonuses

One tenth of the $700 billion bailout to be footed by U.S. taxpayers is projected to go to the pay and bonuses of Wall Street bankers. The same captains of finance who sent the world into a financial meltdown are now going to be rewarded handsomely.

The Guardian has found that the Top Wall Street bankers are to receive $70 billion in pay deals.

Financial workers at Wall Street’s top banks are to receive pay deals worth more than $70bn (£40.4bn), a substantial proportion of which is expected to be paid in bonuses, for their work so far this year – despite plunging the global financial system into its worst crisis since the 1929 stock market crash…

Staff at six banks including Goldman Sachs and Citigroup will pick up the payouts despite being the beneficiaries of a $700bn bail-out from the US government that has already prompted widespread criticism. The government cash has been poured in on the condition that excessive executive pay will be curbed.

“…and the elephant he rode in on.” [UPDATED: Now with Obama Pie!]

Crossposted from ePluribus Media. Not to be confused with this diary from last year.

January 20, 2009: The End of an Era Error

As November 4th approaches and the nation takes stock of the current state of our security, our economy, our infrastructure, our global standing and our fractured Constitution, it’s time to turn and bid adieu to the Administration that has, with the full and complicit knowledge of the GOP, lied, cheated and stole its way through two terms of unadulterated, unapologetic corruption.

So let us all say goodbye to George W. Bush and the elephant he rode in on this November, by voting against the Republican party. In droves.

Make the jump for Obama Pie…

Random Japan

Well, glad that’s settled

Researchers have determined that genetic variations can explain the physical differences between “mainland” and “Ryukyuan” Japanese, such as hair thickness and “whether earwax is dry or wet.”

A Japanese historian claims to have found documents proving that the US military was able to locate and kill Imperial Navy Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto because his travel plans were broadcast in “an old cipher that should have earlier been destroyed.” The Americans shot down Yamamoto’s plane in an aerial ambush over the Pacific in April 1943.

It was announced that sexpot Mika Kano, who along with “sister” Kyoko has made a career out of having large breasts, is releasing a book called Something Beyond Boobs.

A North Korean official said that Japan should never be allowed a permanent seat on the UN Security Council because it “beautifies… the massacre of millions of innocent peoples in Korea and other Asian countries.”

Soon after, Japan decided to extend economic sanctions on North Korea for another six months.

Researchers at the National Institute of Animal Health say they’ve come up with a way to check the brain waves of a cow to determine whether it is afflicted with BSE.

Overnight Caption Contest (Roll Your Own)

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