October 2008 archive

Christopher Columbus & His Crimes Against Humanity

Christopher Columbus:

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The Christian Crusades had ended in 1291, the Black Death had been deliberately blamed on innocent Jews who said what their Christian torturers forced them to, that they poisoned water wells, causing the Black Death.  

Who Really Pals Around With Terrorists?

Five weeks before I was born, a handful of blocks away from my parents’ apartment on Conneticut Avenue in Northwest Washington D.C., terrorists detonated a car bomb.  The bomb killed Chilean national Orlando Letelier and his assistant, American Ronni Moffitt.  This act of terrorism was a part of Operation Condor, a campaign of political repression carried out jointly by the military and intelligence services of eight South American nations, which took place with support by the United States.  No one is certain of the total number of victims of the campaign, but all estimates confirm that thousands were killed.

Overnight Caption Contest

G8/G7 What Did I miss An Illuminati Memo or Something?

Note in the “news”, the lamestream media, people are talking about the G7.  Now when I last checked the globalist assholes frequently were touting the G8 and even including the EU and calling it the G9.


So much for the stellar “accomplishments” of douchebags seeking undeveloped countries to point the financial houses of the western world at for “investments”.

Now did the decadence of the western world soo piss off Russia that they are now casually not mentioning Russia in “the lists” of “global” “superpowers”?  Is it a blatant “we really fucked up this time” admission of, well, we really fucked up this time.


As in NOT to include Russia.

Well when globalist assholes fight amongst themselves I take that as a good sign.  A sign of real opposition somewhere in the world to the truth of what is really happening.  Another opinion of life, life outside of the propaganda control matrix that is the English speaking corporate media.  I do so miss my Russian boss and our conversations about the American control matrix.  He is so right, even years ago to have said,”Now I have lived in two “socialist” countries.  Yes the word “socialist” in this context needs an entire book to fully explain in it’s total meaning.  

John Lewis On McCain/Palin Rallies, Race and Violence

From Politico:

As one who was a victim of violence and hate during the height of the Civil Rights Movement, I am deeply disturbed by the negative tone of the McCain-Palin campaign.  What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history.  Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse.

During another period, in the not too distant past, there was a governor of the state of Alabama named George Wallace who also became a presidential candidate.  George Wallace never threw a bomb.  He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights.  Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama.

As public figures with the power to influence and persuade, Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all.  They are playing a very dangerous game that disregards the value of the political process and cheapens our entire democracy.  We can do better.  The American people deserve better.

link: http://www.politico.com/arena/…

Sadder Day Night Live

Bill Maher’s New Rules

McCain’s new plan to get Bin Ladin: “Track him like Rambo, call in the co-ordinates and have Palin shoot him from a helicopter?”


This post and the comments below are a small offering of sanity in an insane world. No bailing out allowed.

Young People and Voting

Every now and then I get a glimpse of how all of this new technology is changing politics and the innovative ways that young people are getting engaged in the process. Here’s an example of a powerful youtube message crafted by and for the next generation of leaders.

From the youtube description:

This video is a call to the American millennial generation, and the rest of the country, to speak now with our vote, so that our silence will not echo for generations to come. The “Citizen’s Cry” makers are targeting the millennial generation specifically because less than 50% of them have ever voted in a presidential election. The youth vote of America is of unprecedented importance today; this is a vital audience that needs to be reached. Our responsibility to vote is our greatest opportunity for change. It is crucial for all generations, creeds and colors to take action.


Weekend News Digest

Weekend News Digest is an Open Thread

66 stories.  Politics, Business, and Science to come.

89 stories.  Science to come.

96 story final.

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Marriage ruling not the end of debate in Conn.

By PAT EATON-ROBB, Associated Press Writer

1 hour, 35 minutes ago

HARTFORD, Conn. – Now that the Connecticut Supreme Court has ruled same-sex couples have the right to wed, opponents of gay marriage are pinning their hopes on an infrequent ballot question in a longshot bid to block the unions.

Every 20 years, voters can force a convention during which delegates can rewrite the entire constitution. It’s a long, painstaking process that could cost millions and, by coincidence, it’s on the ballot this November.

“This is our one opportunity for the people to have a voice, for the people to be heard, for them to decide whether marriage will be protected as between a man and a woman,” said Peter Wolfgang, executive director of the Family Institute of Connecticut.


Today is national coming out day.

I’m hetero.  But I’m highly supportive of GLBT rights.  I’ve never been able to figure out why I should care what two consenting adults do with each other, or how they get their jollies.  I’ve never been able to figure out why some people want to limit other people’s joy, when that joy does no one any harm.  In general, I’d say I am about as pro-GLBT rights as anyone.

There’s one topic, though, that I do disagree with some of my GLBT friends on, and that’s outing.

Obviously, I support the idea of people being free to out themselves.  I would wish for a day when being ‘out’ is no big deal.  But that day, obviously, is not here.

I oppose outing of other people.  ANY other people.  Now, most of us will have no problem with this idea for most people … most of us would not out a friend.  Where it gets controversial, among pro-GLBT people, is when we talk of outing of anti-GLBT people, especially when those people have some power (politicians and clergy, in particular).

Some will argue that, since those people have the power to hurt GLBT folk, and use that power in that way, then outing them is only exposing their hypocrisy, and outing them is therefore justified.

But just as I support the right of a friend to be private about his/her sexual life, so I must support the right of my enemy to be so private.  Noam Chomsky said “If we don’t believe in the right of free speech for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all”.

I feel that one could substitute ‘privacy’ for ‘free speech’ in the above.  In America, we have a system for depriving people of their rights.  It’s called the criminal justice system.  It is, I know, a system that is far from perfect, but it is the system we have, and it is one area where the USA is better than a lot of other places (not the best place, for sure, but not nearly the worst).  People are deprived of their rights when they are convicted of committing a crime.  Being a jerk is not a crime.  Being a hate-mongering jackass is not a crime.  Crimes are defined in the penal codes of the country and the various states.  Until someone is convicted, he or she should have the right to privacy, no matter how hypocritical they are; just as they should have the right to speak, no matter how obnoxious they are.

Bush’s Legacy: The End of War?

Yeah yeah, I know, and I will even laugh along with you. Humans not warring against each other? Hahahaha! As long as there are tree branches and rocks to hit each other over the head with….or we evolve….there will never be an end to war.

Howz dis, The End Of Imperialism? Naw, Empire will happen again, sometime, somewhere down the road. Ok, one more shot… The End Of Foreign Adventurism, temporarily. Maybe. Until, as history will remember it, if there is still someone writing history, the Great Resource Wars of the 21st Century?

The point being, that after the Soviet Empire went broke in Afghanistan and collapsed, and the Bush Empire went broke in Iraq and Afghanistan and collapsed(?), Superpowers (what is left of them) MAY (if we are incredibly lucky) learn their lesson. Lest we forget(and it is OUR job to make sure no one forgets) the current worldwide financial crisis IS a direct result of Bush’s and the Neo-cons brief  American Empire. If we were not (by some estimates) spending up to 3 trillion dollars on Iraq and Afghanistan, our economy would not be in shambles. If ‘we’ didn’t have a Ponzi scheme economy going to give the illusion of prosperity for the last 6-8 years, support for the war would have evaporated much sooner. Neither the American people or Congress would have allowed those trillions to be spent. If not for the housing bubble propping up the house of cards, we would not have had the ability to borrow trillions of dollars. And while we are not forgetting things, let us not forget that we have not yet paid for these wars, the bills will come due.

China (and everybody else that has financed our Imperialism) has stopped loaning us money. They have taken away the war heroin that America has been shooting up by taking away the ability to pay for it. And….they own us now. The Chinese Godless Commies only have to call in all the money that America has borrowed from them to end/destroy the American economy, the world economy. George Bush and the Republican Rubber Stampers has handed world economy to the Chinese on a platter. The Chinese, if they need or even want it, have an end game. We don’t. The Republicans have mortgaged the future of America to the Chinese…to the Godless Communists! And destroyed Americas moral authority in the bargain.


Pony Party: Morning

I am not too creative today so I am going to leave you with a couple of cartoon clips…

Oh Happy National Coming Out Day! Do they have cards for that? If they did I would have sent some out.

I like getting cards so that requires sending them out.

A special hello to Edger who is still in quarantine to the best of my knowledge. We can have a coming out party for him when he gets released.

Please don’t recommend pony party. Hang out, chit chat and then go read some of the excellent diaries on our recent and rec’d list.



The term “miscegenation” has been used since the nineteenth century to refer to interracial marriage and interracial sex, and more generally to the global process of racial admixture that has taken place since the Age of Discoveries, particularly through the European colonization of the Americas and the Atlantic slave trade.

Historically the term has been used in the context of laws banning interracial marriage and sex, so-called anti-miscegenation laws.

It is therefore a loaded word and is considered offensive by many.

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