October 2008 archive

Vote All Current Politicians OUT OF OFFICE!

The Bailout has already failed.

This week the markets will continue to tumble.

Exercize YOUR POWER!

They have stolen 700 billion dollars from you and YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING to GAMBLE on helping corporations who support only THEIR representatives in Government. This government DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU.

You have no representatives. Soon you will have NO VOTE.

You MUST vote all current Politicians out of office for the simple purpose of exercising the POWER of the PEOPLE OVER THE GOVERNMENT.

Your standard of living includes, garbage pickup, street repair, availability of electricity, heat, water and all public services.

Can you not see these are being cut back in all cities. It’s just the begining.

Soon you will have no access to your money. ATM’s WIll not be functioning soon. There will be bank “holidays” to prevent you from taking your money out of the bank.

The dollar will be replaced with another currency. It will have a different name. You will have to buy the new currency with your old currency. It will cost you perhaps 4 dollars to buy one new dollar. That will certainly be true for all third world countries who use American dollars or who America owes money to.

In this way your paper dollar will be devalued. You will lose your pensions, your 401 K’s, your saving will lose most if not all of their value.

This is a great depression.



The current group of politicians are incompetent.


The current group of politicians are fund raisers. They are not knowledgeable about their jobs. They have time only to raise funds from corporations.


Quit lying to yourselves.


Today the Markets Will lose about 5% of their value.

More Banks, National CIty, Banco Popular will go under and eventually their will be no one to rescue them and Your money will be lost.

If you don’t have much money, your public services will diminish, your quality of life will be drastically reduced.

YES! It appears You are going to live through a very awful time. It happens. It can happen to YOU!

VOTE 3rd PARTY and reenergize or at least shake up the nation.

Open Thread


Do not arouse the wrath of the great and powerful Thread.

Open Thread


One thing I can tell you is you got to be free

Come together right now over thread.  

OK, I Got A Couple Of Important Thingies Here………..

First off it’s October 6th, and most days bring with them a history of the past, much forgotten quickly and lessons not learned.

Here’s just one for today which I’ll call The bush Families & GOP’s Favorite Terrorist Pal, and no it’s not the one nobody thinks about anymore, especially the little bush:

Docudharma Times Monday October 6

Sarah Palin

Wouldn’t Know The Truth Or A Fact

Even It They Walked Up And Handed Them To Her  

Monday’s Headlines:

Full of Doubts, U.S. Shoppers Cut Spending

EU leaders tear up rules of eurozone

Dutch city kept warm by hot-water mines

Ethnic violence in India leaves 33 people dead

Critics slam Thailand’s activist judges

Robert Mugabe’s marauders seize their last chance to grab white farms

Crime, flight mark post-apartheid South Africa

Innkeeper’s log chronicles ebb and flow of Iraq war

Emirates flexes its financial muscle

Drug cartel bloodbath on Mexican border claims 50 lives

In D.C., few evade blame for financial crisis

Congress had a big hand in oversight failures and deregulation, in part through a philosophy of reducing government’s role. Rep. Waxman begins hearings today.

By Tom Hamburger, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

October 6, 2008  

WASHINGTON — When Congress voted last week to bail out Wall Street banks and investment houses, members were also indirectly voting to repair damage lawmakers themselves had caused during a decades-long era of deregulation.

As the blame game moves into high gear in Washington, there seem to be few winners. Already under scrutiny are lawmakers from both political parties, Presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and their predecessors, and record amounts of money funneled to Congress from Wall Street and the two government-backed mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Asian markets plunge on fears crisis is spreading


By ALEX KENNEDY, Associated Press Writer  

SINGAPORE – Asian stock markets plunged Monday as government bank bailouts in the U.S. and Europe failed to alleviate fears of a global financial crisis that would depress world economic growth.

As the financial turmoil deepened in Europe, Germany on Sunday announced a bailout package totaling 50 billion euros ($69 billion) for Hypo Real Estate, the country’s second-biggest commercial property lender, after a rescue plan by private lenders fell apart. The move was part of a scramble by European governments to save failing banks.



Registration Gains Favor Democrats

Voter Rolls Swelling in Key States

By Alec MacGillis and Alice Crites

Washington Post Staff Writers

Monday, October 6, 2008; Page A01  

As the deadline for voter registration arrives today in many states, Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign is poised to benefit from a wave of newcomers to the rolls in key states in numbers that far outweigh any gains made by Republicans.

In the past year, the rolls have expanded by about 4 million voters in a dozen key states — 11 Obama targets that were carried by George W. Bush in 2004 (Ohio, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Indiana, Missouri, Colorado, Iowa, Nevada and New Mexico) plus Pennsylvania, the largest state carried by Sen. John F. Kerry that Sen. John McCain is targeting.

The Last Days?

Chalmers Johnson discusses with Paul Jay the crumbling of the American Empire seen through the twin lenses of the cost of Military Industrial Complex and the cost of the Wall Street bailout bill, as if the more of your and your childrens and your grandchildrens money they spend the easier it is for political “leaders” in Washington to hide from reality.

October 5, 2008 – 10 minutes

Last days of the American Republic?

USA must cut back on military spending and build green infrastructure or face ruin

Chalmers Johnson: “Something has happened to us comparable to what happened to the former USSR after 1989 … And that led finally to the dissolution of the USSR.”

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

A Transition through Poetry XXIII

Art Link


Finding My Way

Life in shambles

I took a chance

spoke my piece

used my words

defended myself

everyone watching

I tore the fabric

of their reality

chipped away

at the barriers

with the sharp

blade of right

Mighty is the sword

of revelation

Relevance grows


newfound voice

E-space is a venue

where we can thrive

virtual avenues opened wide

provided a wedge

to crack open

the narrow path

I navigated

from what was

to what could be

I found a way through

I did not choose to lead

but some chose to follow

That frightened me then

and still does

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–January 18, 2006

The Good, The Banned, and The Ugly

So yeah, i’m here.

Got a site of my own, a quaint little sandbox called Free Speech Zone.

Seems to be a lot of Kossacks up in tha hizzy, hope yer not nazis like them.

So like ya do in jail, i’m sending up a flag to see who’s a friendly:


Leave cheers and jeers below.

McCain’s “war hero” free ride over? LA Times opens the door

Yes, they went there: the LA Times is featuring on its homepage a major story examining a portion of John McCain’s military record:

Mishaps mark John McCain’s record as naval aviator

Here’s the subhead:

Three crashes early in his career led Navy officials to question or fault his judgment. A Times review of his record suggests he was cocky, occasionally cavalier and prone to testing limits.

The once-sacred-cow, the Time Period Of Which We Dare Not Speak, is now fair game for the corporate media.

This cannot be good news for McCain.

Overnight Caption Contest


I got a computer a little over two years ago I guess, and I found all the conspiracy sites first for some reason. While there is a grain of truth in everything and albeit more truth in such sites than people want to admit or contemplate, I quit visiting them as soon as violence in some manner was overtly suggested in comments in them, as well as some their radio talk shows. Well, no.

The Stars Hollow Gazette

Food Drives

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